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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Death trap are hilarious, everything from their ohp to what happens to bands that sign on with them is pure concentrated incompetence
  2. Senedjem

    This is my favourite weird vk psuedo-fad
  3. look at me everyone i can design normal clothes but theyre also completely black paris fashion week wont kno what hit them
  4. Both tracks sound pretty neat! Might have to get into shellmy myself O:
  5. Senedjem

    and knuckles
  6. oh no they just resumed and theyre already doing the suicide stop boys you have so much to live for
  7. Sounds really good! I'm not gonna complain because they do the whole merry gig so well, really treat that sound with respect I guess?
  8. I wish I knew what was happening here like.... conceptually Pretty catchy though!
  9. He really does sound like a white guy
  10. if you close your eyes everything after the lin song sounds like one song by one band Rides in revellion stands out a bit for me though
  11. Senedjem

    Wonder if yug-a-lug's been planning this for a while. He's always seemed very impulsive with his decision-making. also yo jon 2 out of 7 isn't 'almost all'
  12. deep visceral ugliness i like it
  13. this news tastes good in my mouth
  14. 'there are people starving in the world so you shouldn't be happy about an unrelated really fucking important thing happening' - Dipshit bigots hiding behind wordy bullshit to save face

  15. The chorus is pretty and so is the singer
  16. That disembodied hand is the real star of the show
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