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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    jesus I read the title and thought they were back for a second and my stomach dropped
  2. saishuu

    disband already so I don't have to read this garbage name again
  3. saishuu

    how long until the recycle continues and they move on to alice nine.
  4. this band is such a mess and we as a group 100% deserve all of it
  5. saishuu

    do i get another warning for abusive behavior for this or
  6. saishuu

    hope they get succesful enough to afford better wigs
  7. saishuu

    penicillin is not in this one x
  8. saishuu

    where the FUCK did these guys come from, they're great?!?!? i can't believe we're #blessed with a new art-kei band
  9. saishuu

    no idea who these guys are, but I really like the song!
  10. saishuu

    that explains why I like those so much lol
  11. saishuu

    thanks for letting the entire forum know of yet another one of your decisions of leaving/going
  12. saishuu

    just rediscovered this gem. this song makes me so happy lmao i miss old infinite
  13. saishuu

    I hope it's the announcement of SUGIZO finally leaving X
  14. saishuu

    honestly? 100% here for this finally an interesting concept pic (if you don't think about the vampire fangs)
  15. saishuu

  16. keep it coming! also we can officially call them rack x gaki now I guess? considering the name on the CD cover
  17. since the kids came out to play in the forum these last few days, how about we talk about school?


    more specifically how school food punishment was perfect and how "goodblue" was criminally underrated



    1. CAT5


      I remember not liking this song (or the album much) back when I first heard it, but this grew to become one of my favorite SFP tracks!

    2. Zeus


      ty saishuu

  18. saishuu

    Unfortunately had to go see the new Lion King with some friends and I hadn't seen something as lifeless as that movie since me during my last great depression™ a few years ago.
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