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Status Replies posted by nick

  1. "The file selected is too large. Max 1024kB" :///

  2. Coding MH banner rotation 2.0 http://i.imgur.com/TGP3sAG.jpg

  3. Girugamesh had a great show in HK yesterday! Everyone was so high! XD I didn't expect them to sing old song Kowarete Iku Sekai as last song, I was so touched! Here's a recording but be warned of my phone's shitty sound recording. :P (posted in comment)

  4. Girugamesh had a great show in HK yesterday! Everyone was so high! XD I didn't expect them to sing old song Kowarete Iku Sekai as last song, I was so touched! Here's a recording but be warned of my phone's shitty sound recording. :P (posted in comment)

  5. Transitioning from PHP to Node.js. Hope it's a good decision like when I switched from Ubuntu to Arch Linux. xD


  7. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  8. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  9. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  10. Ugh :/ The whole storm thing is delaying fedex packages. RIP my life.

  11. Something keeps nagging at me to reset my last.fm, and yet there's no logical reason that I could think of to do it.

  12. Got a 20.5 TB upload bounty on JPS from filling a request, but I think the guy who made the request has been cheating upload ratio, so he can make requests with extremely huge rewards.

  13. I just won 800€ in the lottery o.O

  14. i'm now at kamijo concerto AND THE BAR ISNT FUCKING OPEN WHAT IS THIS SHIT

  15. happy birthday kai_sama! For today, everybody worship your other green god mod! I couldn't keep this forum running without him :3

  16. So~I totes came across this post that was passively agressive indirected at me without saying it was about me, but I totes know it's about me. All I can say to that is, get the fuck off your high horse bitch, just because someone uploads your favorite bandoman-samas CD, doesn't mean he isn't going to die of starvation and don't act like your ass don't download music either, would you kindly delete all the music you don't own then? That's what I thought, sit your as...

  17. I cant unsderstand why there is no bar where i could add images, links when i want to start new download post? Is it ok? http://s019.radikal.ru/i632/1502/63/a52fef154fb4.png

  18. camera obscura 5eva

  19. Another 3TB upload credit on JPS earned! XD

  20. Another 3TB upload credit on JPS earned! XD

  21. Whelp. Seems like my 4 TB hard drive is taking the piss. Lovely.

  22. Why are firefox talking me that Monochrome Heaven is a virus site and it can attack my computer?

  23. Hell yeah! Girugamesh is having an Asia tour and they're coming to my city! ^O^ So excited!

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