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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. psychonnect_rozen

    Oof I felt that. He's my favorite Avenger lol
  2. You know you've heard enough when someone says Dir En Grey is overrated because Kisaki wasn't in the band

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      Kisaki’s playing style is so fucking bland. Every bass line he’s done in all of his songs are generic as fuck. The only bass lines I like are in some La Sadies songs and in the song Slaever by Syndrome. I find his playing style to be decent at best, but compared to other talented bass players, he’s at the bottom.


      Toshiya’s bass playing I find to have a lot of uniqueness to it with him using the slapping technique. Its the reason why I enjoy their heavier music in albums like UROBOROS and DSS. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I would say there are some songs where Kisaki does shine, but yeah, you're right, he can be pretty generic lol. Furan Yue Ni by La:Sadie's managed to actually be one of the few songs where I'd say Kisaki actually is trying something.

      I remember one time seeing this video of Deadly Sanctuary (a session band with Yayoi ex. La'Miss Fairy on vocals and Yuuga from Devil Kitty on guitar.) where Kisaki was playing support, and he could barely keep up with the music. It was so bad lol

    3. psychonnect_rozen


      Speaking of La Sadies, Kisaki actually retweeted a picture of La Sadies lol.


      I was like "And look at what your former friends have become now!" 


      EDIT: He tweeted it, not retweeted it

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  3. psychonnect_rozen

    Can you just imagine the conversation between the two of them lol.
  4. psychonnect_rozen

    I enjoyed Captain Marvel and Black Panther. Were they the BEST Marvel movies? No. Were they enjoyable. Yup! Those movies aren’t even in my Top 5 MCU films and I enjoyed them to some extent
  5. psychonnect_rozen

    I think that goes for any form of entertainment honestly. Like when closed minded music fans think ALL modern music is bad, and bring up examples like Lil Pump or whatever, they ignore the best artists we have this generation. People like Kendrick, Gambino, Tyler, or litteraly ANY good rap or pop music is cast aside and they ALWAYS think modern music sucks without having the audacity to look for awesome music. I had a debate with a kid in my history class about this. One of those classic rock fans who think everything sucks nowadays. I was wearing my MCR shirt one day and he was all high and mighty about how my music is just emo garbage and that his music is better. I explained to him how closed minded he was and he was like 'Im NoT clOsEd MiNdeD". News flash dude, you kind of are.
  6. psychonnect_rozen

    Agree. Even when I see stuff like that, I often am confused by what I'm looking at. Maybe it means something to the artist IDK. But yeah, I think those kinds of art are not shit, but I find them confusing and am often scratching my head as to why this was made.
  7. psychonnect_rozen

    Imma chime in with all this art shit. I disagree. While yes, there are shitty CG films (Cats and Sonic) and yes they look hideous. The problem here is that everyone nowadays just SEES bad CG without realizing that most VFX on screen are great as long as they’re done well. Superhero fights, explosions, crashes, a whole city,etc. It sucks that many talented VFX artists are just cast aside and the shitty ones are given more attention. I’m sort of in the middle. One one hand, I think many talented artists exist in today’s world. On the other hand, it’s kind of hard to call a bunch of abstract shapes art. Then again, I’m not a big art person so I often don’t pay attention to modern art. To say all modern art sucks is an understatement because all the more...unusual arts are just stereotyped for ALL modern art. Same thing when people say “all modern music sucks”, there IS good music, your just not looking for it. Again, I also disagree. IMO, I think that every form of art can have a good political message. I can’t name any paintings or art fitting those messages, but I’m okay with any form of art with a political message. I think everyone can share their political opinions in a respectful non pushy manner. Art is one of them. Sure you can disagree with it, but in my eyes, people who make political art should have a voice even if you disagree with it.
  8. psychonnect_rozen

    I lowkey like Taylor Swift hehe
  9. psychonnect_rozen

    All my western and metal music is on Spotify. My Visual Kei music is on my computer and on Apple Music. I put all my music files on there.
  10. psychonnect_rozen

    We’re any of these people in VK bands before this...thing? I don’t know who these people are. What bands were they in?
  11. psychonnect_rozen

    I finished Sarazanmai. Weird and crazy ass anime but holy hell does it get good around Episode 7. Probably my favorite show of the year so far. Also finished Black Butler Season 1. Very fun and very enjoyable. Black Butler Season 2 on the other hand...ugh. It's horrid. Only good things are that The Gazette did the OP and the main characters are back, but I absolutely HATE the new ones. It may get good in the later episodes but IDK
  12. psychonnect_rozen

    Thanks I guess lol /s No but seriously I enjoyed it because well...I like it lol. It ain’t an all time favourite but it’s enjoyable at best It’s cool if you don’t like it but IMO, it’s a fun watch. I often start new animes with an open mind and don’t look at the reviews until after I’m done watching THEN I make my own opinions lol
  13. psychonnect_rozen

    I finished Black Butler Season 1. My friend convinced me to watch it and I just finished it today. Fantastic show, great opening and awesome characters! Season 2 so far is a complete mess. The animation is great but good god, is Alois the most insufferable, full of himself, sadistic prick I have seen and Claude is completely uninteresting. The only good parts are the opening since it's The Gazette and that the main characters from the first season are back. I'm only on Episode 2 and I HOPE Alois doesn't ruin this one or the rest of the show.
  14. psychonnect_rozen

    Vaping is stupid. I don’t want your mango flavoured smoke in my face
  15. psychonnect_rozen

    I’ve had these online friends for around 3 years at this point and I FINALLY had enough of their shitty behaviour
  16. psychonnect_rozen

    Honestly, it’s because of Limp Bizkit that Nu Metal became such a hated genre of music. Like there are so many great Nu Metal bands like Korn, Deftones, Slipknot and so much more. People do tend to think of Limp Bizkit when Nu Metal is mentioned. I can see why there hated and I don’t like them myself. But if you like them, then hey, more power to you
  17. psychonnect_rozen

    XXXTentacion does not deserve praise. He was an abuser and I can’t believe people actually say he “CuRrEd My DePreSiOn” I don’t understand how people say that about him when he literally beat up a woman. I guess we should start calling POS “heroes” now. Let’s just idolize Chris Brown if we’re doing that now
  18. psychonnect_rozen

    We can all blame Limp Bizkit for giving us such classics such as “NOOKIE”
  19. psychonnect_rozen

    Any kind of fizzy drink is gross. Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew are all disgusting drinks. I also hate it how alcohol as basically become the norm nowadays. Like you NEED to drink whenever your at a social affair or party. It’s the reason why I hate high school parties. I don’t wanna drink because I feel goddamn uncomfortable.
  20. psychonnect_rozen

    I remember back in sixth grade, we'd just squirt those into our mouths with no water
  21. psychonnect_rozen

    I don’t care for JJBA and I’m tired of hearing about it everyday. My IPhone sucks dick and I would KILL for any new model android. Also, Apple is overrated as fuck and you can’t do shit on them
  22. psychonnect_rozen

  23. psychonnect_rozen

    My favourite Ghibli movies will always be Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service and Ponyo. My uncle introduced me to his films when I was little and I fell in love with them
  24. psychonnect_rozen

    Last film I saw was Spiderman Far From Home. Dope ass movie
  25. psychonnect_rozen

    If you use the words SJW or Libtards in an argument then I won’t listen. Same thing if you call someone a “Nazi”. Might sound popular, but every Late Night host except for Conan is obnoxious and unfunny (looking at you Kimmel) Overrated is an overused term for people who just have no solid reason to dislike something. “Forced Diversity” is complete bullshit and having a POC or LGBT character in a show isn’t “Propaganda” The Right is just as equally offended as the Left Anti SJW’s are more annoying than actual SJW’s The Last Jedi wasn’t the best but it wasn’t BAD either. It’s overhated imo Even though its a REALLY hot topic, I genuinely don’t care that much for American Politcs. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t keep up anymore and I am genuinely uninterested. Don’t care for Trump, don’t care for anyone really.
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