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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    song sounds good! reminds me of stuff from shine at times, i'm not against it. honestly, this one might turn out better than luv or a will.
  2. the Break Out 祭 '98 events should be mandatory viewing for younger vk fans tbh. pierrot, la'cryma christi, janne da arc all together in one event at the budokan during their peak... unparalleled



    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't know any of thse

    2. saishuu


      penicillin wasn't in this, so i doubt you'd know talent

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. I still wish they made an effort to write songs that sound distinct from each other tbh
  4. all those ucp lucky bags make sense now
  5. missing a random madeth demotape and a drop of hisui's blood
  6. saishuu

    jihad and ritual sound interesting. overall these samples already sound more memorable than everything else they've put out, which is not saying much but still.
  7. saishuu

    how many vocalists do you need
  8. saishuu


    so GOTCHAROCKA is a goner?
  9. saishuu

    oh it's not super heavy and dark and ~edgy, so of course it sounds like blip-blop garbage, right? this sounds like a very mature approach sound-wise for them, i'm into it
  10. pashya had the best guitarist in ucp during that time (facts) and kisaki knew, dude was done dirty in lin
  11. mods? also it's a taiban iirc? they're probably collecting favors from people who're now in mildly established bands to play with them lmao
  12. nah, they kaisan'd in 2007. sai left the band before though, in 2006. doesn't really change much tho lol OT, but just yesterday I was reminded that RENTRER EN SOI disbanded ELEVEN years ago and I still remember coming here to MH and reading the news. it's weird lmao
  13. saishuu

    Look, the only thing you can do is just live your life the way you best see fit and ignore/leave this behind as much as you can. You don't need to continue having any relationship whatsoever with your brother and to be bluntly honest, your mom is just gonna have to learn to deal with it. The way she feels about your brother is not your responsibility -- and I know it sucks that you probably feel like you can see through everything clearly and that you'd like your mother and everyone else to be able to do the same, but unfortunately that's not how it works. You gotta be kind of egoistic here and think primarily of yourself. It seems everyone in your situation is an adult, which means they're fully capable and should be held responsible for their actions. This might be a cliche statement, but trust me, it helps put things into perspective. As someone who's been dealing with an abusive father for almost 29 years and whose mom still hopes on God that he's gonna overcome alcoholism and his violent behavior and the entire family is gonna live happily ever after, I can tell you that whatever you do to deal with this, it's gonna suck one way or the other. You're probably gonna feel kind of hopeless forever (yay!), but at least you can find comfort in knowing you did what you could and that all you can do going forward is live by what you think makes you happy. Good luck!
  14. saishuu

    VULGAR remains my favorite (and the one I think is their best) after all these years. Everything they've put out after Wtd. (with the exception of ARCHE) has been garbage to me. '06-'08 RENTRER EN SOI outsold.
  15. saishuu

    i wasn't being serious
  16. saishuu

    can't believe 2019 started with kizu and dimlim as the biggest hopes for the future of vk and now by the end of the year the only one we have left is raku x gaki, bless
  17. saishuu

    PIERROT was garbage by the time they disbanded, but go off I guess lmao we just have standards
  18. saishuu

    I actually like it, much to my surprise lmao. At least it sounds memorable for once. I agree that it's like two songs merged together, but I didn't mind it?
  19. saishuu

    will they ever play 'circus' again smh
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