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Total Saikou

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Posts posted by Total Saikou

  1. I was waiting for Loki to stop picking bland, easily forgettable band names! This new name will be so much easier to google without a bunch of other results. I mean, it's not perfect but I'd rather it be a mouthful than easily lost in the sea of other mores. 


    Also 12 MORE² singles? Pack it up boys and go home, because music releases in 2020 have peaked.

  2. The sheer amount of artists this man inspired...! I'm pretty sure a good portion of the bands I listen to wouldn't be as we know them without You. Fuck, the music scene just wouldn't be the same without him. Rest in peace. 

  3. I didn't know the other naked Yoshiki photo I put in my video had counter parts! Man's an absolute hoe, I think I've seen his bare ass just as much Cardi B's


     Advanced issue found





     Advanced issue found





  4. I haven't been in a romantic relationship yet, nor am I prone to jealousy in my friendships but I understand that it's a normal feeling that bubbles up sometimes when we see the people we care about getting real chummy with someone else. It's an insecurity thing that I think should be worked through yourself but I won't mind working through it with my partner if it seems to be something they wouldn't normally make a deal out of (hence the 'just a bit is fine'). Not everyone is always at their best and sometimes we succumb to those weaker emotions, if I care about my partner enough I'll see what I can do for them to make them feel better about the situation. 


    However I don't think it should be often present, only rarely. I draw a very hard line on playing the victim ("Why do you spend more time with [x] than me? Do you not like me? What's wrong with me?") and placing restrictions on freedoms ("I don't want you talking to any other guys"). 


  5. On 6/9/2020 at 6:42 AM, secret_no_03 said:

    On a side note, I've been wondering for two years what the speaker is on the chat box, how it works and what muting it does. It makes me think people can talk or something. And another thing, I looked everywhere and can't find how user levels work, is it based on how long you've been here, your points or your post count?

    I'm pretty sure the speaker mutes notifications when someone @s you in there. If I remember, it actually makes a noise (similar to the one you get in the notifications tab). I think it also doesn't highlight @s too.


    I think user levels are based mostly on just post count but if you're in the higher tiers it gets split up by how long you've been here (once you hit 500 posts you are either a Veteran [5+ years on this forum] or a Reincarnated Really Hot People [Less than 5 years]). That being said these are just patterns I'm seeing so I can't say for certain if I'm right.

  6. There are very few bands I listen to for the vocals or lyrics, I'm mostly here for the compositional work. Nothing makes my jaw drop quite like an unexpected chord progression or a killer good riff. Don't get me wrong, I adore lots of talented VK singers and I do enjoy how some VK songs have intensely profound, subtle, beautiful lyrics but those signature chords are one of the things I can't get enough of. I even spare some attention to individual instruments alone even when the vocalist is singing.


    I can tolerate a bad vocalist, or a good vocalist having a bad day, but unless there's some cheesy gimmick or something that panders to my taste I usually don't tolerate bland/basic instrumentals. It's one of the things that kinda made me stop enjoying some rap music, I started listening to the backing tracks and now their extremely repetitive nature irritates me. 


  7. When Kyo said "Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure", I felt that 😭


    9rue1 au5ocracy by Insanity Injection [got taken down from YT and Spotify, might have to upload my own]; I had no clue the lyrics where in English until I was bored one day and looked them up but the song fucking slams so hard. Kyouka could sing a recipe for making vanilla bean cupcakes and shit would still slam.


    I know a lot of people don't like S-CONCIOUS but I will defend it to hell and back 😤It's an interesting take on industrial/noise but I appreciate it. Also the Engrish is just 👌

    And if I'm mentioning MM Engrish, it would be an absolute crime to not mention the Holy Grail of Engrish; plagiarised English lyrics. In Après midi E-Style, which is a slightly stripped back and retooled English version of the original Après mid (which was in Japanese) Gackt literally just copy-pasted lyrics from the first verse of Mariah Carey's "When I Saw You" and added them into the song. Ngl that's kind of a chad move considering that Mariah's team would never hear this so he wouldn't get sued and the song's so good I wouldn't mind pitching in a twenty to Gackt's legal case if that ever happens


  8. Fuuuck I have a story [similar to my Jrock=SP experience if you remember that post lol] from the other day:


    I'm at work, there's no one at the tills and there's nothing left for us to clean so I decide to go make a silly sketch of Inugami Akira of Inugami Circus Dan. One of my coworkers notices that I'm enjoying myself so she sees my drawing. She asks if the writing I did above the drawing was an East Asian language and I said yes, it's Japanese and that's how you spell Akira's name in Japanese. I told her he's a musician and that he is in a band. Then another coworker walks behind and sees my drawing and says:


    Wow, I don't know anything about that Kpop stuff. Is he from a Kpop group? My sister loves Kpop and says she wants to marry one of those guys lol


    Akira looks [looked] like this:


    What kinda fucking Kpop idol does he look like?! I just can't take this shit anymore. Guys I just can't :wan-48:

  9. 4 hours ago, XxXThornXxX said:

    Thank you for your work! I remember seeing your blog somewhere on the internet, could you please translate this song for me?


    Shazna 1/2

    You're welcome :lleft:I'm glad that you'll enjoy my translation to the fullest! And I didn't know my blog would actually get some traction! I just post random VK stuff on there lol. I'll think about the Shazna song, but there's no guarantees. Idk I just do translations if the song itself intrigues me enough [hence why I was so gung-ho about the Noir Fleurir song, it's one of my favorites] If I do decide to take it on I'll let you know, though.

  10. 30 minutes ago, cheesy_VK_Freak said:

    Maybe a reason why people shifted from VK to kpop is the fact that the ‚VK‘ idols have always been seeming to be unapproachable. Like, you see a member and think what they do is cool but you rarely find interviews or anything. That always frustrated me, never knowing a little bit of the person behind the music.

    I remember with Kpop laughing my ass off during reality shows, a lot of fangirl material asforth. Also, a great translation community on the net - anything gets translated. On the contrary, Dir en grey and the Gazette being the probably biggest VK-band, and still a lot of interviews on the net without translations. 

    And yea, maybe the golden era of VK is over. Both musically and visually. I feel all the new bands lack originality in that sense. 


    Oh yes, thanks for bringing it up, I totally agree that the translation issue is one of the main reasons why some people quit early. I've always kind of envied how much material Kpop fans have translated out there, I think we're more lacking in manpower than brains but kudos to their dedication. My passion for VK made me decide that I wanted to really try hard to learn Japanese so I could understand the lyrics and watch/read the interviews on my own (I can do that now! With some, not all unfortunately) but that's obviously a huge timesink and not worth it to everybody. If the passion doesn't hit you hook, line, and sinker then it makes sense why it'd lose most people completely. I can even remember before I learned, I was often thinking "Wtf are they saying? Wtf is the context behind this PV? Is this song actually about kidnapping children???" [well that was one specific PV but PV storylines are always a various jumble of mindfuckery]


    I honestly a little surprised by the notion of Kpop idols being more approachable than VK guys--imo it's the opposite. No matter the culture, the pop idols of the said culture are so huge, popular, rich, etc. that they can't interact with the fans on a personal level. And this is my own bias but I always get the disconcerting feeling like all pop stars just see me as walking, talking, extra twenty in their bank account. I mean, at least the VK guys get to know my pfp and username [and crappy Japanese skills] so it feels more intimate. And technically, the pop stars don't see me at all. wow just like real life popular people versus the alt people 

  11. 2 minutes ago, sleepy coffee said:

    Tbh even tho they're really not vk anymore (although kyo's visuals are pretty much more impressive than 99% of anyone currently active in vk) I imagine I'll lose a huge chunk of interest in music in general especially japanese stuff whenever dir en grey/sukekiyo come to an end

    I getcha. Watching all the first and second generation VK dudes slowly get older makes me wonder what'll happen when all of them retire and only the newer guys I'm less familiar with are around. I feel like I'll stick around because I like some new school bands and am 100% fine with sifting around through the old bands I haven't heard of/gotten into yet, but then there's also the strange territory of exhausting that list [in the taste comparability/quality sense, I know there's more bands than 1 human can listen to in their lifetime out there lol]

  12. On 6/7/2020 at 9:01 AM, Hohchicano96 said:

    Some people seem to have not been told any phrases related to the word "no" in their life ever, as of late at my job. I'm just a cashier, weirdo; I don't have any involvement in inventory!

    I have that happen to me all the time! I always get boomers asking me strange questions like if percale sheets are better than sateen, if the item they're buying that I haven't seen before is free-trade, organic, vegan, gluten free etc. or if we have weird, extremely specific items I've never heard of before ("you clearly don't know what you're talking about" Well no shit I don't know wtf a mug that you can pictures into is called! We don't sell that shit here, go to the souvenir store Karen 'cause we ain't that)

  13. This question has been bouncing around in my head lately. As a small and very dedicated fanbase in an inherently alternative counter-culture, it’s natural that people aren’t particularly drawn into VK as much as say Kpop or Alternative [Western] Rock. That being said, I’m curious about one thing that all fandoms experience: turnover rates. A while back, I stumbled on a Last.fm profile that said we were super compatible, but all their top artists in the last year were Kpop and [Western] Metal so I was really confused. That is until I went to all-time and noticed that our charts and top artists were so identical we might’ve been the same person. So then I wondered; when will that happen? That is, my turnover. When will I stop loving VK and go for the next best thing (whatever that may be to me)? 


    So that leads me to wonder what you guys think the fan turnover rate is. If you want my two cents, it seems pretty high to me judging by the amount of Last.fm profiles that’ve moved on from VK to Goth, Metal, or Kpop. Something like 60%-70%. The time span, to me, is trickier to tell. I guess it depends on the person, though. I’ve seen some people (mostly on Instagram) go from being VK fans to Kpop Stans in real time, the process took about 6 months-ish? I’ve also seen some people who leave after 5-7 full years of dedication to different western alt genres.


    Also, do you think there are any warning signs that your taste is changing/ways of knowing that you’re just not as interested into it as much as you used to be? They might be individual to each person, though. One of my biggest signs is when I don’t want to watch live performances or interviews anymore. I used to into funk/disco/hip-hop before VK and right before I fell out I stopped watching lives of my favourite groups because I had no interest in seeing something I’ve heard before but irl. Then I stumbled upon VK and the rest is history. I get the feeling like this is my endgame but I can’t say for certain that I’ll ride or die for life in regards to being a VK fan. I do know for certain that I’m good for now [next year or so]… One last question for those reading, if they wanna answer it: how about you, though?

  14. When I was a kid I was bullied a lot. During 5th and 6th grade I would eat to drown the pain and that caused me to become a fatty fat-ass. Seriously, as an adult I'm only ~10-20 pounds heavier than I was when I was 11. I've shed a good portion of it off, and I'm losing weight right now (down 10 pounds!) but the leftover weight is almost like a scar from those times. I learned from my mistakes when I was taken out of that environment, so I haven't abused food like that since then.


    Listening to music has been my main way of dealing with any emotional pain I'm going through ever since. A lot of VK songs really helped me through my mid teen years when I felt the crushing emptiness threatening to swallow me whole again. Some songs had lyrics that helped me feel better, one that I treasure deeply is deadman's "Follow the night light" which I loved enough to try translating it. I was pleased to learn that it has a message of holding out despite whatever madness you're going through. It felt like a message to me, at that time. I made sure to try to lose myself into my activities as to not bring in my negative emotions into things and hinder me. Also friends. Whether in the physical realm or online, having people I could trust and connect with made me feel so much better.

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