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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Americans bitching non-stop about their new music
  2. Senedjem

    Chronic heartburn and dry wretching The joys of obesity
  3. I'm out of rum );

  4. Senedjem

    Scary frightening topic I want to start dating but what the helll do i do
  5. Senedjem

    If it was really a compilation of their bests songs it would just be apocalypse 13 times only really good song they've ever done woops
  6. The queen has taken residence in my left ear, I can feel her newborn young feasting on my brain.. so much pain... so much beautiful pain

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. Yasupon


      Senedjem you're drunk go to sleep[2]

    3. D.L.S


      That's too fucking much. <3

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  7. I can feel the bees borrowing into my skin, squirming through my veins like a million arterial kidney stones all over my body

    1. D.L.S


      You must be the spawn of Paula Deen's Vagina.

  8. be the bee, love the bee, become the bee

  9. 100,000 bees crammed into my eye sockets

  10. Senedjem

    Party @ my house They were super lame
  11. Just went to answer my door for the third time today. Thanks MH!!

    1. sai


      It makes you feel a lot less lonely though!

    2. pinkmakona


      I agree with sai.

    3. Yasupon
  12. Senedjem

    Sounds pretty rad, to be honest! First thing of theirs that's really caught my attention.
  13. Senedjem

    One of my favourite vocalists in a session covering my favourite band? Be still, my beating heart.
  14. Senedjem

    Oh god this just gets better Next they'll change their name to "★aT lEaSt We TrIeD★"
  15. Senedjem

    How many times has this fucking stupid banal thread been made jesus fuck. No it isn't. Also "since 2010" ? holy shit could you be any more deluded Also also : learn how to fucking punctuate. Even with the few full stops and commas you blessed us with, it still all reads like one massive sentence.
  16. Senedjem

    cool bananas
  17. Senedjem

    Hey there! I'm the only person on earth who knew about these guys beforehand, nice to meet ya! Kikurage <3 ~::Baby's first angura band::~
  18. Senedjem

    FUCK ;~;
  19. Senedjem

    Cats n bears n eels n hyenas
  20. Senedjem

    I'm just glad people inside the vk scene are still making / listening to this kind of stuff
  21. Aaah! Two amazing goth bands, awesome!
  22. Senedjem

    Yes, it's horrible that they decided to leave a hollow, shallow and rapidly dying scene to pursue a style that might actually get them somewhere. An absolute tragedy.
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