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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Replies posted by spockitty

  1. Happy birthday, friendo! Have an awesome day~ :D

  2. Happy birthday, @spockitty! Hope you have an amazing day (while rocking out to some VK music :D)~

  3. happy birthday, my wonderful new friend! hope you have a wonderful day!! ♥

  4. uh why the white border around the profile pic >.>

    1. spockitty


      haha, I'M SORRY but also, let's unite in misery. totally ruins my ~aesthetic™~ 

      I didn't notice before cause I had a white background >.> 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. uh why the white border around the profile pic >.>

  6. Anyone know how to word a college dropout email? I poked around on the college website but couldn't find anything. I know who to email about it but I don't know what to say and as much as I'd like to say "peace out, nerds" or something to that effect, I can't help but think that wouldn't be very professional.

  7. For some reason I now have 3 (THREE!!) followers on my vk playlist that I have told no one about, so in a sudden burst of confidence I'm just going to put a link to it here (mostly newer bands though)


  8. Looking back on the shit show that is the "Unpopular Opinion's" thread is hilarious 

  9. It felt so good deleting a negative person off of every social media. 15 years of friendship down the drain, but I don't fucking care. I hope he can get all the help he can, if he wishes me failure. I still have a job and I'm not living under unemployment I help him get. So fuck you, dead beat bitch with no irl friends now. Leech, scumbag, etc.

  10. wish I had somewhere to go out looking fancy and shit~

    1. spockitty


      y'all testing me srsly. I get people staring at me when I don't try, do you rly want me to cause a riot at my local grocer? cause I totally will >.>

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. wish I had somewhere to go out looking fancy and shit~

    1. spockitty


      thanks Yuyo man, but people at my workplace are honestly a waste of effort. if I put in the work, the wider world better be there to see it :'D 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Cazqui's face is going to give me nightmares... 

    1. spockitty


      well I was never a fan of nokubura so I've just discovered this gem! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. da fuck is .jfif and how do I kill it with fire

  14. Is there a way to buy region locked releases from Ototoy? T-T or do I just have to go the VPN route~ 

  15. I'm surprised Mana-sama didn't think to do it sooner. https://ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992426174.html?__lang=en

    1. spockitty


      I'm vaguely aware that this kind of dolls are expensive but that expensive? jfc 🤨

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. i havent been paying attention to vk for a lil bit while i was dealing with some mental health issues, did i miss anything good?

    1. spockitty


      wellll, im probably not the best to take on the topic as I've been here all of two months and I, myself been catching up on 10-or-so years of vk BUT that said, here goes nothing, in no particular order: 


      - DIMLIM lost two members (gt. and bass), and the world held its breath for a while, but they've just announced an album for December (as a trio) so we can all rest easy for now

      - nokubura's future is still unsure, as right after the single supposedly dissing the two lost members, their new guitarist was caught with marijuana ~karma is a bitch~

      - Despa's Hizumi is back doing some electro vk and everyone and their mother is salty about it

      - Yoshiki continues to be an asshole, hardly a news at this point, he made a 10mln yen donation to Kyoto Animation, which is all well and good if he didn't milk it for publicity to the last drop; he also met the UK royal family, unsure if it's related

      - Yumeleep lost a drummer and I'm not entirely sure which side is the general public on, since there was shade thrown from both sides, as far as I know, related to internal bullying (I'm not really a fan so dunno)

      - there's a new band around - MOTHER - and that wouldn't be anything noteworthy if it wasn't for their, let's say unique, promo campaign, check out their thread XD

      - also not strictly vk, but there are some additions to forum rules so also check that out I guess


      that's about for the stuff I cared to remember from the past 2mo ^^;


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. i havent been paying attention to vk for a lil bit while i was dealing with some mental health issues, did i miss anything good?

    1. spockitty


      Good as in legitimately good or good as in drama, because there's plenty of the latter to go around 😂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. watch me make an account on twitter just so I can follow vk bands... 

    1. spockitty


      I used to be on twitter in like 2007, it was a completely different site lol

      but APPARENTLY no one updates their site these days, it's all on dozens different social networks so what can you do >.> 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Uh, hate searching for Merry's CDs online, because if I'm not more specific all I get is Christmas carols =.=/ 

  20. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

    1. spockitty


      Next on the NEWS: Unhealthy obsession with Japanese twinks the leading cause of death via malnutrition! 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  21. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

    1. spockitty


      are you implying that any part of this business is trying to be reasonable in any shape or form? X'D 


      anyway, as a former starving artist, I can honestly say cigarettes & booze > riceballs 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  22. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

    1. spockitty


      no need to be sorry @Gesu! there's certainly a conversation to be had about this, I just wasn't gearing up to have one lol I was just looking at some rando bands' member skinny arms and a thought struck me. 


      ooook, so we're talking about this after all @Tokage. I can't really speak for vk cause I'm not really up to date on the industry inner workings, but if I were to assume that indie vk is like kpop trainees? totally believable that they literally sustain on ramen and cigarettes. 


      great, now  you've both killed my buzz, thanks guys! ❤️ 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  23. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

    1. spockitty


      omg @Gesu I was mostly joking and you come at me with the realness ^^;;; 


      I do agree with everything you've just said. It's the same in kpop, people get canceled for gaining a pound. In vk you just get the additional bonus of the not-exactly-healthy rocker lifestyle~ 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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