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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

  2. saishuu

    A PubMed link? In MH? where am I
  3. saishuu

    Finished Mario Odyssey a few weeks ago (still need to find like 60% of the moons though lmao) and I'm now playing Breath of the Wild for the first time. I'm like 70 hours in and not even halfway done, so it's gonna take a while before I finish it too.
  4. new Amaterase song is out


  5. saishuu

    I was actually trying to say it's garbage but nice attempt @emmny
  6. saishuu

    here everyone
  7. like CC's last two albums weren't underwhelming at best...
  8. show some respect seeing 華凛 followed by "ex.NoGoD" still makes me sad, but I'm here for this! the song sounds a bit messy, but I'm sure they're gonna put out some strong music later on.
  9. saishuu

    new Chung Ha slaps
  10. saishuu

    I know they probably want either Valentina or Manila to win it all since it's still a popularity contest in the end, but goddammit Trinity is killing it, as I expected. She's incredible. I'm so happy to see Monique doing well too after all the rigga morris they did do her in S10. This season is so much better than the trainwreck that AS3 was too. These last two episodes have been great. Trinity, Valentina and Monique are my favorites by far.
  11. saishuu

    sounds cheap and vocals are awful, shocker
  12. ohhhh they got some budget for a look! not as colorful as I'd hoped, but it looks damn good also why did I think the fish was someone's headpiece
  13. saishuu

    opened the thread in hope the single would be coming out soon, but it's not out until JUNE? nooo excited regardless
  14. still not sold on their music, but good luck @ everyone else trying to top this look
  15. saishuu

    this makes me so happy and they look so good!
  16. saishuu

    did we jump straight to april fool's or
  17. saishuu

    music will probably suck as usual, but I'm into that look
  18. saishuu

    how does the title of this thread not have something about this band involving Yusa lmao Yusa is my boy and I had no idea he was in a new group before checking this out of boredom listening to NORMCORE? right now and I don't get why no one liked it. it's standard pop-rock, sure, but it's good enough to me for the time being. perhaps I'm just biased lol
  19. saishuu

    probably for the best
  20. I still can't believe to this day that SINCREA had to die and the same group of people that made songs like this were responsible for FEST VAINQUEUR




    1. chemicalpictures


      Absolutely. They were the best JdA-kei band ever

    2. chemicalpictures


      I mean c'mon, point me a vainqueur song better than this one



    3. colorful人生


      BLAZE disappointed me, but when NANIWA SAMBA came out.... that cut me deep. It took me a while to revisit FV after that. There are tracks like LIONHEART, Valencia and Virginia, and GLORIA that are nice~ish, but not nearly as polished as SINCREA's tracks.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  21. saishuu

    yeah, I don't think the problem is the music per se, but it's the mixing/production. it sounds muddled, loud, cheap and messy at the same time. I'd probably like it had they had more money to put into their recording process.
  22. saishuu

    hopefully in 2019 bandomen are able to realize that vinyl coupled with faux leather only makes them look cheap tbh
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