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Status Updates posted by heresytrash

  1. I'm reminded of why I love DOGMA so much, excuse me while I go cry about the LA concert.

    1. chemicalpictures


      Their best song ever, period.

  2. I'm running out of things to blog about lol

    1. nekkichi


      oversharing about sex and drug abuse always gets u views! thank me ltr <3

  3. I'm so glad that Gotcharocka has been active through all of this. My boys uwu 

  4. I'm so ready to throw money at GazettE again. 

    1. platy


      I'm convinced they don't want any money at this point 

    2. togz
    3. solaris05


      saaaaaame. SO READY

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. I've been listening to the new version of Cassis on repeat, ok

  6. I’m gonna fight Ruki in about two weeks.

    1. YuyoDrift


      More like fight the crowds first, amirite?

  7. If any of you wanna be friends on animal crossing, lemme know and I'll DM you my friend code. 

  8. If my brothers ruined my recording for Anthony Bourdain's Seattle episode, I will punch someone. I wanted to record that so I could watch it right away.

  9. If you're gonna be in Dallas like me for GazettE, hit me up and we'll have a cage fight.

    1. 091012


      I'd fight you XD

  10. Is there any way I can get a cover photo?

    1. Chi


      ohhh i didn't know it was specific to certain user ranks :|

    2. heresytrash


      Ah okay, makes sense. Thank you!

    3. Zeus


      reach the rank of Hot People and you will be able to update your own profile and cover photo.

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  11. It's cold so I'm wearing a Totoro onesie my boyfriend bought me because it's the warmest thing I own.

    1. vanivani


      Your Totoro once sounds awesome lol It is freaking cold haha

  12. It's going to be weird for me to see HYDE honestly, cause I used to use him as a faceclaim for an OC in a RP where he was a magi and a knight so.

  13. Itunes totally got rid of Kagrra, on itunes, not only that they erased my already purchased albums off itunes as well and I can't put it on my new computer because of it. :C I'm so upset. I'm gonna see if I can order some online, but at least let me keep the stuff I bought....

    1. nekkichi


      👏 👏 👏 piracy won again 👏 👏 👏

    2. Komorebi


      Wow, that REALLY sucks ass.

    3. heresytrash


      Well if I don't find a solution to this, I'm just going to see what cdjapan or amazon Japan has to offer as far as Kagrra, albums go.

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  14. Judy's Turn to Cry doesn't make sense, because why would you want a guy who left you for another girl in the first place? [random thoughts about old songs.]

    1. vanivani


      Because they don't have any self-worth lol :/

    2. heresytrash


      Typical fifties song lol

  15. Jui's voice is so nice to listen to. 

    1. reminiscing2004


      woke up and wanted to listen to The Farthest.. so true

    2. reminiscing2004


      lmao i read this as juri, someone pls ban me to spare embarassment

    3. anadentone


      the sexiest middle aged man in the business too :D

  16. Jun liked my reply on twitter, it was just me saying happy birthday to him, but I can die happy now.

    1. anadentone


      ❤️ Jun is pure angelic

    2. heresytrash


      @anadentone he's a gift to this world and we don't deserve him uwu

    3. anadentone
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. Lacey Sturm is under fire for being homophobic. Sucks because it was her music was what got me through my coming out stage in life.

    Flyleaf was also my first concert experience. Now I can't get it out of my head. :l 

    1. suji


      she's a Christian, what did you expect

    2. heresytrash


      I mean I know Christians who are not, I don't like to automatically assume someone is homophobic completely until they themselves say something. 

  18. Listening to Kagrra, puts me in a mood.

  19. Me: I really need to work on saving my money for adult things.
    Also me: *buys GOTCHAROCKA's newer album*
    Me: Dammit.

    1. heresytrash


      Neverending cycle for me lmao 

    2. monkeybanana4


      Haha, same here XD It's even worst when going to lives, and I see the goods table ^^;

    3. Arkady


      Let's see the bright side, worst case scenario we could still build a tiny house with our vk collection for retirement. (I mean using the stuff as bricks)

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  20. Mitch from ptx knows about dir en grey and Gazette so when are they gonna cover some songs??

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Really?! So, yes, it would be pretty interesting.

  21. My Animal Crossing Island will be fucked once Breathe of the Wild 2 finally comes out....

  22. My biggest regret will always be never going to Jrock Revolution way back in like 2007 when Kagrra, came. That would have been my only chance, but since I was only a teenager my parents weren't going to let me make the trip. :C 

  23. My birthday's in a month, welp. I'm an oldie.

  24. My copy of Polychrome by Gotcharocka came today but I'm probably gonna give it a listen this weekend. 

  25. My coworker tried to snitch on me today lmao good thing I'm good friends with the customer service lady.

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