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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ShTon in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This thread is more insane than the other Unpopular Opinions thread lmao 
  2. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This thread is more insane than the other Unpopular Opinions thread lmao 
  3. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Tokage in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I never understood that mentality. It’s not like suddenly everything went to shit after 2010 lmao
  4. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ShTon in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I never understood that mentality. It’s not like suddenly everything went to shit after 2010 lmao
  5. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    You can see them in any scene. People who grew up listening to somethin in their teen years will stick to that and claim that anything that didn't somehow fuel their teenage angst is worse than watever shit they blasted on while sulking because their teacher hated them or whatever.
    Just like people who did move on will revisit with nostalgia crappy songs they know are crappy yet love due to said nostalgia. 
  6. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I never understood that mentality. It’s not like suddenly everything went to shit after 2010 lmao
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Said every VK elitist who got stuck listening to moth-ridden bands yet is still active in the scene shitting on anything post 2010 that comes out lol
  8. Thanks
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to ghost in What are you listening to 2?   
    Strong agree. I love that entire single.
  9. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from ghost in What are you listening to 2?   
    This song is underrated af. 
  10. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nullmoon in Visual kei among friends   
    So turns out I’m not the only J-Rock fan at my school. A friend of a friend actually listened to The Gazette and surprisingly listened to Disorder. So I’m not alone yay!
  11. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Visual kei among friends   
    So turns out I’m not the only J-Rock fan at my school. A friend of a friend actually listened to The Gazette and surprisingly listened to Disorder. So I’m not alone yay!
  12. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to StriderSubzero in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    Drums were the first instrument I ever learned and Shinya was a big influence on me, so I may be a little biased but I think he's a very creative drummer and I disagree that he's the weak link. For those that think he should be playing something else during the fast, heavy sections, what would that even be? There's not much room for embellishments with parts like that, and the only thing I could think that would show more technical prowess would be something like a blast beat, which may be more impressive but it certainly isn't more interesting. 
  13. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from nullmoon in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Aww, I like DAS:VASSER tho lol.
    But seriously, I can understand why people don’t like Matina bands even though I stan the label a lot lol. I just feel like most Matina bands unlike Madeth gray’ll are often overlooked. 
    About MISSA, honestly it’s above average tbh, the only songs I like are Aoi Tsuki, Garden and Byou Shin. I perfer Sangeki no Yoru over Kiri to Mayu anyway and the KTM remake is dope af. 
  14. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from kuyashii in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I don't really mind the whole no cameras rule at concerts
    The only time I'd say it's fine is when the band is entering the stage, leaving the stage or is just doing something when they're not playing. I am against people filming during the band playing or at VIP events. 
  15. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to suji in What are you listening to 2?   
    I slept on Madeth a bit when I first got into visual kei eons ago, but when I was looking for new bands to listen to especially on finals week in college (a year ago I think), I turned on Madeth Gray'll and I enjoyed them a hell of a lot, especially this album and their last one before they disbanded. Now that I'm working a boring ass shitty job and am truly living the adult life ✌, their music is now reminiscent of my college days when I was studying while fucking around looking for new veekayz to listen to at the library...; w ;
  16. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Kiyoharu is God in Unpopular Opinion   
    If you don't like Kiyoharu just leave it at that. Don't be so melodramatic about it.  You're not going to run into him. He doesn't hang around trash yards.
  17. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to violetchain in Unpopular Opinion   
    Not liking Kiyoharu is perfectly fine. His voice and style are definitely polarizing. It's just saying things like "if I met him I'd want to vomit" and "he should do the world a favour and put a bag over his head" feels a bit like overkill for a lighthearted discussion on an internet forum. I mean, it's not like he's going to read it, but that is a human being you're talking about.
  18. Like
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Yooo, just so yall know. This is not the thread to discuss unpopular (Japanese) music opinions. Post those here ----->
  19. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Joel in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
  20. wow
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Seelentau in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    omg they played Schwein no Isu live 😮
    can't wait for their setlists
  21. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to colorful人生 in random thoughts thread   
    no one:
    security question options/topics:
  22. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to monkeybanana4 in random thoughts thread   
    Nice! It reminds me when I got to do a project on VK and present about it in class. That was one of the best assignments ever. (It also gave me a good excuse to go to a VK live and say it was for school )
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    I finally get to do Visual Kei for a school project! Can’t wait to share my knowledge with everyone in my class lol
  24. LOVE!
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in What are you listening to 2?   
    I don't even watch anime/read manga anymore, but Black Butler will always have a very special place in my heart.
  25. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in random thoughts thread   
    I finally get to do Visual Kei for a school project! Can’t wait to share my knowledge with everyone in my class lol
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