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nick last won the day on December 22 2020

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    Yuuki's Dress

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  1. To make it clear about permabans, once a member is permabanned, their account is gone 5eva. But if they come back under a new username after having learned a lesson and behave better, we staff are not banning their new account; it depends on the person. For the latest case, Trombe had been given so many chances and not even once had he been cooperative. He just kept ignoring the forum rules repeatedly, so he landed himself in such a situation.

    1. emmny



    2. Danao


      I don't get how you are still here emmy seeing how disrespectful you are on this forum. and you can still say "blablabla Trombe stan whatever" you are still being that same person with the lack of respect and everything

    3. Danao


      Like I said to someone on twitter, even though I liked the fact that he posts news, I think is his time to go. He has been banned several times, came back, and it happened again. If not for the forum, he should at least do it for himself. 


      Anybody out there who would get ban several would probably never come back, or just lurk here, not more

      If he changed his behaviour since apparantly that was the problem, then fine, otherwise....

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