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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. this is what classic visual kei songs are made of. these guys are absolutely masterful. perhaps I'm jumping the gun a little bit and that's okay, but this one has everything to going down in history as one of the VK greats.
  2. Heh, kinda cool to look back on this (7 years ago, damn). Nothing about what I said changed at all, except I've now been a physiotherapist for 4 years and am currently back in university going for a Masters degree, which I shall be done with in about 7 months.
  3. saishuu

    isshi is laughing in his grave atm
  4. did this single ever come out online? lmao I completely forgot about it and it's been almost a year
  5. yo, kannivalism is gonna perform together again! sure it's likely just for this event, but still



    1. chemicalpictures


      yeah, I think so too, unfortunately =\


      I believe they did an interview couple weeks ago stating that this was a revival for this event only, that yuuchi was really busy with sukekiyo, but maybe it sparks something in them to work it out somehow


      thanks for the heads up!

    2. saishuu


      oh damn, wasn't aware they'd talked about this before. it's too bad 😞

  6. saishuu

    so what song have you guys heard this week that never fully caught your attention before but finally clicked with you? mine's SANDY TIME
  7. ahead of you as always x lACam6m.png

  8. poor thing looks constipated
  9. saishuu

    Pretty much what I imagined I guess.
  10. saishuu

    well if anyone wants to build a career on Kyo and DEG's efforts they'd have to ask Tomomi herself™ and the guys from Gazette first
  11. saishuu

    *diarrhea call
  12. saishuu

    too bad the police failed to do their job
  13. saishuu

    yes, DIMLIM does seem better in every possible way
  14. saishuu

    eh, disappointed but not surprised. I think whoever decides to continue in music might fare better in other projects too. Moran 2.0 and amber gris 2.0 are coming to save VK in 2019
  15. That's an odd name for a MUCC album. Gimme some samples.
  16. saishuu

    I remember reading they are releasing a single for either an anime or TV drama, so perhaps that's that.
  17. saishuu

    sounds groundbreaking
  18. saishuu

    samples don't really have anything memorable, sadly. the chorus of Deadly sin is alright though
  19. saishuu

    what's up with all these bands hiding their faces though, do they actually think they're hyping anything lmao
  20. at this point I feel like they've been releasing and promoting the same thing over and over again throughout the entire year
  21. kamijo and hizaki sure as hell have lost a lot of their budget in their latest attempt with Versailles
  22. these new bands trying to incorporate traditional Japanese elements to their music don't even come close to this



    1. Himeaimichu


      Let's also not forget the underrated pioneers, Guruguru Eigakan. Anyone with knowledge of the Hirajoshi scale will easily hear that in their music. 

    2. saishuu


      no, I'm talking about Kagrra, only here, make your own status

    3. Himeaimichu


      Maybe I will!

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