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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Not enough classique matina. Even zephyr being there to shine their radiant perfect light on everything isn't enough.
  2. Senedjem

    Comparing an cafe and the kiddie is like picking two dog turds off a sidewalk and saying one is less shit than the other
  3. oh no now u cant like them ;~;
  4. Even before they directly started copying them their first pv just felt like kiryu.
  5. Senedjem

  6. Senedjem

    Ooooh. How deliciously blasphemous.
  7. Senedjem

    They still exist? they've been quiet for ages
  8. Senedjem

    did u rly have to come back tho we were so happy
  9. Senedjem

    I am unloveable
  10. Senedjem

    Hello, new favourite channel
  11. fuck I like their trippy 90's-throwback-on-steroids music.
  12. Senedjem

    The best thing ever Seriously there's just something so cool about this
  13. Senedjem

    Why can't we just get it over with and euthanize all the stupid people?
  14. Senedjem

    There's some suuuuurrrrious spitefulness in this thread. This could be cool.
  15. Beards are hella sexy as long as they aren't gross dirty bits of food beards or really big santa beards
  16. Seems like a deliberate parody of PLC to me. I love it.
  17. Senedjem

    I second this notion! Bonjour! Chanson is the best thing he's done so far.
  18. Senedjem

    You're heeeerrreee!
  19. Senedjem

    Good riddance to bad rubbish
  20. Senedjem

    YU+KI's bands keep getting heavier and heavier excited!
  21. Senedjem

    were you dropped on your head as a child
  22. Senedjem

  23. Senedjem

    AZum AZum AZum!
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