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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. When will The GazettE’s merch be in stock. I just want a shirt and a hoodie 😭

  2. psychonnect_rozen

    I can’t think of anything other than X Japan but what are your suggestions?
  3. psychonnect_rozen

    I guess that's one reason. Granted, I myself have never experienced that myself but I often get judged for it or just get called a "weeb". Even if I show VK to some classic rock or metal snob who refuses to look for good modern music I'd get the whole "WHAT IS THIS FAGGOT SHIT".
  4. psychonnect_rozen

    Did something happen?
  5. psychonnect_rozen

    We all know Visual Kei is home to some of the most humble fans ever. However, if you look on Twitter or Tumblr, you get a shitload of fuck. It's no secret that many forms of entertainment, from K-Pop to Classic Rock, have it's fair share of obsessive fans, or "Stan's". This can range from band wars (Diru vs Gazette) to spreading false and hurtful rumors about bandmen. Most of these, and I'm not saying all of them are, are mostly younger fans, mainly teenage girls. I won't lie and say that I know a lot of these fans on Instagram and most of them are pretty nice and chill. What I am talking about is the ones who take things WAYYYYY too far. From what I gathered, many of these fans seem to treat bandmen as god's, for example the infamous Kareki user . Also, many fans will go as far as to save their V-Card (like THAT will ever happen) for a specific musician. Now, it's totally fine to have a crush or be attracted to a musician (I mean, doesn't everybody), but there is a fine line between having a crush and just being borderline weird. The band's that have the most stan fans are Diru and The Gazette (which sucks because I like both and I have to deal with a bunch of crazies) and X Japan, although this applies mostly to fans in Japan. Question Time!: 1. Worst experience with a Stan? 2. Is the word "Stan" okay to use as a positive word? Ex: I STAN THE GAZETTE! 3. Where do you draw the line when it comes to liking a band? 4. Does the existence of Stan's in your band fandom ruin your experience within the fandom? If so, why? DISCLAIMER: Remember, keep discussion respectful. No rude or insulting behaviour
  6. psychonnect_rozen

    I won’t lie with you there. The asthetics are alright
  7. psychonnect_rozen

    I don’t shit on people who enjoy K-Pop, I’m just against the music and the labels. Labels treat artists like shit and they overwork the groups they work with. Plus, even though I enjoy western pop, K-Pop is just soooo boring and unoriginal. I find western pop artists to have some creative control over their work. With K-Pop, it gets annoying and repetitive. Every time I say I hate K-Pop, I always get the “YOU JUST HATE IT CUZ ITS POPULAR” argument. No I don’t, I just hate the industry behind it. I have listened to a few K-Pop artists and all of their songs don’t click with me. Im sorry but oh well. Like they say, music is subjective.
  8. psychonnect_rozen

    What was the drama that went on there like? Is it still around?
  9. psychonnect_rozen

    Most metal fans would find it “gay” or whatever.
  10. psychonnect_rozen

    This album is a bunch of Japanese girls screaming and it’s fucking awesome. Also, Fantano gave it a 9/10
  11. psychonnect_rozen

    They have become the very thing they swore to destroy
  12. psychonnect_rozen

    I have had many experiences. Most of my friends listen to either some alternative music or just hip hop. I'm sort of the odd one out since I'm basically the emo kid of my friend group. I won’t lie and say that I enjoy a lot of mainstream alternative pop artists and even some dope hip hop artists. VK is just Numero Uno at the moment. So naturally, I often try to get them into Visual Kei through recommendations only to get the whole "WEEEEEEEEB" comeback. Funny thing is that I have a friend who's a HUGE K-Pop fan (I know, shoot me), and we often get into roasts about which is better (this is all jokes, I'm not THAT evil). So needless to say, I'm literally the only VK fan at my school and in my whole friend group lol. Then again, I'm scared of them finding out the whole Nazi thing. So far the only Japanese artists they listen to are One Ok Rock and Babymetal. Although one of my friends have heard of Yoshiki, so that's a good start at least. So I was asking, what are some funny experiences trying to get someone into VK or showing them VK? EDIT: You guys are making me jealous. Meanies. I’m stuck with a people who call me a weeb and don’t have the audacity to listen to at least ONE vk songs. Mmph
  13. Can someone give me the tea on SilverEspeon? I was NOT around for when this happened


    Is this Yohiro guy any good?

    1. nekkichi


      no real tea, they were a sad diehard yohio stan.

    2. -NOVA-


      my theory is it was yohio i mean we did have the BatAAr Vo. guy in here so its possible



    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  69 more
  14. psychonnect_rozen

    Sorry, I used to have a really bad anti feminist mind set at the age of 14 so these comments hit home for me.
  15. psychonnect_rozen

    The comments on the "Does Japan Need Femenism" are fucking toxic. "Hur Dee Dur FEMINISM RUINS EVERYTHING" or "HUR DUR ALL FEMINISTS ARE CLOSE MINDED" Well you see, generalizing a whole group of people is fucking toxic, you have already disproved yourself. Yes, there are toxic feminists out there, but, oh I don't know, maybe there ARE open minded feminists out there if you actually had a brain
  16. psychonnect_rozen

    Oh that’s awful. I’m sure not ALL of Japan is homophobic but just making it into a joke isn’t really funny.
  17. psychonnect_rozen

    Is it really? As for this topic, I’d say it feels forced. In the video we’re Toshyia and Shinya kiss each other, it’s possible that they were drunk since they seem to have been drinking a lot. As a bi person, this whole fanservice thing is weird. I don’t like having them being forced to pander to a bunch of girls, especially if they aren’t LGBT.
  18. psychonnect_rozen

    This happens?
  19. psychonnect_rozen

    You'd love my friend group. We talk shit about this one girl who we all despise. I used to be friends with her, but she just ended up annoying me and a bunch of my guy friends.
  20. psychonnect_rozen

    Eh, I don't mind it. I stick to r/DEG for my Diru stuff anyway
  21. psychonnect_rozen

    I hate this whole canceling thing. Like I really hate Kisaki, doesn't mean I hate every VK band now
  22. psychonnect_rozen

    Wow! Nice to see someone like you here! I hope you have a good time on here!
  23. Mejibray hate. Not that I like them or anything it just gets annoying after a while. We get it, they suck.
  24. Out of all the ranks you have to give me, you gave me the one of someone I hate. 


    I hate you MH sometimes XD

    1. suji


      these ranks are automated, depending on the number of posts you've made. you can also go to your user settings and change your ranking yourself, if you're able to do that already.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      妃 is just a poor and innocent guy, how you DARE to insult him like that

  25. paYcFd3.jpg


    How Visual Kei musicians look according to my friend  

    1. Himeaimichu


      I can confirm that bandmen have sent some of my friends, similar looking selfies, with messages such as "chinchin binbin". Your friend is quite accurate lmao

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      They think K-Pop artists look better. I’m like “at least my bandmen have better fashion sense”

    3. Lestat


      Not far off. 

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