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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. okay, デンドロビューム is gonna have to fill my garbage quota for this year because i'm weirdly into it and I hate myself
  2. enjoying both songs so far! also the 獣たちの夜 video is giving me major Biqtch Puddin vibes
  3. also thanks Ringo for bringing that symmetry in the tracklist again, my perfeccionist eye really appreciates it
  4. the nerve it takes to release a song called "Le ciel"... it sounds good, though there's nothing here I truly dislike? except maybe for track 11, which seems dull. still hyped!
  5. that was Utada + Shiina but this is a solid second
  6. everything I've wanted from a band this year tbh
  7. dj sisen looks younger than ever
  8. saishuu

    クラクラ sounds great! Distorting Byo's vocals into almost nothing is the perfect formula for them tbh
  9. forget about Call of Rescue and just listen to good jindie bands who are actually good at emoting stan cinema staff
  10. saishuu

    literally play this performance of Yamibi during my funeral unbelievable
  11. chu-chu-cherry vampire is song of the year, change my mind

  12. saishuu

    開花宣言 is amazing! I think they messed up releasing it so close to 秘祭, which is the concert most people talked about back then. Anyway, the setlist to this one is incredible. The performance of "母へ…" at 18:50 haunts me to this day, it's brilliant. Isshi's vocals are actually heartbreaking at 21:36 and 22:00 onwards.
  13. saishuu

    visual kei is all about being disappointed, we'll all cope
  14. saishuu

    the fact that they brought a fucking bed for this lmao
  15. video is garbage, song is good!
  16. Super bummed about this. That's way too fucking young. RIP 😞
  17. saishuu

    you should reconsider your last 15+ years
  18. saishuu

  19. hmmm this sounds interesting
  20. saishuu

    it's not like they didn't have Ty**r and Fr**kie Gr*n*e already in the same episode last year...
  21. saishuu

    Honestly? I was feeling meh about it since the beginning, but the last episode with the 'horror' ball actually made me mad. I'm completely indifferent to everyone. Don't really care who leaves or wins the whole thing. I'm just watching out of habit at this point. On the plus side, at least I don't have to hear Ari*l Vers*ce say "nyes" ever again.
  22. saishuu

    James Charles is in a dark corner somewhere just waiting for his chance to jump out and say "sister" on national TV
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