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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Can't express my opinion on this release without parroting zess so 8/10
  2. Senedjem

    hghhh ok fine yuru be that way
  3. Senedjem

    That has to be the best mejibray fanfic I've ever read. Moved me to tears it did.
  4. Annabyss coast's new PV is slaying my ass

  5. Fuck yeah! Been waiting patiently for these guys to start pumping out music, yasu is a rad vocalist and an even radder composer
  6. Senedjem

    Atmosphere is very important.
  7. Senedjem

    I didn't know about skinning foobar either lololol I'm using CaTRox now though too, it's pretty darn rad
  8. yaaaay So over these bullshit beepboop psuedo-angura acts that can't write music for shit and make up for it by being as KoOkY and provocative as possible
  9. Senedjem

    Everything about VK makes me angry But mostly the entitled white girls mincing around in horribly tacky lolita fashion thinking their shit don't stink because they listen to music made by a bunch of yellow perils in drag.
  10. Senedjem

    Don't most vk people hook / deal on the side tho
  11. Senedjem

    the power of greyskull
  12. Senedjem

    They're like one of -the- bands you're pretty much legally obliged to try to when getting into oldschool vk, though
  13. Senedjem

    just asian enough to be spared from the weeb-nationalist hate wave of death
  14. Senedjem

    insert compulsory sarcastic 'eeewwwww' here
  15. how has this noisy, untalented creature not been life banned from music yet?
  16. Senedjem

    I love how this is coming from a user who has made the large majority of their posts in the god damn GAMES SECTION. It's also really rude to just barge in as a grey user, practically DEMAND a system be put in place and then sit around waiting for everyone to do as you say.
  17. Senedjem

    I was expecting these guys to last more than ten minutes. Blerhg
  18. Senedjem

    ban everyone in this thread for the sake of everyone else's sanity
  19. There's a little boil or something in the middle of my armpit and it hurts alot im gonna need someone to lick it better thanks

  20. Senedjem

    Adorable voice! >;
  21. A fire swept through, everyone rushed for the door

  22. Senedjem

    Wow Shamelessly copying mid-era dir didn't work too well for nobro, so now he's shamelessly copying their awful new sound instead? lame
  23. Senedjem

    Hey kids! Can you say "attention whore" ??? Is magutsu leaving too ? ;D
  24. Senedjem

    bye bye beardyman
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