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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    so... tonight episode was really, REALLY good? I'm shocked
  2. it's been one of those deadman kind of days


    god I miss them



    1. saishuu


      'this day. this rain.' still makes emotional to this day, jfc

    2. WhirlingBlack


      Time for Mako to get a divorce and start serious band activities again before he's rotting in the ground. There's hope. 

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      let him enjoy marital bliss the man has clearly suffered enough lmao 

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  3. saishuu

    peak anxiety is you avoiding to open an important email for days in fear of what's inside thinking you're gonna freak out from the amount of work you're given only to realize almost a week later that's it's barely anything and you can be done with it all in less than an hour. if only my mind didn't jump straight to the worst possible outcome every single time smh
  4. the guitar riff at the beginning is so familiar and the fact that I can't remember where it's from is driving me insane it sounds cool though, I'm here for 00's oshare nostalgia also yikes @ twitter destroying audio quality everywhere
  5. saishuu

    it's with much sadness and regret that I have to inform you that you've been requested to leave this forum immediately
  6. I don't think there's anyone here saying ヴィルシーナ is better than gossip?
  7. I like it. Don't mind the synth too much on this one. Good guitar solo too!
  8. the fuck was that bleep blop at the beginning?
  9. saishuu

    I really didn't see what was so good about Scarlet and Yvie this episode, but eh, it's RPDR... Vanjie and Platique were much funnier imo. Still not excited about this season one bit. I'm really just watching out of habit at this point, sadly.
  10. saishuu

    hmmm I've heard track 3 somewhere before...
  11. saishuu

    that's a lot of outfit changes, Mr. Knowles
  12. saishuu

    love this!
  13. saishuu

    So, this thread has been dead for a while. I'm getting into older Janne these last few weeks and I'm really enjoying most of it. "Dearly" is an incredible album. What's everyone's favorite albums/songs? Mine has been "Judgement" for years now.
  14. poor Daishi probably dreads having to go back to PléC in order to get some paychecks in order to fund his obscure non-visual bands lmao
  15. wasn't izam able to gather all the outer senshis or what
  16. as long as there's some diversity in the new tracks, I'm okay with that number.
  17. saishuu

    the episode was a big meh to me personally. I'm not impressed by anyone at this point. and I know a big part of it is due to the edit, but Silky was exhausting. I won't hold it against her tho. lol the sneak peak of the next episode with Plastique saying something and Michelle and Ross losing it afterwards was funny as hell though. hopefully we get ONE good acting episode
  18. saishuu

    no one gives a fuck about this fanfic, bye
  19. I don't want to jump the gun here, but... I'm genuinely in love with this lmao
  20. saishuu

    try yohio
  21. saishuu

    haven't been keeping up with the songs, but BAD DREAM is definitely a winner!
  22. saishuu

    sorry for the double post, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen for a main series game lol I could be behind this though, but I don't see it happening either. I guess the only experiments we'll see are the usual different battle methods (double, triple, rotation, hordes...).
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