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Status Replies posted by nick

  1. so, i WOULD have Avanchick's new single right now, but DHL seems to have delivered to somewhere that is not my house.

  2. Okay but seriously is there any way to turn off the bats?

  3. Okay but seriously is there any way to turn off the bats?

  4. 2spooked to navigate MH anymore bye ;w;

  5. I just invited everyone in my church to go to the Dir en Grey concert XD

  6. Anyone got tips on how to stop procrastinating and start studying already?

  7. Behold, the unspoken gods, and possibly even creators, of clown kei.

  8. Every time I see ノスタルジア☆彡, I feel like to listen ノスタルジア by ALSDEAD xD

  9. So many people asks for reupload ALSDEAD album... And nobody wants to do that ;_; Really, it's impossible to find this album in real 320, transodes everywhere.


  11. Yunisan rip? ;o;

  12. Yunisan rip? ;o;

  13. Yunisan rip? ;o;

  14. Yunisan rip? ;o;

  15. Yunisan rip? ;o;

  16. I've downloaded 3 CDs in the past 2 months... I think I'm losing my mind :|

  17. Would anyone (mods especially) object to a general 'giving stuff away' thread in the M-H Market? I've got a bunch of VK stuff I'd like to be rid of and maybe some others do too...

  18. crystal castles is so much nostalgia ;-;

  19. Finished my bachelor studies, now you can call me an engineer :-D

  20. What a way to start September! :D

  21. I was late on our release list calendar but now everything has been added ^_^ cheers guys.

  22. Happy birthday deathangel and leafwork <33

  23. Anyone notice that MH runs much faster now? We just left Apache for Nginx and run PHP as FastCGI. Hope you guys like it. xD

  24. ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

  25. Today it's my job interview and will make my first tatoo!

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