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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. me going through the Show Yourself thread



    1. nekkichi


      dirty nihonjin also appropriated kanji

  2. saishuu

    seriously hope you don't have to experience it again, shit's terrifying. may sound cliche, but take care, man.
  3. saishuu

    yep, that's depersonalization. that's exactly like it feels and it's scary as fuck during and after because you feel like you're arrested inside your head, feeling like someone's body is taking control of your actions. I went weeks feeling like that last year and it was not pretty. I even avoided mirrors at some point because I could not recognize myself at all. I usually feel like this during a big depressive episode, when it's like the dissociation is not enough and depersonalization is the next level, but thankfully I haven't had one in a while now.
  4. saishuu

    ugh, depersonalization is the most fucked up thing I've ever experienced ): hope you're feeling better
  5. saishuu

    A new song called "Plastic Boy Plastic Gil" is now out!
  6. saishuu

  7. remember when Like absolute myself happened to VK?



    (meant to post ジオラマ, but it's noton YT for some reason)

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Diorama is AMAZING... the rest is eminently forgettable.

    2. saishuu


      I actually like their first single + mini-album as well, but yeah, it was all downhill from there lol

    3. Elazmus


      YES fuck now I do !! Thanks for this trip

  8. saishuu

    vkdb and Glass Thread should be your most loyal friends while going through VK history.
  9. saishuu

    Heavenstamp, the band who disappears for ages but never actually disbands, will release their first album in five years (and second total) sometime in May! There's no other info about it yet on any of their official websites, though. Will keep this thread updated with new details as they arrive! Meanwhile, they released the official music video for "Around the World", which was released as a stand-alone song through YouTube last year. It seems to be re-recorded for the album too! Source
  10. I freaking love Bob's Burgers


  11. Now that would be cool. Anti pop 2017, make it happen Gazetto!
  12. saishuu

    First VK songs I heard were MALICE MIZER's BEAST OF BLOOD and D'espairsRay's Marry of the blood, and that was back in 2003. First band I actually considered to be my favorite was Kagrra, though, and they still are to this day.
  13. release the pirates and the socialists! don't support capitalism!
  14. sure, keep crying about not being able to give money to a company who clearly doesn't want it. @ the subject: it's honestly their loss. domestic sales keep declining and as much as overseas purchases might not have given them much, it's still a shitty thing to do. your move, Sony!
  15. saishuu

    delete this lmaoooo
  16. saishuu

    someone's mad lmao
  17. saishuu

    Esse não iria nem de graça
  18. saishuu

    this sounds like healthy behavior
  19. saishuu

    Woah, I had no idea gibkiyx3 had an album out! I listened to their debut single quite a few times and loved it. Have to check it out soon. Anyway, great list, dude! I still have both Alcest and Oathbreaker's albums in heavy rotation and they haven't gotten old yet. Kodama is just damn gorgeous ("Eclosion" was probably one of my favorite songs from last year) and Rheia is exactly like you described it - I have to be in a very particular mood to listen to it because it just leaves me emotionally drained; it's indeed quite a ride. Some real gems amongst the runner-ups as well, namely TAMTAM, JYOCHO and siraph.
  20. saishuu

    Do yourself a favor and listen to their 2010 album 'INFERNO'.
  21. saishuu

    so Reo is looking like he could be Kyo's father, huh
  22. saishuu

    @emmnyplease stop
  23. saishuu

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