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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. Sometimes I feel like being a GEEK is one of the most idiot and worthless things in this shitty world.

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      You're doing it for the wrong reasons then. Realising things like that in the way you're describing is just a part of growing up imo. Of course "geeky" stuff like obsessing over music or anime won't be enough to fulfill you. But that doesn't mean that it's "worthless". You'll have to transgress the thought that all this stuff makes up who you are, that's not a helpful perspective. But the fact that these things are a part of your life in the way they are is actually interesting and says a lot about you.

    3. xBandō


      Well.. let's put it like this. (Warning, Autism incoming)

      I reached many of my goals due to motivation i recieved by watching anime or listening to music.. im a good swimmer because Free! motivated me to start swimming in 2013, now i compete with my swim club. Crows/Worst tought me not to give a fuck about people who put you down, and im doing pretty good in College due to it. And then there's Initial D.. but being a good racer does not get me anywhere really, its just for fun haha.

      What im trying to say is that everything is NOT useless if you like it. If you enjoy VK take your motivation from there, and fuck what society says. No one gets to dictate what you enjoy other than yourself.

    4. Paraph


      If it inspires you and makes you happy then I don't know why you'd think it was worthless. If you're getting pressure from others you'll have to learn to shake it off. Life is short, enjoy what you want to.

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