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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. I paint like a paranoid schizophrenic

  2. Senedjem

    Love your taste in old VK Welcome!
  3. Senedjem

    Screw you guys, they cute
  4. woah woah WOAH kasumi what r u doin this shit is gonna be rad
  5. Awesome! debut was definitely an awesome release, excited that these guys are already being 1000x more active than kasumi's previous bands
  6. Senedjem

    gonna have to stop u there
  7. Senedjem

    Very good news. For indies bands death-trap seems to be a bit of a... [drumroll] DEATH TRAP
  8. Senedjem

    Another hall of the mountain king for you. _.mp3">犬神サーカス団 - 退化
  9. Jack the stripper I can't
  10. Senedjem

    Evenor is a bit of a cutie :x
  11. Senedjem

    Hooray! Another garage-ish indie-ish vk band for me to drool all over! Liking that demo a whole lot.
  12. Senedjem

    100% over this weather. Summer makes my skin all blotchy and red.
  13. Senedjem

  14. Someone please help me get in to satsuki

    1. nick


      ^ Sell him your copy of RENTRER EN SOI self-titled album for $100,000.

    2. Miasma
    3. sai
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  15. Haruhi from Ove! aaaaAAAAAAAAAh
  16. Senpai didn't just notice me, senpai sent bulge pics

  17. Drunk as a skunk, dancing to ZIZ x KEN MORIOKA and doing it fucking perfectly

    1. CAT5


      I was drunk yesterday. Pissed yasu and leaf clean off XD

    2. Jigsaw9


      I approve of this status.

    3. CAT5


      btw, I love you senedjem

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  18. I thought youna was retiring?
  19. Senedjem

    hey babe wanna cuddle
  20. Don't even care about the name, FUCK YEAH NEW BANG-DOLL
  21. Here's hoping it's going to have a kotekote flavour to it, like his last session band
  22. i wish u destiny

  23. see that girl tenth from the left in the second row? She really needs to shave down there.
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