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Everything posted by Ozileras10

  1. Vacant from The GazettE doesn't get the attention it deserves

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      And it will most likely never be seen on a DVD smh.....

    2. Ozileras10


      true, not anytime soon anyways

    3. platy


      Truth 😩

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  2. Ozileras10

    The lyrics for the new song
  3. someone  leak sukekiyo's latest single pleaseeeee


  4. It might be just me but from what i've heard X-japan's lyrics are really generic. I feel like they sing about walls and sands of time 80% of the time

    1. God


      It's probably blasphemous to publicly admit to this, but I never really got into X that much.  I've heard a lot of their music but none of it really stands out to me.

    2. Komorebi


      I find X boring and repetitive as a band. Sorry not sorry. 

    3. Ozileras10


      I mean they have some good songs, but overall I agree with you guys

  5. Ozileras10

    This song has the same formula as their previous A-sides but it's still catchy af, especially that chorus is stuck on my head
  6. Ozileras10

    yes yes yes
  7. Ozileras10

    What are you guys talking about? this is amazing. Even better than akaku and brilliant. This band is amazing, cannot wait for the minialbum
  8. Ozileras10

    There's a lot of memorable songs, especially the latter half. However there's no songs on the level of Rinkaku, Different sense, Diabolos etc. Still a decent album
  9. Ozileras10

    This is fucking awesomeee. Diaura Killing it as always
  10. Ozileras10

    No fuck nooooooooooo Fuck I'm sad now
  11. Damnn Dadaroma are back, this song is so good
  12. Comparing vanitas with Ranunculus is a sin
  13. Ozileras10

    Man this sound so fucking good. Love everything they’ve released since Evil Mad Science
  14. The album is great but it’s having the same 2 issues as Gazette’s Ninth did. The mix is not so great(even worse than ninth), and there are no standout tracks on the album. I’ve come to enjoy Ningen wo Kaburu and Ranunculus even though I didn’t like them at first. These are my favorites so far Followers, Aka, Zetsuentai, Keigaku no yoku
  15. So, no Diabolos or vinushka in this album right ? :(
  16. Has Natsuki from OZ been on any band since they disbanded? Where is he right now? I’m getting into OZ and I love his voice 

    1. Himeaimichu


      He apparently retired from singing because he felt as if he wasn't good enough. Really sad, since he was quite unique for the time

    2. Ozileras10


      @AimiGen7 wow that’s sad! I find his voice really amazing, both the clean and harsh. So unique 

    3. Elazmus


      he low key left us because WE aren't good enough. :( welcome to our pain though, wonderful band that was one of my top 5 through much of highschool 💔

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  17. Ozileras10

    Anima’s chorus is extremely catchy though
  18. Ozileras10

    Watch this performance of an incredible song and just look how tight everyone sounds
  19. Itsuwari no Uzu is the best Rentrer en Soi song!

    Change my mind

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. Elazmus


      I refuse. :[ 

    3. Ozileras10


      There’s a lot of amazing songs in ReS discography that it’s hard to choose  the best one, but Itsuwari no Uzu is so beautiful that it wins that spot.

      Also As saishuu mentioned the instrumental section in the middle of the song is breathtaking 

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  20. Ozileras10

    Yep it is! And soon after Kodoku, during Dead tree he was being possessed lol It’s the most emotional one though
  21. Ozileras10

    So kyo is hurting himself again huh
  22. Someone posted it on a fb group. Idk where they found it
  23. I like this song more than Ningen already
  24. https://vocaroo.com/i/s1KdZbug2qVt sample of a new song!
  25. Ozileras10

    Off topic but is Deg vk again? I know for a while they’ve been putting makeup and looking more and more like they’re back on the scene, but this latest look is so vk, especially kyo.
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