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  1. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to Ruha in Ever had an artist reply to you online?   
    I'm rather shy in communicating, even via Internet, but I once sent my fanarts to Kasuri and Shilo from SweetHome and they retweeted and commented it. 
    Keiyuh reacted to anadentone in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    2 nudies nsfw
    Miku's nude- someone was nyappy *bum bum tiss* 8D
  3. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to Zalemu in The tanuki pic thread   
  4. Yikes
    Keiyuh reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Japanese female cosplay is generally a lot more fun, cute and wholesome whereas American female cosplay is generally sluttier and more based around sex appeal. It says a lot about the way women carry themselves in Japan versus America.
  5. Yikes
    Keiyuh reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    America would be amazing and turn it all around overnight if it adopted every Japanese law.*
    *It'll never happen and I consider this under the grounds of social engineering and not politics, or well, MAGIC since it'd never happen, but talk about a utopia.
  6. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Oooh boy, well you clearly don't like me and probably find me to be grating and a jerk, although I feel like you'd use some more colorful language. I guess all I have to say to your diatribe is some wise words from Andy Black.
    We don't have to talk
    We don't have to dance
    We don't have to smile
    We don't have to make friends
    It's so nice to meet you
    Let's never meet again
  7. wow
    Keiyuh reacted to saiko in Unpopular Opinion   
    The whole discussion about the necessity or estrategy of whether a centred or winged political position could be interesting at some point, but the actual scandalous way that you've constantly showed at the moment of bringing up serious stuff like a raging teeanger makes you no more different from the "SJWs" that you love to blame to, with all the generalizing, fanatic, ilogic and rude behaviour over it. Although considering "their" failures, at least they comitted (along other forces) to bring a 5% of decent media representation to lots of mislabeled 'minorities', among other stuff.
    Btw, I said "ilogic", because I obviously can't pass over the fact that while you are blaming, let's say, "gender-non-conforming lifestyles" for instance, at the same time you speak out all your words of admiration over the work of transvestite underground musicians and discuss about weird porn and sex practices that are very far from the standards for sexuality that your self-proclaimed 'liberal' messiahs share. Perhaps I could have more respect for your opinion if you were more consistent, that is, instead of talking out that 'schizophreniac', you could show your whole disrespect for these topics arguing from, for example, a conservative vision over sex and gender, and consider Közi a sick dude with 'gender dysphoria' (if that ever existed), or the fellows at the Sex/porn thread to need  'God' in their lives, whatsoever... I mean, have you ever, EVER, considered what the authors you cite here supporting your delusional 'free-speech' ideas would think about your hobbies or sexual interests?
    Sometimes I doubt I you are not more than a bored troll just trying to reach attention from people really concerned about these matters, because reading you is REALLY hillarious... MH was really a different place before you started your whole rant waterfall in every corner of it...
  8. LOVE!
    Keiyuh reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Everything you said is true, except for the LGBT identitarions and them going nuts if you say that there are two genders, don't give them what they want whether it's calling them by whatever pronoun they want or what they identify as. It's funny how people so anti-free speech are so fascist when it comes to pushing their believes on others. I'm sorry, but I don't have to adhere to your crazy doctrine because you have body dysmorphia or some other personal problem. ?
  9. Yikes
    Keiyuh reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    imagine thinking queer people are pushing their beliefs on you bc they’re asking for basic respect and to be left alone about it.
  10. Yikes
    Keiyuh reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Unpopular Opinion   
    Bacon is gross
    Ice Cream Cake is better than Regular Cake
    I like Sword Art Online hehe
  11. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Unpopular Opinion   
    Pewdiepie isn’t that funny and his fanbase is extremely annoying 
  12. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to Lestat in Unpopular Opinion   
    Marvel hasn't done a good movie since X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) apart from the X-Men installment itself and Wolverine. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is pandering so heavily towards the millenial meme-generation with its constant usage of comic relief, 4th wall breaking and lightheartedness, and has little respect for the original comics. I'll take DC over Marvel any day. 
  13. LOLOL
    Keiyuh reacted to 123Sandman321 in Which band members could you take on a fight   
    All of them

  14. I feel ya..
    Keiyuh reacted to ramrod in Yuuri (vo. Irokui) a trans?   
    Dear god?!
  15. I feel ya..
    Keiyuh reacted to Yuuze in Yuuri (vo. Irokui) a trans?   
    I'll never be able to listen to Irokui without nausea again.
  16. I feel ya..
    Keiyuh reacted to Number Girl in Yuuri (vo. Irokui) a trans?   
    oh my god.
  17. Like
    Keiyuh got a reaction from zombieparadise in Hi ♡   
    Nonsense it's the best time. 
  18. Like
    Keiyuh got a reaction from zombieparadise in Hi ♡   
    Well you're the last. 
    Its the greatest honor a lurker can achieve. 
  19. Like
    Keiyuh got a reaction from EzraEroguro in What song fits your mood for Monochrome heaven closing?   
  20. Like
    Keiyuh reacted to EzraEroguro in What song fits your mood for Monochrome heaven closing?   
    This one. For all time, I'll remember this place, and this song will light up the way to these memories. 
    To me, 15 years ago, discovering this music, and falling in love with the fandom, and these places...
    ...good bye.
  21. LOVE!
    Keiyuh reacted to Total Saikou in What are you listening to 2?   
    Saikou's got a 2-for-1 sale on sentimental posts today   I've been listening to Paper Plane a lot because it's my fav B-side on B-men Gahou 2 Electric Boogaloo and because it's an unusually positive entry... I dunno, I'm done with feeling down in the dumps. Not just about MH but 2020 in general. I want to look towards the future that we are all a part of in making. Let's make a better tomorrow, together 
  22. Like
    Keiyuh got a reaction from Gesu in Hi ♡   
    Well you're the last. 
    Its the greatest honor a lurker can achieve. 
  23. 悲しい
  24. LOVE!
    Keiyuh reacted to fruitfork in Hi ♡   

    She doesn't know
  25. LOLOL
    Keiyuh reacted to IGM_Oficial in Hi ♡   
    Bye ✌?
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