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Everything posted by Ozileras10

  1. Ozileras10

    I think a lot of people were expecting way to much from this album. I think its fantastic. For a first album it is awesome. I don’t remember a band release such a good first album. These guys are so talented, in the future they’ll deliver even better
  2. Ozileras10

    Wow what a fucking Album. I expected only heavy stuff but I'm so glad the album has some softer songs as well. There's so much variety
  3. New band pic and track list for the new album:
  4. Ozileras10

    How to get rid of the feeling that you shouldn’t delete songs of an album that you don’t listen because it will make the album feel incomplete???
  5. First time witnessed a lunar eclipse. What a feeling. The first time seeing Mars too.

    I’m so happy!

    1. xriko


      I waited all the week for this. We had 35°c and + all the week.

      Yesterday at 9pm a huge thunderstorm has arrived.

      I couldn't see anything except thounsand and thousand of thunders.


      The sadness of the century.

    2. platy


      We haven't had rain for a month. Blistering heat and clear nights until last night. :(

      You're so lucky. 

    3. Ozileras10


      Sorry to hear that. It has always happened to me too, but this time I was lucky to see it.

      Truly breathtaking

  6. The acoustic guitar in Filth in the beauty is the best part of the song. Fucking love it 

  7. Ozileras10

    This is so bad
  8. Is “in the shadows” an upcoming mucc song?

    Watched this live and I’m impressed how good it sounds. It starts around 24:30 of this video


    1. Jigsaw9


      He says it's a new song when introducing it, so yep! :) 

    2. Ozileras10
    3. Ozileras10


      I wonder, when will it come out though?

  9. Ozileras10

    I like it a lot
  10. Ozileras10

    The mix on the songs! Conpare the Falling Mv mix to the album mix and you’ll hear how much better the Mv mix sounds. The production is loud as people have said before
  11. Ozileras10

    Phase #03 new single maybe??
  12. All 3 songs are outstanding! The lead song Unmei Kaika is my favorite! It sounds so fresh, and that chorus is beautiful
  13. Ozileras10

    The song is awesome and Hyde looks like Kyo
  14. Ozileras10

    A fool is definitely the best song on the album. I’ve replayed it over 30 times since I got the album. The rest is good but not nearly as good as Dark, maybe just a bit weaker than avantgarde. So far this is my impression. I’m sure it’ll grow on me
  15. Can someone please recommend me some good Larc en Ciel and Vamps songs?

    1. Ozileras10


      @YuyoDrift oh fuck it is there, I have no Idea how I missed it lol. 

      Thank you, for the recommendation 

    2. Mamo


      I provided the exact same link lol

    3. violetchain


      "Blurry Eyes" is a must for L'Arc. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4142117/l_arc_en_ciel_blurry_eyes/


      I'm really partial to the entire Tierra album, tbh. Especially "In The Air": 


    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. Does Nightmare have more songs similar to Alumina??

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      listen to their album "LIBIDO"

    2. madygrain


      Form their VAP days:




      -White room

      -Cynical Re:actor


      Their recent stuff still have songs like that. Try:



      -Deus ex Machina


      These were the first ones to come to mind that resembe alumina, if you like any of my sugestions in particular too, relpy and we can go from there.


    3. Ozileras10


      Thank you guys for the suggestions.

      These songs sounded kinda similar to Alumina :Varuna, 叙情的に過ぎた時間と不確定な未来へのレクイエム, white room and deus ex machina.


    4. Show next comments  12 more
  17. This band does not disappoint!! So excited coz this sounds awesome
  18. Ozileras10

    My review of Ninth: So after listening to Ninth for more than 30 times, and listening to some of my favorite songs from Ninth on repeat since the release date. I can say that Ninth is a really great album. At first I found the production kinda muddy(maybe because I've listened to Dogma so much and was kinda used to that type of production), now I don't find it muddy but I would have loved If Josh Wilbur would have mixed the entire album not just the MV version of Falling coz I loved the hell out of that mix. Anyways here's a short review for every song: 1. 99.999 A really nostalgic intro, I like how it mixes all intros of their albums. 2. Falling Loved the song since I first heard it in their official website. I love every bit of it, The riffs, Ruki's voice, the guitar solo, the rythm of the song and the synth is really fitting. Definitely the best song on the album. Although I prefer the MV mix over the Album mix, I'm starting to enjoy the latter as well. 3. Ninth Odd Smells Another favorite on the album. This song is meant to be played live. I listen to it when I wanna get pumped up before studying. I feel like every member shines on this one. Love the heavy parts and the big choruses. 4. Gush This one is such a headbanger. It's a fun track and I find it really enjoyable. 5. The Mortal This one is more experimental compared to the rest of the album and I think its a lot of people's favorite on the album. It's got a really dark atmosphere surrounding it . I love the basswork, drumming, the riffs, and the electronic elements. But the highlight for me on this song is that big chorus, Ruki does an amazing job in this one 6. Utsusemi (虚蜩) One of the more emotional tracks in the album. You could tell it was composed by Aoi. It's another standout on the album and I feel like it's a song that deserves a music video. Nothing much to say I just love it from start to finish. 7. Sono koe wa moroku (その声は脆く) Although I didn't enjoy it as much when I heard the Radio uploads on YouTube, it's grown on me a lot. The highlight of the song is the guitar solo. 8. Babylon's Taboo An epic song. Love the industrial elements and It immediately reminded me of Devouring one another. One of my favorite songs on the Album. 9. Uragiru bero (裏切る舌 ) It sounds like a better version of Vermin. It's got amazing groovy riffs and Kai is a monster in this one. Such an amazing track. 10. Two of a Kind This track sounds like Depravity and it kinda feels like a lynch. song in some parts. Love the changes between heavy and clean sections. The highlight of this song is the ending part, It's so incredible. 11. Abhor god My least favorite song on the album. I was hoping for a fully metalcore song coz It begins with an awesome metalcore riff but unfortunately it develops into something else. I think this song has the weakest chorus on the whole album. 12. Unfinished An awesome way to end the album. This song reminded me of Toxic mixed with a little bit of Nil and Stacked Rubbish. It's got an awesome melody and Uruha's guitar solo is so beautiful. Love how it just fades away at the end. Ninth is definitely one of their most consistent album from their whole discography as there's no fillers on the album. However it lacks standout tracks like Deux, Dogma and Ominous. In the end, I think I still prefer Dogma a bit more, but Ninth has definitely become one of my favorite albums from them.
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