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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Dragon Age: Inquisition is probably the best game to have come out this year holy shit. It's fantastic, with a great story, loveable characters and tons of stuff to do. The humor is spot on and I couldn't stop laughing when someone got arrested because they threw a goat at my fortress walls.
  2. sai

    Zess just explained that they did this episode because of budget cuts they got from Nickelodeon. it was either fire half of their staff or do a recap episode. Obviously they went with the recap episode.
  3. A "sai-review" (aka tons of gifs and nothing actually deep or professional) review is coming soon for D's KINGDOM

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I like the instrumentals though

    2. eiheartx


      I feel like the singles of this era are so...weak. The album's songs are more interesting imo.

    3. Spectralion


      For some reason, track 11 is my favorites and I don't even know for what reason...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  4. sai

    When Tomomi falls so does the economy of Japan
  5. As long as it can bring in money he's going to milk Naruto as long as he can, lmfao.
  6. Yes please ;w; (I hope it works in Europe)
  7. sai

    Charisma.com I can't believe there wasn't an artist thread for these two flawless ladies yet. I personally feel like they're one of the strongest artists in J-pop at the moment and DIStopping is most probably the best pop album I've heard all year. Any more of you who enjoy them?
  8. sai

    Speaking of Ubisoft and PC, apparently all of the big new titles were removed from Steam for reasons that aren't really clear. Some say Ubisoft had them removed, other say Valve removed them without informing Ubisoft. I've heard that apparently Ubisoft is having issues with paying 30% of the retail price of one game to Valve and actually want full profits, thus removing their games from Steam. The only way to get the new big titles (so Unity and Far Cry 4) is either through a physical copy or through Uplay, which apparently is riddled with bugs if I heard correctly. People who both pirated and bought Far Cry 3 in 2012 said that the pirated version actually ran better than the purchased one from Uplay LOL. I've seen a PS4 walkthrough of Unity and while it does look okay-ish for PS4 graphics, I personally can't shake the feeling that it looks very underwhelming to what we've seen from other upcoming PS4 titles such as Dragon Age: Inquisition. The textures aren't as detailed and it all isn't as HD as I'd like. I watched the walkthrough on 1080p but I still felt like it was lacking something. Also if Ubisoft claims WiiU has no "mature" titles than they obviously have never heard of Bayonetta lmao.
  9. sai

    ^ Whoa, really impressed! Great hip-hop track, definitely giving them a shot. I know how you feel though, I'm mostly into boybands because I like that extra "umph" in my K-pop that most girl groups don't really provide, but recently not a lot of stuff has come out that has impressed me.
  10. sai

    Might I ask what you find disappointing about the new season? As in, what aspects are boring for you? I personally am really enjoying it, apart from some pacing issues. The new antagonist is fantastic though, probably my favourite yet!
  11. sai

    I'd love to give Unity a shot but I'm too poor for a next-gen lol. Rogue doesn't seem too interesting to me as I didn't like Black Flag at all, so for the time being I'm not getting either ;w; I honestly can't wait for Dragon Age: Inquisition to drop next week hnghhhh it looks so good.
  12. sai

    I wish I could participate but university is too hectic at the moment D:
  13. sai

    I will return with my own, I shall have no disrespect. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE GIF MASTER ON THIS BOARD AND I AM PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR MY TITLE.
    1. CAT5


      LOL...I accidentally follwed another SJW "i hate all white ppl" racist blog. Unfollowed as soon as I noticed. These ppl are a cancer, jfc.

  14. sai

    ^ Agreed! The main thing is that at the moment Korra seems to be suffering from PTSD, which is taking away her ability to function at full power. Constantly having to rely on the Avatar state was the way she won her battles, but now that her mental health has declined she can't keep this up, meaning that the next few episodes are probably going to be focused of her recovering in full. I HAD hoped they would've wrapped this up after Korra's training with Toph, but I think they'll keep it around until the final episode. I personally think it'd be rad if they went with a similar ending as ATLA, with Korra taking away Kuvira's bending powers, but I don't think that'll happen My favourites are probably Bolin, Asami, the Beifong sisters Lin and Su Yin and (now that she's back) good old Toph. NINJA EDIT Also is it just me or did someone on the production team watch kill la kill and stanned hard for satsuki I mean honestly the two are so similar in so many ways I could hardly call it a coincidence lmao.
  15. sai

    Is it just me or does Korra REALLY need to step up her bending game? I mean I can assume she's rusty because she hasn't fought a lot in 3 years but the fact that I hope she'll get better in the next few episodes or she's not going to be able to stop Kuvira, at least not by herself, which she should. I'm also kinda tired of Korra constantly being rescued by others.
  16. YES and so soon too! Their single and mini were absolutely flawless this year and these samples sound great! Not sure if I can buy this digitally as a foreigner, if not I think I'll be getting a physical copy from CDJapan. I feel like this is going to shape up equal to DIStopping for me. Album of the year contender for sure, or so I hope!
  17. Wait where did that rumor come from that Scarlet would take the role? I thought it was pretty much already clear that Margot Robbie would play the major?
  18. sai

    I always feel so awkward when someone I know is being terribly disrespectful towards their parents, their mothers specifically. Like I saw some girl (not older than 15) cuss out her mother in public and it was so disrespectful, bah. I mean honestly if I had done that my mom would've murdered me on the spot LOL.
  19. when tumblr claims that everyone who doesn't think beyonce is the best artist ever is automatically an awful human being: http://38.media.tumblr.com/6b7cbd86419893beee7457a7196d3f6f/tumblr_mrl1es6aS71qlwkdio8_250.gif

    1. togz


      But it's like "if you've never listened to -band- before you need to reevaluate your life, but don't reevaluate too much self harm is bad" #trendy #wow #suchgoodperson #lifesaver #butreallylistentothisbandori'llcutyou -Tumblr

    2. evilcoconut


      @ikna exactement

    3. doombox


      tumblr. taking everything far too seriously since 2007.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. OH THAT WAS A STAFF MEMBER? I actually thought he threw a chair at a fan for taking pictures LOL. The more you know.
  21. do you really need to ask this question CAT Voted for Sakurai Atsushi and Morrie, couldn't pick between the two
  22. Nekkichi predicted this I'm fucking crying omg That looks so great though, but I think it's overpriced, even for the regular edition. I think I'll pass on this.
  23. sai

    I totally agree with you about Gal's physique. While I do like Gal Gadot, I think that she doesn't have the right body type for the role as of now. I understand that Hollywood prefers a certain body type on women but you can't let a size 32-34 girl play Wonder Woman, unless she's properly muscled. Wonder Woman is a warrior with wide shoulders, muscled arms and firm thighs. She's always been like that and I absolutely adore Wonder Woman so unless Gal is required by directors to muscle up I'm going to feel a little bit awkward about her appearance as such. I'm not that big on the uniform either. I mean if both Batman and Superman keep sporting their original uniforms, why can't Wonder Woman?
  24. My vote goes to MUSIC as well. While I don't consider MUSIC Girugamesh' best work, I still feel like it does a much better job at etching itself into your memory. I haven't listened to MUSIC in full for about 2 years, I've listened to MONSTER twice, a few months ago. Yet, I remember so much more from MUSIC than I do from MONSTER. MUSIC was more varied and it also has my favourite Girugamesh song to be quite honest (puzzle). I found MONSTER to be very forgettable. It wasn't bad at all, in fact it was better than GO and NOW but it still didn't really hit me where it should. Gravitation seems to be a step in the right direction though!
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