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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    GOD FUCKING THIS. The script and dialogue felt overly cheesy, the pacing of the story was terrible and the action scenes at the end weren't that exciting either. Just breaking down a few buildings isn't going to make an action scene. Probably the worst Superman (and DC) movie I've seen myself. Here's hoping Batman vs. Superman will be better, though I actually have more hope for Wonder Woman that's planned for 2017 lol.
  2. I hope you guys like the new rotating banners!

    1. kyoselflove


      Can't wait to see them :D

    2. Ito


      Psh, they will probably look pretty bad

    3. Zeus


      and not work half the time

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  3. sai

    I like it, it would be a useful guide to have on the forum, considering the amount of iTunes JP purchases. If one of you would like to write a guide about it I really wouldn't mind stickying it because it could be quite useful. I'm not yet sure where we'd have to place a guide like this, but I'm sure we can work something out.
  4. I hope this is going to be better than their previous two singles, or this will be the final nail in Hizaki's coffin. If he doesn't deliver something as good as Heart Slaymijo has succesfully taken the year tbqh.
  5. MH, be ready to be french-ified after Halloween! *spoilers* :D

    1. eiheartx


      Je suis prête! :D

  6. sai

    You weren't "humiliated" because you showed feelings, you were addressed because you were using unrelated arguments that were far removed from the original discussion in the thread and then got upset when people didn't agree with you. If you want to share feelings on the internet then that's fine with me (it's none of my business), but don't do it where it has no place, especially in discussions about sharing music. Don't forget that this website isn't your personal diary where you can write everything you want wherever on the board.
  8. sai

    I'll inquire with kai and Zeus considering they have a lot more experience with and knowledge of the forum software than I do, they might have a solution to improve the search function in some way, but I can't promise that the suggestion will be what you suggest, nor that there is one.
  9. sai

    @Rocketeer If you search for just "D", you'll get every single thread where someone posted a word with the letter D in it. The search function checks every post in every thread, so when you fill in an artist's name you'll get all threads where their name is mentioned. You can limit it to certain forums, but that still won't fix the problem that you'll get EVERY post where the letter D appears. As far as I know there's no way to change the search function to make it search that specifically as it is part of the forum software as a whole. That's why there's a minimum requirement embedded of a minimum of 3 letters.
  10. sai

    Yeah that's manual I remove everyone's kana search ability when they remove Buck-Tick from the "10 artists, kick one, add your favourite"-thread. Sorry that's the punishment for non-believers. No but now for real lmao. There seems to be something wrong with the search function that won't permit kana searches, and when it does it shows very inaccurate results. We haven't figured out yet what is causing this, that's why we're contemplating to enforce a rule that people will have to add the romaji to both the thread titles and the initial post. We had this planned for the DL section as you already saw in the corresponding thread, but I'd have no problem with enforcing it into the other subforums as well if that seems necessary. At least, as long as we can't figure out what the hell is messing up our search function.
  11. sai

    Oh MAN I loved Rilla Go! Not a big fan of their previous releases (though they're a talented bunch for sure) but Rilla Go has been my jam all week Curious to see what direction they'll take from now on. And you might have a potential love interest Kaye LMAO.
  12. you come onto my forum you disrespect my Buck-Tick dishonor on your family, dishonor on your mother, dishonor on your cow Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI Deadman D'espairsRay MUCC THE NOVEMBERS Fixer NéiL heidi. Lycaon Charisma.com
  13. sai

    Haven't gotten to Seo Taiji yet, been stuck on the new Epik High all week Though that's not really K-pop, more like K-Hip Hop lmao. But yeah Shoebox is definitely the best Korean album I've heard this year next to BTS' Dark&Wild.
  14. sai

    It doesn't fix the situation, but being willing to apologize does mean that you realized you were wrong, that you learned from your actions and that you will not be doing it again. I'm pretty sure many people on the forum would appreciate it if you had apologized. Also, if you're going to post translations that aren't yours, always credit the original translator. It doesn't matter if they're your friend, these people worked hard on their translations so it's fair they at least get some credit if their work gets posted here. Their online name or a link to their work/blog/website is more than enough.
  15. sai

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I personally would not advice to use a full template, because I appreciate users who try to make their posts as pretty as possible and we should just let them. I do think however that a few more things should be mandatory, being: The name of the release and the band name in both kanji and romaji for easier searching purposes. The release date The tracklist (already mandatory) A cover image of the CD (except for cases of old rips where it's near impossible to find a cover image) I'll discuss this with the other staff members and I'll get back to you about this, but I think that yes, the posts should be a bit more elaborate and informative.
  16. FIRST THING I NOTICED LOL. Not too impressed yet, misses a bit of "oomph" for the type of ballad they're trying to go for. Can't wait for the PV though, I'm in need of some good old cheese VK.
  17. sai

    TIME TO FORMALLY JOIN THIS THREAD (finally). I recently discovered a band called 雨のパレード (ame no parade). They've formed in 2012 but only released their first material this year after being signed to Zankyo Records. So far they've released two mini-albums, though the first one can't be found anywhere (I've tried iTunes, zankyo's bandcamp, CDJapan, etc.) the second one CAN be found and it really impressed me! They seem to go for a sort of shoegaze sound, but since they're relatively new I'm curious what more they'll bring to the table!
  18. sai

    This is basically the main issue, or that's how I see it. Artists within a genre follow a manual that makes them part of that genre and there are plenty of bands who don't do anything outside of that manual. That's either because they don't want to (mostly those that don't feel like stepping out of their comfort zone), they're being restricted by their label, or they simply don't have the musical qualities for it. I personally don't mind if bands don't take that step. I agree with Bear however, that you're going to have to stand out, and you can't do that if you blindly follow a manual over and over again. That's what I deem "generic", in this case. It's a well-loathed term, but for me it equals bands that don't work outside a certain framework, yet a framework that is also used by a lot of other artists. That doesn't mean however that the experimentation that a band does outside of said framework will always be succesful. It can be a huge trainwreck and in that case you sometimes wish they had stayed INSIDE of the framework, lol. However, when a band plays outside of a certain framework and does it well, that's when I would say that yes, different does equal good, but only in that case. Sometimes the framework itself is enough too, but that depends on each individual's taste.
  19. sai

    OKAY THIS ESCALATED QUICKLY. I'm not going to say anything about the topic of requests and so on as I already posted about that. I'm going to say this from my position as a moderator, though I will not be using the color as I do not see it very necessary for this situation. This is probably going to sound harsh and I really don't like saying it, but for the sake of decent discussion I'm going to have to say it anyway: there is no need to use your depression as a crutch. What you're basically doing by using your mental illness as a crutch is giving the impression that you feel like you need it to be treated fairly by other people. You don't. The fact that you're a human being is reason enough to be treated as anyone else on this forum, no more, no less. Mental illness is incredibly hard and draining, but please refrain from using it as an argument in discussions where it is not relevant as it tends to derail discussion. I'm sorry if this sounds catty or judgemental (which I'm really trying not to be), but I'm only saying it because it isn't going to speed up your recovery.
  20. sai

    Plus, in general you don't know someone's reason for ignoring people asking for music. I know a friend of mine who ignores requests too, mainly because every time he used to answer them he got terrible insults coming his way. Can you really blame him for not responding to requests anymore because of that? I can understand in such cases that people would not want to reply to requests anymore. Rude requests just as well. I'd personally never ignore someone who asks kindly for something. I do have to say that I think that completely ignoring someone is kind of rude. Of course you don't owe them any of your time, but a short message of a few words saying "sorry, my last.fm is not a freepass for sharing" would suffice more than enough.
  21. sai

    Dragon Age II - About 15 hours in now. I don't really like the characters or the story as much as in Dragon Age: Origins, and some parts of the game feel rather unfinished (yet this is EA's fault for giving Bioware about one year to make this game, and I do have to say that for the timespan they had Bioware delivered really well), but MAN did they improve the combat system. I've played as a mage in both games and I find it a lot more fun and interactive in Dragon Age II. The movement of the characters is a lot more fluid and I feel like directing your party members has become a lot more accessible. My current party consists of Aveline, Anders and Varric (love that guy!). I might add Fenris after I recruit him but I pretty much experienced that having him and Anders in the same party is like being a babysitter. DON'T MAKE ME TURN THIS HAWKE AROUND.
  22. sai

    Perhaps not much of a musical opinion, but I do think it belongs here in some form or manner. The attitude of some visual kei fans annoys me so much. The fact that people are getting harrassed because they decide to share a PV on the internet (and said people actually plan to report the video for copyright breach) because it's a rare item baffles me. I feel like the "I do it to respect the band"-excuse is usually just another wording for "this thing is rare and for having it my e-penis enlarges and anyone who decides to share it with others must be stopped or my status will decrease". Not to mention that people like this usually flaunt their purchases around in other people's faces, then get upset when someone else does decide to share it. Lmfao grow up.
  23. holy fuck #pscgate2k14

    1. sai


      basically said there's a huge security leak in psc's website which makes it possible to read certain artists' private fanmail. Whoops.

    2. paradoxal


      lol wow :D where did you read the news?

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      More importantly, did you find any good mail?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  24. who the fuck invented group projects

    1. CAT5
    2. beni


      ^ We have the answer.

    3. fitear1590


      In my junior year of undergrad, I had THE worst group project experience. 8 people were supposed to write a 25 page paper... One girl plagiarized her entire section of the paper straight from the book, but luckily the only other diligent member of the group and I discovered that while trying to put in citations for all her text and rewrote it. Nightmare! Good luck with your project!

  25. sai

    Been thinking of getting it tho.
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