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nick last won the day on December 22 2020

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    Yuuki's Dress

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  1. Die-hard MUCC fans are probably the luckiest ones ever due to these several reasons.


    - 20 year music career and still on going. Never once went on a hiatus

    - Lineup has never changed (if this doesn't count.)

    - Never forget their roots whether their newer stuff sometimes sounds disappointing probably because of experimenting, they still know how to make good music as if it was originally from their initial era. I believe only very few or even none can do this.

    - Regularly releasing new songs unlike other big bands from the same league.

    - Older and way older songs are re-recorded from time to time. What surprised me most was when the original version of NO!?, their first demotape ever, was included in Ieiji. How did they manage to maintain their first song when the band's future wasn't in sight during the past 20 years?


    This is from a casual MUCC fan's perspective like me. I'd have a lot to add if I were a hardcore one.

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    2. cthulhu


      I add to the list:

      - they are the kindest persons... i met them and talked to them and they are adorable 

    3. Yukimoto


      You know I've never been been a fan of MUCC back in the day so if I like all their newer stuff does that mean I will Love their older stuff I wonder.... I mean the re-releases I listened to and loved them more than the original on the same record so yeah I'm glad they are still going on and maybe one day I'll get their discography but from a newcomer I would have such a long way to go haha

    4. nick


      The point I wanted to express is those older songs were the songs you grew up with as a MUCC fan. Imagine a favorite song of your childhood era getting re-recorded/re-arrange after years. I think it's kind of special when something you wouldn't expect actually happens.

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