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Posts posted by Neigedesmannes

  1. On 4/13/2019 at 3:08 PM, Sahzx said:

    I need to listen to sad songs or with a melancholy or somber mood. Help me please.

    Kinda late but this is what comes to my mind right now with the word melancholy. 


  2. 17 hours ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    How can anyone hate them? They’re like the most influential VK band ever! Plus, they basically introduced me into the VK scene and have been one of my all time favourite bands ever since

    Metal elitists despise DEG, saying they're mallgoth core, while diru never even claimed to be goth in the first place LOL

  3. 2 hours ago, yurameki24 said:

    Korean group  :  H.O.T

    I only remember that the sixth grade of Elementary School saw my sister listening to "H.O.T-We Are The Future"

    Then don't know why I found the "X Japan" band,I remember listening to "Rusty Nail"



    Wow, k-pop hairstyles have come a long way since back then :0 But i actually prefer this old style way more 

  4. Deep down i know that having a relationship may give me more self-doubt and anxiety, as i am already insecure about myself. Or that i'm not ready for another relationship yet even if its been a long while.

    Still, the emotional and body desires push me to still take the risk. But i am afraid of being used or ending up using the other person as a way to just 
    'fill the void'. 

  5. Sometime in 2010, a 12-year old me was already interested in asian/japanese rock music in general because of anime. Then i came across my first visual rock band called 'Silver Ash' on youtube, and i thought to myself "wow what is this style, i've never seen or heard before". 

    And through that, i found out about Dir en grey, which is the first vk band i've gotten into for real. 

  6. On 4/14/2019 at 12:14 AM, saiko said:

    They were really amateur. Some songs are catchy, but nothing more than that. When you listen 5+ songs you quickly find them uninspired and unskilled.

    being kinda bad is kind of what makes oldschool bands kinda appealing. It wasn't about who can play the most technical riffs or shred the fastest, they were average musicians just doing their best and pouring their emotions to the music. 

  7. On 5/14/2019 at 6:35 PM, psychonnect_rozen said:

    1) Respectfully disagree. While Toxic is a good album, I personally would not rank it higher than let's say Dogma (Idk lol). Stacked Rubbish IMO is The Gazette's best album but I respect your opinion. Also, "The Nickleback of VK", really? 🙄


    2) Never heard of MUCC. Are they good? Might check em out sometime soon


    3) YES! ABSOLUTELY YES! I remember someone asked him on Instagram about what cigs he smoked and he replied "The ones that kill me" (Idk. I'm paraphrasing here lol) and he did a whole rant on Instagram about how KPOP is funded from a "fascist government" and a bunch of other BS. I legit rolled my eyes and was like "HoLy FuCk yOuR eDgY". While I do enjoy Madman's Esprit's music, I absolutely can't stand Kyuhoo's 14-year-old edgelord attitude.


    4) Definitely! While Sugizo is an amazing guitarist, Iroran is an amazing one too. I often compare him to Pata from X Japan, who himself is underrated

    1) Ok maybe not nickelback 😅 i don't mean like they're bad like that but rather they're often the first band people listen to that gets them into the kind of music, and sometimes people are only familiar with this one band while not interested into digging deeper into the whole genre. I'd say Metallica is a better comparison. 


    2) They have a couple of good songs i like, like saishuu ressha. 


    3) LOL i dont even like k-pop but i just had to laugh at that statement. And the whole 'i will die instead of you' thing does sound like a quote my 15 year-old self would share. 


    4) Yep! Ino and pata may not be as "flashy" as Sugizo and Hide, but i think they're all at the core at what made the bands successful and amazing.

  8. 11 hours ago, colorful人生 said:

    small YT Drama rant:


      Hide contents

    source: https://www.newsweek.com/projared-holly-divorce-heidi-youtube-pics-jontron-1420991

    So, from what I understand, ProJared (prominent gaming YouTuber) cheated on his wife w/ Ross' (Game Grumps) ex-wife (Commander Holly, who left the marriage to move where, "coincidentally", ProJared was) who has collaborated w/ JonTron (a hot mess himself). Additionally, ProJared sent explicit images and attempted to groom underage fans... Now, you wonder why I'm not personally invested in the lives of any YouTubers/online personalities to the degree that most fans are. I've followed everyone listed here to some degree in the past and/or present.


    Also, it's 10x worse that this whole situation just become a cesspit of memes, and all the "news" YouTubers over the next week will have at least one video on this situation to make money. Now some of the memes are fucking hilarious, but the situation as a whole is really just sad (which kinda negates all the humor.) Shit's not healthy, man.



  9. There are so many i don't even know which one to start with. Here's one that came to mind right now:


    GARDEN... wishing that someday I'll be able to meet you always
    ... In the midst of this passing season, forever... you will...

    -Dir en grey - Garden


    It may be a little cheesy but these simple words convey so much pure emotions, no matter how you interpret it.


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