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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. psychonnect_rozen

    If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t like PT Barnum like a racist or something? I feel like I’ve heard that some where?
  2. psychonnect_rozen

    I think the problem that I have with DC movies is that I find the early films, like Man Of Steel and BvS, they we’re TOO serious, which is why I didn’t like those movies. Same thing with Suicide Squad AKA “Soundtrack the Movie”. Although, I have been liking the more recent films like Shazam and Aquaman. Also, I disagree with your point about Marvel films being too lighthearted. I find that to be a good thing, as I love a little humor. Sure some of it can be a little “Fellow Kids”, but I don’t mind it. No offence, but not everything has to be serious. It’s good to have a little humor. Honestly, I love both Marvel and DC, but I will always love Marvel! Lol
  3. Thanks for the follow!

  4. psychonnect_rozen

    Lol. Isn’t like every black metal band controversial to some extent? Regardless, as someone who’s pretty left leaning, I often live and let live for an actors political opinions. Hell, most of the time they rarely announce them unless something shitty happens. I don’t mean to be rude or harsh in anyway but I feel like that word is overused wayy to much. I agree that some SJW’s can be extreme, but I feel like that word is used wayyy to much to describe someone who is just wanting equal rights even if they are not crazy SJW’s “You’re pro gay? SJW LIBTARD!!”. I’ve seen it many times
  5. psychonnect_rozen

    We have an Unpopular Opinions thread for VK but I realized we don’t have one for general topics. Post em here! Also just to clarify: No racist, sexist or homophobic opinions. Saying “i hate black people they should die” doesn’t constitute as an unpopular opinion. I’ll start: Billie Ellish is overrated and her music is subpar at best EDIT: Feel free to disagree with these opinions as well but keep it respectful Also. NO POLITICS! I don't want this to become a shit show. Yes, I have made political opinions on here, but regardless, politics is now barred from this discussion
  6. psychonnect_rozen

    I think most people in the entertainment industry are pretty left leaning. Regardless, I couldn’t care if someone had some interesting opinions.
  7. psychonnect_rozen

    I agree. As much as I don’t like these people, I definitely agree that to an extent, they sort of HAVE to be around. I’m not defending them, but injustice and bigotry has been around for a while and we can’t end it no matter how hard we tried.
  8. psychonnect_rozen

    I’m a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan has said some...interesting opinions over the years. While some of them are...stupid, I’ve never really cared. He’s mellowed out his political opinions since then. I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour. Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist. NOTE: I’m only saying this to people who are ACTUALLY saying these kinds of things out loud and proud of being those kinds of people.
  9. psychonnect_rozen

    I’m gonna say this as someone who has liked MJ’s music since I was little. Obviously, I’m not gonna agree with everything that people say about him. Many of the accusations seem pretty far fetched and I don’t agree with a lot of it as many of it seems fake. However, I do think that him sleeping with children and the comments he’s made about them are...weird. It is sort of weird to have parents of these kids put a lot of trust into some (at the time) 29 year old. It’s important to know that Micheal had a really close friendships with a lot of children, most notably Macaulay Culkin. So in short, I don’t believe everything that people say about Micheal as many of it can be false, however I do think that he tends to be too close to children and you can’t deny that it’s a little weird. Refer to this video:
  10. You can’t say all dubbed anime sucks. Have the damn audacity to LOOK for good anime dubs

    1. God


      oh, i know dude.  it’s a super unpopular opinion.  turbo weebs are wild.  although, i guess it’s worth mentioning that i watch subs almost exclusively aside from the dragon ball (not z, tho) dub.  i just don’t care what other people prefer.  😂

    2. Paraph


      I liked the old Utena dub tbh

    3. CAT5





    4. Show next comments  60 more
  11. psychonnect_rozen

    I think the problem with Your Lie In April (even though I love it) is that it definitely just spoils the ending. Like, you KNOW she’s gonna die because it’s set up in a way that makes it happen. I often don’t recommend YLIA to anyone because it literally spoils the ending. I love everything about it and I agree it has some issues but in the end, I enjoyed it. Hell, I enjoyed many controversial animes lol. I’ve even considered many anime's that people hate to be some of my favourites lol
  12. psychonnect_rozen

  13. psychonnect_rozen

    Welcome! Glad to see more VK YouTubers! I’ll check you out sometime!
  14. psychonnect_rozen

    Welcome to MH! Glad to see more Diru fans! They’re also my all time fav!
  15. psychonnect_rozen

    The only thing that stood out was him shit talking Diru and him messaging underage fans and him and abortions. Other than that, he seems like an ass
  16. psychonnect_rozen

    Did they do something? Never heard anything bad about them and I have been listening to them recently
  17. psychonnect_rozen

    Who is this Johnny guy? Never heard of him. What did he do?
  18. psychonnect_rozen

  19. psychonnect_rozen

    Many people in the entertainment industry have done many shitty and awful things. From murder to sex scandals, it has it all. Visual Kei is full of drama, ranging from tax evasion, scandals with label's. sex scandals, and many more. So like always, many fans of artists who have committed such crimes always have a hard time coming to terms with their favorite artists actions, As such, many people have started to separate the art from the artist. This has always been a defense of people who are still fans of many controversial artists. This does not go for music but in many other forms of entertainment as well. I think mostly everyone has done this, myself included, mostly with Kisaki. So as for questions: 1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions? 2. Is it a legitimate argument? 3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands) EDIT: Just to clarify, I do NOT support Kisaki. He has done tons of shitty things and I absolutly despise him as a person. I'm on the whole "like them as a musician, hate the person" EDIT 2: Geez, this did not go well
  20. psychonnect_rozen

    I’m still surprised this guy is still around. Honestly, I still have a love hate relationship with Kisaki, despite my furious hate for this fucking asshat. One one hand, he has been in some of my favourite bands and he’s a DECENT bass player. On the other hand, he has done soooo much damage to himself and to others. I’m still on the fence of innocent till proven guilty, but with all available evidence, it’s hard to say he’s innocent. Even sometimes, I cannot separate the art from the artist when it comes to Kisaki. It’s hard not to think of his musical talent without thinking about his shitty attitude. I just hope Kisaki gets his ass beat in prison
  21. If I ever did a band cosplay, I would be the only one cause all my friends hate my music...


    Someone PLEASE cosplay with me...I'm lonely :(

    1. God


      i used to try to get my friends to do stuff like this in high school but they never would.  

  22. psychonnect_rozen

    Someone PLEASE hop on r/exchristian. Love that sub
  23. I just listened to ALPHONSTEIN'S demo tape.


    It was an interesting, albeit short demo tape but in all honesty, it was mediocre at best.


    The song "Presto" was nice and I loved the instrumentals and Allegro sounded like a Malice Mizer song. However, I never found anything special about it and while Reiha's vocal's are alright, they're nothing too special. The album is literally just two songs, one instrumental track and one track where it's just Reiha talking.


    I found it weird that the track "Prolouge" is the third track on the tape but it could have been disorganized by the guy I got the file from.


    Overall, I recommend it if you like Malice Mizer, but I find it's something more of just a one time listen. It's nothing special, but it's interesting due to how obscure this band is.


    RATING: 5.5/10

  24. psychonnect_rozen

    The only dick Kisaki is getting is the ones of small children. NO gay man would even want his buck rat ass teeth sucking their dicks
  25. psychonnect_rozen

    Been on an 80s music binge
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