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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    They're preeeetttyyyyy, especially nait ofc
  2. Senedjem

    I'm in this for inori, every band he's in delivers them mad creepy goth vibes
  3. Holy shit it kinda sounds like site of scaffold-era deadman
  4. I rly wanna hear 'fuck off' No idea who these guys were until now but their songs on youtube are really nice (especially the vocalist) , would be cool if they survive this hiatus.
  5. Senedjem

    It's the name of my character + by proxy became what people called me Plus it's pretty distinctive, the only other senedjem I've ever seen was a dude who got banned on a batshit insane christian forum for being too batshit insane christian
  6. Sounds fun, is the pogo cosplayer available for parties?
  7. Holy shit makeup is the most important thign the human race has ever invented
  8. Senedjem

    That's the best possible reason to postpone an album Also, that vocalist in tiara is ADORABLE
  9. Senedjem

    fuck the hatters yugs, u do u n ill do me
  10. Senedjem

    i cant believe u literally smuggled a camera into heaven this is scandalous
  11. So these guys actually VK or what Also trombe don't think I don't see what you did there. Rude.
  12. Senedjem

    woof @ herpes tbh and i mean that in the pls sit on me kind of way
  13. Oh shiiiitttt Ove covers? That's cool as FUCK I <3 Haruhi so much
  14. damn the crowd is loving it
  15. Senedjem

    RIP they had cool hair
  16. honey u aint seen nothing until uve seen this same sht happening to a dude who is also turning into a neopet at the same time
  17. Senedjem

  18. Senedjem

    He's so cuuuuteee wtf, they should make the change permanent
  19. Oh hey I've been wondering what these guys sound like... and it's very pleasant! I've been following them all on twitter for ages being like 'please pleeeassee be good musicians'
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