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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    idk but stan shinee
  2. saishuu

    totally read this as "unfinish haaa" so that's the only thing I like about this
  3. saishuu

    I was expecting something a lot worse, but I actually really like this? Doesn't stray away too much from their current sound, but that's okay.
  4. saishuu

    sugizo looks like the guy from kiryu with the big chin lmao don't do him dirty like that!!
  5. saishuu

    absolutely love this! really cool to see these guys involved in something that's actually FUN
  6. @Paraph girl run before everything shuts down
  7. saishuu

    I'm really uncomfortable buying into the whole Silky hate train because there's plenty of people out there who will use everything that's going on as an excuse to be super racist towards her (and she or no one deserves it, regardless of their actions), but... I'm genuinely curious whether the producers thought this edit would make her endearing. At this point, it's not really her drag that bothers me, is the entitlement she feels and has no shame in displaying on the runway about how much she believes she's worthy of the crown because of God's will. And she talked all that shit about lipsyncing for this? Girl, bye.
  8. you're gonna die, good luck buying this here with our exchange rate
  9. saishuu

    drummer guy looks like a kid who just got his first drum kit and is just trying it out for the first time pass, get a better ghostwriter next time
  10. cannot believe gackt is finally coming out with new music/visuals!!
  11. saishuu

    paging @madygrain
  12. saishuu

    holy budget
  13. saishuu

    whoever designed that flyer needs to get the boot haven't checked these guys out since their first song came out 'cause I'm not too big on Issei, but this sounds promising/okay
  14. saishuu

    juka's entire career
  15. me when I have a mental breakdown and delete all of my social media
  16. saishuu

    If that reading mini-challenge wasn't a definite indicator of how unfunny and insufferable Silky is, yikes...
  17. saishuu

    I gave Atom one listen back when it came out. I actually liked it, but Ai no Souretsu was the only track I kept going back for. This post just convinced to give the album a few other spins. Thanks!
  18. saishuu

    come thru rihanna
  19. saishuu

    Look, I've seen you here a couple of times trying to be a shoulder to cry on for some people voluntarily. Perhaps you shouldn't go around trying to help everyone in sight? I don't mean that in a bad way, just something to work on in order to prevent these feelings from coming up. What I've learned over the years is that people need to come to you specifically if they need your help. Most importantly, you can't (and probably aren't even equipped to) deal with other people's issues yourself. People, as much as it sucks to accept sometimes, need to deal with their shit on their own. Their own time and own terms. It doesn't mean you're a bad person or uncompassionate - sometimes the most responsible thing to do is refer the person that's hurt to someone else that's better equipped to handle those things. Sometimes you can be there to comfort them and try to talk them out of a rough situation, but it's up to the person in question how they'd prefer to better handle their feelings. Some people, however, just need to bring you down to their hole with them. Just be aware of those and make no mistake in cutting them off. No matter how bad they might feel and the amount of help they need, they might turn into a toxic person without even realizing it and if you're not aware, you'll be down there with them. I understand where you're coming from, but don't feel too bad. I hate to bring up this card, but you still seem relatively young, right? With more experience in your adulthood, I'm sure you'll be more at comfort to deal with a lot of situations in life and relationships with those closer to you. Don't beat yourself too much and just give it some time.
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