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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    The old MH gods are returning is this a sign of the end times or the start of a new golden age???????????????
  2. This sounds sssseeexxxyy.
  3. Holy shit Super cool cover too, I want that on a shirt
  4. http://40.media.tumblr.com/ce647b2911f531a0e6919470a585f16d/tumblr_naevvxlmNi1qhbhy4o1_500.jpg lms if this makes u want to hit your head against a brick wall over and over until the pain stops
    1. fitear1590


      Clearveil started visual kei. You learn something new everyday!

    2. nekkichi


      soooo tumblr ruined both bara and visual kei i suppose? a wonderful place where things come to die

    3. Keiyuu


      lmao this is the best thing ever

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  5. Ooooh I was hoping MaitoreiA's vocalist would reappear some time! He's SO good
  6. Shina what are you doing please think of the children + people who want more NOISY CROWDS
  7. Looking forward to the yazzmad track, everyone else can go jump
  8. Senedjem

    They're real sexy when they get real heavy, but their soft stuff is super good too lovem
  9. Senedjem

    This is the cutest shit omg
  10. Senedjem

    I literally unfollowed ur tumblr last week this is awkward and uncanny
  11. Just a little bit of history repeatin'
  12. Senedjem

    They've gone back a few more years looool, this is like some old ass extasy records shit and I aint complaining
  13. Senedjem

    I just want wednesday 13 to sue them already
  14. Senedjem

    Song's cool, but the video is like a frustrating montage of film school cliché imagery and it feels like a chore watching the whole thing through. Nothing says 'We got a dude w/ a topnot and shaved sides in a plaid flannel shirt to direct this' like a timelapse of clouds forming.
  15. Always wondered where this guy went, BLACK JACK were rather pleasant.
  16. Senedjem

    Oh HELL YEAH Tatsuya's cool as heck
  17. Senedjem

    They literally haven't filled in any of their own information on their template OHP Idc tho this might be cool, kelli was nice and they also look pretty neat
  18. Senedjem

    It's not whale shit u pleb its vomit much more aesthetically pleasing it kinda looks like the jelly inside turkish delights
  19. The bit where he's eating the microphone is just pure showmanship
  20. Random as hell setlist, but also super cool
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