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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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    Miku70 reacted to Shaolan974 in Vo.カルト(Cult) (てんさい。(Tensai.)) apparel brand "DARK DRUG" has been launched   
    Vo.カルト(Cult) (てんさい。(Tensai.)) apparel brand "DARK DRUG" has been launched


  3. LOLOL
  4. Like
    Miku70 reacted to saiko in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    I pray for someday heteronormativity just erases off from the vk scene. It's just so weird that every musician within it pretend to be full cis-straight in a scene where the basic dress-code is actually cross-dressing. I guess heteronormativity could never look so stupid itself.
  5. Like
    Miku70 reacted to suji in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    The weirdest ones I can think of on the top of my head is that tanuki thinks Gara (MERRY) is a germaphobe, Hizaki supposedly throws hissy fits, and Kyo's name supposedly being "Tooru". x)
    Plus Kisaki having tons of STDs but given the things that's been uncovered, well.........🤷‍♀️
  6. LOVE!
    Miku70 reacted to meikyoushisui in Visual Kei in film and television   
    The only example I can think of is when an Arlequin poster appeared on zombieland saga

  7. Like
    Miku70 reacted to gret in Hi!   
    Decided to join after lurking for a while and reading through the threads. Here for the music...and the drama, ngl 😎
    Knew of VK previously but only checked it out recently, it has definitely changed somewhat from what I remembered. didn't expect chekis to be a thing, for one. 
    Looking for recommendations too since I have only gotten a few songs from almost every band I came across. The only exception is codomo dragon which  is my favorite right now. I prefer clean singing, though some growls/screaming is ok too. I prefer Dimlim's latest single over most of Chedora, for example.
    I really like: Ningen isu, most of kizu, gulu gulu's single, and like 3 arlequin songs lol.
    Songs like Henry by ZZooo are cool with me too!
    Non-japanese bands are fine too - looking to expand my repertoire! 
    I...also  listen to some 8psb...
  8. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Shaolan974 in SHIN (ex-ViViD) new mini-album "AZALEA" release   
    SHIN (ex-ViViD) new mini-album "AZALEA" will be released at 2019/08/07 (2 types)
    Limited edition (2700yen) will include CD (6 tracks) and DVD including "AZALEA" and interview
    Regular edition (2160yen) will include CD (7 tracks) and photobooklet
  9. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Shaolan974 in 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice) new look and new mini-album,『Stargazer』, release   
    01. SE
    02. Stargazer
    03. 感情線 (Kanjousen)
    04. 雨の匂いと優しい毒 (Ame no Nioi to Yasashii Doku)
    05. くたばれエイリアン (Kutabare Alien)
    06. モノクローム (Monochrome)
    07. 拝啓皆様方 (Haikei Minasama Hou)
  10. LOVE!
    Miku70 reacted to AwesomeNyappy in Introductions   
    To all of you lovely people here,
    this is the chance to introduce yourself! You don't need to get personal, you can just post who you are, maybe your hobbies, and what you like about AnCafe/when you started listening to them and why?
    My name is AwesomeNyappy. I started listening to Ancafe when I was 13. Bou was still in the band (haha, I'm old), and he used to be my favourite member. I absolutely adored his style and used to print out pictures of the band that I would keep in a folder or pin to my wall. A friend of mine once have me a mix CD with Japanese music that an older friend of hers compiled (she was big into visual kei and cosplay.) I'd already been a fan of manga and anime for many years, so this wasn't quite of stretch. At first I thought the music sounded a bi weird, but then I got really into it. AnCafe was my first and will probably be my favourite visual kei band forever. Their sound used to be light, full of hope and yet there was a hint of melancholy and sadness about it too. I have fond memories of listening to the band when I was on holiday as a young teenager.
    They were also my first concert. I had just turned 16, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Managed to again see them in 2014 in Berlin, and am very thankful for that.
    When they disbanded, it felt as if an era in my life had come to an end/as if I had lost a part of myself, as cheesy as that sounds.
    I really wanted to get their last live DVD as well, but i missed the deadline to order it by a day (I know...but I was very stressed at that time, and I wasn't even sure if I should get it for 120 euros are a lot of money.) I still try not to regret not taking the last chance to get their autographs because of how much they meant to me. I wanted this last DVD to say goodbye to them, but I guess there is nothing I can do about it now. At the same time, imagine it would've gotten lost in the mail....I would've been even sadder. Still, I now feel weird listening to them because that missed chance is on my mind (as weird as that sounds.) I don't want this regret to overshadow my love for their music.
    However, they meant a lot to me growing up, and while I'm not the type of person to be too bumbed my disbandments (because honestly, there are worse things in life), I'm still a bit sad that I won't see them live again.
    What about you?  
  11. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to AwesomeNyappy in The future of Visual Kei in an all digital world?   
    I mean, it might change the scene a bit. I quite enjoyed going to vk stores in shinjuku, it's always nice to look at a physical collection of CDs, but that is just the 90s kid in me. However, the rest is basically going to stay the same, I guess. People are just going to download the music.
    However, I think this'll take some time. You talked about the west, saying that record stores are a rarity there. I can honestly not say the same about Europe. While sales of physical CDs have been declining, there are still huge record stores here. And since Japan loves places such as book of or twoer records, they will continue buying it + I think companies in Japan have their ways of attracting people to buy physical albums.
    Take k-pop for instance: in Europe, people often download the songs illegally, and then buy the physical CD. Simply because they like the design/want to support the band/want the special features. VK is the same in that respect.
  12. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Zeus in The future of Visual Kei in an all digital world?   
    Everything is a cycle. We are in the beginning of a transition away from physical to digital goods, because right now we can see the benefits of all digital and the disadvantages of physical media. Give streaming time to mature as a delivery service and there are bound to be issues that crop up unique to streaming, issues that physical media doesn't have to deal with, and eventually we'll settle on some medium where streaming and physical media can coexist.

    IMO, visual kei will have to accept streaming eventually. It's not a big enough scene to make "demands" on how people consume their music. Fans will just pirate the music if companies continue to make it difficult to acquire visual kei music legally. I think that once a few high ranking businessmen in the scene see the potential behind streaming, visual kei will naturally transition itself into streaming. Once this happens, the way business is done will forever change. I expect that multi type releases will become a thing of the past, since they don't work as well digitally. Exclusive tracks to a streaming platform is possible. The piracy scene will change as well if it's not as easy to get a hold of physical media.
  13. Interesting
    Miku70 reacted to Kiryu999 in てんさい。(Tensai.) new single "便器ちゃん" release + will disband   
    Btw the release of the single has been moved to mid-june
  14. Interesting
    Miku70 reacted to Masato in てんさい。(Tensai.) new single "便器ちゃん" release + will disband   
    Why is tensai still listed for an event in late November? A 2 months break announcement? I feel fooled!.
  15. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to nekkichi in The future of Visual Kei in an all digital world?   
    cross maria's VR porn model career is about to take OFF
  16. Interesting
    Miku70 reacted to secret_no_03 in The future of Visual Kei in an all digital world?   
    The talk of loving to buy physical CDs/DVDs and all of the perks that come with it got me thinking about the (near?) future of the scene in a world where all music is digital. Very few computers come with a CD drive, Spotify and Apple Music are growing more than ever; Apple even dropping iTunes for a plain music app, and although the retro music renaissance is a thing with vinyl making a comeback, the future of physical media is looking grim. I definitely see Japan (especially since they still have CD rentals, something that is very rare or non-existent in the west) being dragged into the future of music distribution kicking and screaming; Visual Kei especially. VK popularized multi-type albums, single release campaigns and as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) the live only singles. If Japan gets to a point where you need to buy a separate device to burn a CD and God forbid CD players in cars go by the way side, then their CDs will be a relic of a bygone era. 
    Honestly, the day video game consoles stop having CD drives, the DVD will die and DVD players will become VHS players (those are harder than hell to find), I'll be very upset as someone who's amassed a great many movies and such. There is also the fear of everything being lost forever. I'm sure all of us have cursed the heavens when we lose files and don't have a physical copy to back them up. I suppose itunes would be a solution, but if that ever crashed...well I don't want to think about it.
    Anyway, I look forward to seeing what everyone else thinks, the pros and cons of all of our cherished CDs and DVDs becoming not only obsolete, but useless...
  17. Interesting
    Miku70 reacted to meikyoushisui in DADAROMA new look !   
    Not tour announcement but meanwhile in France...
  18. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to anadentone in DADAROMA new look !   
    this is the weirdest vogue spread I've ever seen. Why is Yoshiatsu posing like that weird gay uncle at every family reunion 
  19. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Zeus in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    Talk about NTR. Third guy got fucked, but not in the way that feels good. Those two worked fast in erasing all of their tracks from the internet. Can't even find a picture of the band.

    EDIT: Thank Kami for Japanese netizens. Here's the band:

    Guy in the middle is the one who wasn't involved. And here are the two:

  20. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to suji in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    I have to thank Serah from Labaiser for posting the link to that article, while also commenting "Labaiser prohibits in-band romances, so we don't have to worry about this". legendddd
  21. Like
  22. wow
    Miku70 reacted to suji in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    As if we hadn't heard all the ridiculous reasons for a band to break up...
    Three-member band shigatsu. (formed in early 2018) have disbanded on June 1 due to infidelity, mainly on the vocalist's part. It was discovered that vocalist 吉田拓海 (Takumi Yoshida) (also known as よしたく (Yoshitaku)), who had been engaged to his fiancee, was having an affair with female bassist 鈴木文香 (Suzuki Fumika) (also known as ふみちゃん (Fumichan)). As a result, the respective members have apologized for their actions and the band have disbanded.
    Statement from shigatsu. before they deleted their Twitter and OHP:
    I would have also shared their music video here, but it seems they purged their Youtube as well.
    Original news article basically requoting the band's statement, including Yoshida and Fumi's statements:

  23. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to psychonnect_rozen in random thoughts thread   
    Where does this come from? Some strange fanfic?
  24. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to Alkaloid in EVERSSIC Ba.ゆづき (Yuzuki) has departed and will pause activities   
    EVERSSIC Ba.ゆづき (Yuzuki) has departed at 2019/6/1.
    They will pause activities at 2019/6/12.
  25. 悲しい
    Miku70 reacted to colorful人生 in random thoughts thread   
    Shoutouts to my cousin who's a nurse at one of the Sentara hospitals. The collective hospitals (mainly the general one) just took in all the victims/injured (to my knowledge) of the latest U.S. mass shooting in Virginia Beach. I'm not sure if it was on her shift, but they were certainly busy today.
    Fucking hell, can people not suck for once and NOT kill people over their disgruntled asses.
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