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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    Masato reacted to anadentone in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    deported for not paying for food- North Korea joke (or China)
    oh it's fake...well there goes my scandalous vibe, guess I'll wait for someone in Kiryu to get married and out shook Jaw man.
  2. Like
    Masato reacted to redaudrey in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    The.picnics is an alter ego band of ensoku, so yeah, this is a joke lol
  3. Like
    Masato reacted to anadentone in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    when your McNugget urge is strong. How the hell do you get fired/deported for not paying for your meal? How the hell do you even get your meal without paying?
  4. Like
    Masato reacted to The Piass in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    That's what I thought but it was quite weird X)
  5. Like
    Masato reacted to 123Sandman321 in Yoshiki to Host Masterclass at Frost School of Music in Miami to be Streamed Live   
    Masterclass in celebrity rectal alpinism?
  6. Like
    Masato reacted to GreatNorthernVK in Yoshiki to Host Masterclass at Frost School of Music in Miami to be Streamed Live   
    Step 24: Show up *everywhere*, and create photo ops for the camera. Preferably when there’s royalty nearby.
  7. Like
    Masato reacted to TheZigzagoon in Yoshiki to Host Masterclass at Frost School of Music in Miami to be Streamed Live   
    “Hey guys, Yoshiki here! I’m gonna teach y’all how to get away with teasing an album for literal YEARS and keep people waiting on nothing haha yeeeeeah!”
  8. Like
    Masato reacted to lichtlune in Kamijo will release new single 「Eye of Providence」   
    Nice improved falsetto! 
  9. Like
    Masato reacted to qotka in Queen Elizabeth Assaulted by Rogue Scarf, Remains Unphased   
    yoshiki took to twitter to apologize
    (of course he's not going to miss an opportunity to mention he actually talked to the queen lmao)
  10. Like
    Masato reacted to Jigsaw9 in Queen Elizabeth Assaulted by Rogue Scarf, Remains Unphased   
    We're actually living in the fictional reality of the X Files series and it was actually Agent Scully investigating whether the new X JAPAN album really existed or just a hoax (plot twist: it's a government cover-up to draw attention away from UFO sightings). Mulder still wants to believe.
  11. Daria
    Masato reacted to suji in A Rapid Increase in Domestic Violence Against Men in Japan   
    Moved this to Current Events as this is a serious thing going on in just about every civilized country.
    I'm surprised something like this is increasing in Japan, but even more so in the United States. Feminism is taking a toll on America to the point where women can feel free to overpower anyone who gets in their way and still try to be sympathetic figures while crying wolf all at the same time because we are biologically inferior to men and we can't accept that. Because we are also child bearers, courts will usually side with us during custody battles because we are naturally seen as caring and motherly, while dads are stereotypically seen as deadbeats or abusive. It is disturbing how men are under attack in this country, and as feminism grows in Japan, I fear they'll face the same consequences there as well. One segment of the video above where the female abuser was let go while her man suffered horrible injuries infuriates me to no end; it is a daily epidemic that shows no signs of slowing down.
    The reason why domestic violence against men isn't taken as seriously is because man is supposed to be dominant and shouldn't succumb to women, who are generally viewed as more weaker and innocent. If a woman calls out her male partner for abuse, then she is met with instantaneous support rather than skepticism. If a man admits he's being abused by his female partner, then he risks ridicule, humiliation, and not being "man enough"; men are held to such a high standard that they cannot come out with problems like these, even in our current society where we are now truly aware of men's mental health. The media is also more liberal leaning so of course they'll talk about the advancement of women's rights and keep domestic violence under wraps unless it's women being attacked by the evil bad men. In our modern climate, society has gotten so pussified that they are afraid of calling out minorities like women, gays, nonwhites, etc, and the attack on men will increase exponentially as long as women get away with the shit they're doing.
  12. Like
    Masato reacted to Shaolan974 in HERO will resume activities   
    [regular edition tracklist]
    01. 「指結び」 (Yubimusubi)
    02. あるてぃめっとえくすとりぃむらぶそんぐ (Ultimate Extreme Love Song)
    03. 花火 (Hanabi)
    04. 計算問題 (Keisan Mondai)
    05. ノンフィクション (Non-Fiction)
    06. 逆さま歌 (Sakasama Uta)

  13. Like
    Masato reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Kamijo will release new single 「Eye of Providence」   
    Love that she used her vampire magic to put the statue of liberty into the middle of NYC!!! Sim City 5 could NEVER
  14. I feel ya..
    Masato got a reaction from meikyoushisui in 怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー (Kaitou SentaiNusumunja) (the band with the most cease and desist orders..)    
    Ehhh??? Which ones? I have downloaded most of them....
    I think it was the furitsuke videos.... 😑  they decided to upload it only on their furitsuke twitter channel, the songs are mostly there still.
    This is really annoying.... I liked to have them on youtube,  but you can't do anything about it.... 
    They also deleted some stupid dork videos like Masato teaching people how to do facial treatment and face massage. 😂 I have a lot saved on my phone though. 
  15. wow
  16. LOLOL
    Masato got a reaction from meikyoushisui in 怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー (Kaitou SentaiNusumunja) (the band with the most cease and desist orders..)    
    I think he does sometimes and cleans up. Lol. Nothing serious. This is about how lovers, mitsu and tsunagari should behave and how it's impossible for a bangya to do this.
    Don't drop hints on sns, don't go to lives,  walk with 5m distance to bandomen etc.
  17. Interesting
    Masato got a reaction from platy in Stan Culture in VK   
    I once remotely stalked a bandmen on pokemon go, by looking up the locations of the pokestop gifts he would send me. I am so proud of myself! 😂 
    After a while it got boring though when i had figured out his hood. I did nothing with the info, just knew he was living on campus at his university. Lol
  18. Like
    Masato got a reaction from platy in Japanese Anti-Feminism   
    Well, they do have the anti-high heel movement now.... 😅
    That is a start
  19. LOLOL
    Masato got a reaction from secret_no_03 in Japanese Anti-Feminism   
    Well, they do have the anti-high heel movement now.... 😅
    That is a start
  20. Like
    Masato got a reaction from Miku70 in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Well, I guess it's like the general onnagata thing, someone of the band gets appointed to do these kind of things, if they want or not...
    Also band guys often don't even get along so well (disbandment wave...)
    But man, when there are rumors you are married and sleeping around with girls and then they pretend this BL stuff at events or on stage I feel it's super forced and it's embarassing to look at.
    I would be ok with them just cuddling now and then and saying the other guy is cute or so... 
  21. Like
    Masato reacted to spockitty in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Well, I can't speak for gay men, but as a queer person I can tell you that yep, it's actually pretty insulting.
    Of course it comes down to personal feelings, you will find people who don't mind. Me, I don't find it entertaining to have my sexuality performed by straight people, for titillating a crowd that may otherwise find it repulsive. I also don't go on crusades to tear down everyone who enjoys said performances, cause as I said, I get the point. If I can manage to stop my brain from overthinking shit for 5 minutes, I can even get myself to enjoy some of it! ~le gasp~
    I also want you to know that I'm trying really hard to limit the rantiness of my ranting, cause as you can probably tell, I have a lot to say on the topic ^^;
  22. Like
    Masato reacted to spockitty in The return of the BL fanservice   
    I think that's the main thing I have a problem with in general.
    If all of this was genuine or just friendly teasing that everyone involved agreed to and had nothing against? You do you (or your bandmate). But please, in a roomful of supposedly straight men you'll find maybe one or two that would actually be fine with this stuff. 
    So with all of that going in my head, I feel doubly embrassased and uncomfortable both on behalf of the band and the fans >.>
    YES, humping inanimate objects, while still embarassing, much more acceptable 😎
  23. Like
    Masato got a reaction from suji in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Well, I guess it's like the general onnagata thing, someone of the band gets appointed to do these kind of things, if they want or not...
    Also band guys often don't even get along so well (disbandment wave...)
    But man, when there are rumors you are married and sleeping around with girls and then they pretend this BL stuff at events or on stage I feel it's super forced and it's embarassing to look at.
    I would be ok with them just cuddling now and then and saying the other guy is cute or so... 
  24. Like
    Masato got a reaction from Arkady in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Well, I guess it's like the general onnagata thing, someone of the band gets appointed to do these kind of things, if they want or not...
    Also band guys often don't even get along so well (disbandment wave...)
    But man, when there are rumors you are married and sleeping around with girls and then they pretend this BL stuff at events or on stage I feel it's super forced and it's embarassing to look at.
    I would be ok with them just cuddling now and then and saying the other guy is cute or so... 
  25. LOLOL
    Masato reacted to spockitty in The return of the BL fanservice   
    Hoo boy, can't speak for the current trends but I don't think it will ever die out completely. As long as a big chunk of the fanbase consists of hormonal teenage girls (speaking as a hormonal teenage girl of years past that lively participated in this culture).
    I do find it cringey and problematic now that I'm older and wiser, but I get why they're doing this (a disclaimer, by "it" I mean this kind of fanservice and RPF fanfiction not reading/writing gay fanfiction in general). Think of all the queerbaiting in western shows, they do it for a reason also. Not exactly the same, but it serves the same purpose, it keeps a certain type of fans engaged. In this essay I will.... 
    Jkjk, I'm not certain you were looking for debate on queer representation, stereoptyping and exploitation in Japanese media? XD
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