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Status Replies posted by nick

  1. How many likes do you need for a "flawless" rep on here?

  2. Happy birthday pinkmakona! Thanks for always spreading the girl-kei love!

  3. bitchez don't miss your chance to have free courses on codeschool because they have a free weekend now

  4. bitchez don't miss your chance to have free courses on codeschool because they have a free weekend now

  5. bitchez don't miss your chance to have free courses on codeschool because they have a free weekend now

  6. My Panic Channel Collection is complete(sans their last live CD and acoustic version CD) this includes photosets and the likes. My kokoro has never been so happy since DWP REMIX CD VOL.001

  7. woah woah WOAH, Beni. PLZ CALM DOWN :Phttp://i.imgur.com/Kkcl5ni.png

  8. I think for April Fools, the mods should change everyone's name color to blend with the background.

  9. I just applied for adoption of bunny. Now just need to wait for their phone call and join their volunteer work for 2 days before I can pick up the bunny. I'm glad! :DDD

  10. 728192$-8389 cups of tea and I'm still coughing a lot ugh I just want to sleeeep

  11. How rare is the 三日月??果実 mail order single by 12012?

  12. Am I allowed to upload kuroyuritokages demo tape here? I ripped it with my iPhone (decent sound) because I don't have the tools to properly rip it. Is it possible to tag it with transcode or w/e?

  13. Am I allowed to upload kuroyuritokages demo tape here? I ripped it with my iPhone (decent sound) because I don't have the tools to properly rip it. Is it possible to tag it with transcode or w/e?

  14. Am I allowed to upload kuroyuritokages demo tape here? I ripped it with my iPhone (decent sound) because I don't have the tools to properly rip it. Is it possible to tag it with transcode or w/e?

  15. Am I allowed to upload kuroyuritokages demo tape here? I ripped it with my iPhone (decent sound) because I don't have the tools to properly rip it. Is it possible to tag it with transcode or w/e?

  16. Who needs facebook when you have MH <3

  17. ayyyyyy happy birthday, fitear1590!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

  18. Replayed Resident Evil and my friend kept yelling I am a greedy sonofab#tch because I use no ammo, herbs or saves and try to run by all enemies. Got 100's of ammo, nine ribbons, and twelve herbs. Feels good.

  19. Merry Christmas everyone!! May everyone get every J-rock stuffs they want!!

  20. I knew watching that last FACT live was gonna mess me up. But wow, I totally underestimated how bad. ;;

  21. Happy Birthday, saishuu! Enjoy!!! (◕‿‿◕。)

  22. Just heard my Dad was admitted to the hospital for possible heart problems...

  23. Happy Birthday, Champ!!! May you party with the gods and drink mead aplenty! \m/

  24. Despite how much I like Linux, I heartily admit that the best music player I've ever used is on the Windows platform, foobar2000.

  25. I'm Revivedddddddddddddd

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