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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    All the samples sound soooo good, especially マリオネット
  2. Dead Nothing Bad Head are you NHF?
  3. Senedjem

    enjoy ur explosive diarrhoea if u dont make it back can i have your blog
  4. Senedjem

    old man yells at cloud
  5. Senedjem

    I can dig it, another band that sounds like TM and JURASSIC had a baby
  6. Poorly rendered synth church organs, voices that do the errrr-ER-eeeerrrrr thing, long buildups, an atmosphere I like to call the 'gypsy crystal aesthetic', shit that sounds magical and mysterious, high pitched voices sounding sad
  7. idk whats happening on the side of novita's nose but he should probably see a professional about it Cool pv though!
  8. what happened to the one he formed last year? They were stuck in a perpetual COMING SOON and never saw the light of day >;
  9. Just in case you didn't know that kasumi shinjo is incredible
  10. Senedjem

    Dad aroma? Kinky.
  11. that Schwarz-went well huh
  12. Senedjem

    Sounds fun! Love the deranged cartoony vibe at the start, and the heart monitor + sirens going off are a nice touch
  13. important question can i reheat chinese food in it not a microwave thingy worth building if it can't heat up my kung pow chicken w/out a cold bit in the middle
  14. Senedjem

    stop trying to justify this awful half-assed non-music u idiot lunatic You have to be a very special kind of deluded to look at a band that looks VK, sounds VK and is made up entirely of VK musicians and say 'Lol they're not vk tho'
  15. Can't deal with all the talent here omfg Anyone else excited about YU+KI though? Can I get a HELL YEA JURASSIC up in here? >;
  16. Senedjem

    Sounds great! Really excited about these guys
  17. They -sound- like a perfect fusion of the two IMO super excited about this!
  18. Senedjem

    Could that pitchshifting be any more obvious lmao Cool tho!
  19. Senedjem

    I vaguely remember kiwamu being interviewed when starwave first started, saying something about 'only signing bands that do something unique / original'
  20. Senedjem

    heeeck yessss
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