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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    setlist was great. i'd probably cry watching them kick off the concert with 25 and finishing it up with additional cause for sorrow, two of my all-time faves :~~ hopefully there's a dvd planned in the future
  2. saishuu


    We actually got into VK at almost the same time! 2003 here. Welcome!
  3. saishuu

    Ahhh, mais um das antigas! Pena que não tô lembrando do seu nick, mas eu não lembro mais de quase nada. Cê andava pela "J-Rock XD" no slsk ou pelo D:vd/Ongaku?
  4. saishuu

    we been knew
  5. saishuu

    so they weren't able to sit enthusiasm
  6. might be a long shot, but does anyone have any idea what the guys from allport diary are doing these days? they were on YUKIYA's label around late 00's with bands like Kain, the bullet and LOGiQ.



  7. saishuu

    yuuya and shinji had a colab with Tasty Japan of all things?! I guess in order to promote the album somehow
  8. saishuu

    is this the first time nigu and ryo sing together in a song since 深い問い from tosinn back in 2004? it's pretty cool how they've remained close all this time
  9. saishuu

    I do understand all the praise the show has gotten, so I really, really wish I'd liked it more. It had a lot of promise to me based on my personal taste when it comes to stuff like this, but overall it felt like a chore to watch. I wasn't a fan of some of the acting too. Hopefully I'm able to enjoy the second season more.
  10. saishuu

    gay rights!!! song is beautiful :')
  11. saishuu

    shaka-san pls come back full-time already
  12. saishuu

    so is this what diru tried to achieve with the insulated world
  13. ohh I had no idea these guys were a thing! I haven't heard Makoto's voice in so long, but I really like this!
  14. saishuu

    once they let go of the procedural, villain-of-the-week aspect of the show it gets a lot better!
  15. saishuu

    oh boy, does Fringe get better after the first season
  16. saishuu

    merry christmas I guess
  17. saishuu

    thanks youtube!
  18. saishuu

    kinda into this?
  19. saishuu

    yes to all three
  20. saishuu

    Kagrra, - うたかた Janne Da Arc - RED ZONE La'cryma Christi - 未来航路 (?) L'Arc~en~Ciel - Blurry Eyes メリー - ジャパニーズモダニスト PIERROT - MAD SKY? ADOLF? クリア・スカイ? 脳内モルヒネ? too many Plastic Tree - 絶望の丘 Psycho le Cému - 愛の唄 SHAZNA - Melty Love
  21. saishuu

    Wholeheatedly agree. Adding to this, I feel like the scene needs more memorable characters like Mana, hide, YOSHIKI and Kiyoharu. Even Kyo during his scratching-his-mouth-apart phase. They all brought some sort of mysterious aura that drew people to them and consequently the scene as a whole and that's important too. We have people like KAMIJO, Gara, Ao Sakurai etc who pull their antics to a certain degree, but it's all rather subdued compared to the theatrics we used to have back then. We all know visual kei isn't all about the music, but once you couple some sterile metal with boring personalities who literally bring nothing to the table performance-wise, things are faded to be unmemorable.
  22. ElDorado really did that™ with this song back in the day, huh


    why isn't this considered an old school classic that's talked about everywhere smh



    1. Arkady


      I came to slutshame the bandoman, but instead it's a really good performance.

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