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    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from platy in In 2005, how did Ruki's vocals improve so fast?   
    Interesting discussion. First off, I think you might be exaggerating the change of his vocals, as you see it. Even looking it at the live clips you cited, let alone all of the other recordings from 2002 to this point, I don't think there was ever some drastic 'switch' where he got better. (I don't think he was ever 'bad' as many people believe.) You could maybe argue that about his screams, but I'm mainly addressing the clean singing voice.
    Also, something really key to consider (especially with live performances) is the circumstances of the sound setup at the venue. As a vocalist, you are desperately depending on monitors, either on the floor in front of you on via in-ear headphones, to allow you to hear yourself. Standing on stage with the band, you often can't hear the sound of your own voice. This makes your performances at shows vary a lot based on how the venue can accommodate this. Most small venues will have sparse to nil monitoring options. Even in higher budget tours where you have monitoring equipment, you are presented with a new problem: bigger venues have even louder sound systems. Even among same size venues, the acoustics differs wildly, so the live sound team is facing a new set of challenges every show. And on top of that, the house guy doing the mix might put you too low on X night at X venue, and do the opposite at Y venue on Y night. My whole point is that for Ruki, or any vocalist in a loud band, each show will not be a level playing ground for their performance. It's very plausible that at one concert he could hear himself fantastic, while at the other he had insufficient monitoring or was in a crazy reflective room that drowned everything out.
    Additionally, the idea that someone can improve very suddenly at a discipline is generally a fantasy, imo. Even if you are practicing something for 6 hours a day, progress is usually steady, but diminishes over time. For instance, imagine there are two people who practice singing for 6 hours a day. One of them only started singing yesterday and the other one has been professionally singing for 3 years. The newbie will make a considerable amount more overall improvement than the veteran in a month's time. This is what makes it so difficult to be in the highest echelon of skill in a certain field. If it takes 100 hours to become 'okay' at something, it might take 1000 to become good, and 10,000 to become very good.
  2. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Your last music-related buy!   
    3 ムック limited editions, two V.A.'s, and a lone Ryohei
    ty rarezhut!

  3. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    3 ムック limited editions, two V.A.'s, and a lone Ryohei
    ty rarezhut!

  4. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Pretsy in Emo/post-hardcore/screamo/etc Worship Thread   
    Thought of this right away (aside from a gamut of acts you guys mentioned already) but seems like "weeb emo" is severly underappreciated anyway (fun fact: the said act evolved into another, jazz-fusion-based collective after their demise)

    Lives up to its title - GOAT!
    Ps. where's Slint? I thought you guys were very memetastic
  5. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Komorebi in Your last music-related buy!   
    Lets see if this works...
  6. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Karma’s Hat in Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington dead   
    Hearing In The End on Finnish television back in the day is what set me on the path of being edgy. I had never heard screaming in a song before and I was completely enamoured with it, of being that angry and sad in a song when before all I had surely heard in my life was some cookie cutter radio shit that one just tolerated to listen to out of habit. I got Hybrid Theory for my 8th birthday and I was told to turn it off because it was bothering the dumb guests; an informative childhood moment in realising that I just hate everybody.
  7. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to platy in random thoughts thread   
    I met a colleague at my volunteering work for the first time and he was such a fucking creep, asking me to go to the storage room with him, whispering to me the question 'was my relationship with my partner serious' and saying he could give me a ride all the way back to my mom's home if I needed a car. He kept starring at me while he thought I wasnt noticing. 
    The dude is sixty years old and married. Ugh. I just hope I don't have to see this cunt again. Why do old people think they can get away with being slimy as fuck. 
  8. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from clow_eriol in Before & After: Unbelievable Transformations in Japanese Music   
    Was this too obvious?

    The evolution from this to this in five years time always wows me
  9. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from Mihenno in Sioux   
    Musically, this is probably a bit soft(?) for my usual tastes, but I really really love the sound of the recording so I thought I'd mention it.
    This is free from so many of the recording/mixing techniques commonly expected with 2010's VK that I generally just find uninteresting and emotionally flat. I really liked this song because the drums sounded natural and roomy. They aren't triggering synthetic feeling kick and snare samples and it hasn't been compressed to shit. The mix in general just sounds super pleasant, in part because it hasn't been squashed in a number of ways for teh loudness!!! Production wise, I find this waaaay more similar to how late 90s emo and post-rock sounded then anything visual kei in the last decade and I really love that.
    It's really cool to see a band going in this direction with their recordings. Because it's something most people don't really consider, most bands just feel pressure to bandwagon on the trend of what everyone else's records sound like and hire the same engineers because its safe and lazy.
    I like the falsetto vocals and the instrumental breaks, so I'm excited to see what else this band can do. And as mentioned, I hope their recordings continue to glisten with beauty...
  10. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to plastic_rainbow in Last Thing You Bought   
    first four books of the ring series~
  11. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from emmny in Sioux   
    Musically, this is probably a bit soft(?) for my usual tastes, but I really really love the sound of the recording so I thought I'd mention it.
    This is free from so many of the recording/mixing techniques commonly expected with 2010's VK that I generally just find uninteresting and emotionally flat. I really liked this song because the drums sounded natural and roomy. They aren't triggering synthetic feeling kick and snare samples and it hasn't been compressed to shit. The mix in general just sounds super pleasant, in part because it hasn't been squashed in a number of ways for teh loudness!!! Production wise, I find this waaaay more similar to how late 90s emo and post-rock sounded then anything visual kei in the last decade and I really love that.
    It's really cool to see a band going in this direction with their recordings. Because it's something most people don't really consider, most bands just feel pressure to bandwagon on the trend of what everyone else's records sound like and hire the same engineers because its safe and lazy.
    I like the falsetto vocals and the instrumental breaks, so I'm excited to see what else this band can do. And as mentioned, I hope their recordings continue to glisten with beauty...
  12. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Akrus in Sioux   
    vocal : Kaname.
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/kanametivity
    guitar : Soa
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/Sioux_Soa
    guitar : Ciela
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/ciela_sioux
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/ciela1111
    bass : YACHIRU
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/Sioux_YACHIRU
    drums : Lotto
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/Sioux_Lotto


    1st single "Hue"

    2nd single "Last Scene"
    01.Last Scene
    Free Single Amrita (01.10.17)

    01. Amrita
  13. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to zaa_zaa in Sioux   
  14. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to koroshiyaichi in Hell o!   
    I'm 31 years old, from france. I've been into Visual kei since 2001 and my favourite bands are: Dir en Grey, Deadman <3 , 9Goats Black Out and Mucc. I recently had a crush on Sukekiyo and Insanity Injection (saw them on stage last january)
    Btw, I listen to a variety of music genres (metal, hip-hop, electro...)
    I don't know what else to say... XD I'm not good at introducing
  15. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
  16. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Visual Kei on Spotify Compilation   
    Gossip (Ains band)
    La'veil MizeriA
    SCHWARZ KEIN (シュヴァルツカイン)
    Zombie (ぞんび)
  17. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from sakuran in Before & After: Unbelievable Transformations in Japanese Music   
    Was this too obvious?

    The evolution from this to this in five years time always wows me
  18. Like
  19. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from anieresus in Aikaryu one day revival   
    wowowowowowowowoow. this is super fascinating, especially since i think a lot of the members have been quite inactive. i always wished kaworu joined a new band, but its been 10 years of inactivity.
    rip teru, tho he probably couldnt justify the stress of relearning a bunch of tunes on top of the ridiculous amount of complex guitar work already stored in his mind from his two main bands.
    edit: nvmnd, teru said on twitter hes not playing because hes touring with versailles in south america
    pls share ur aikaryu rips old fans that have been revived from their vk slumber because of this post
  20. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from sakuran in Aikaryu one day revival   
    wowowowowowowowoow. this is super fascinating, especially since i think a lot of the members have been quite inactive. i always wished kaworu joined a new band, but its been 10 years of inactivity.
    rip teru, tho he probably couldnt justify the stress of relearning a bunch of tunes on top of the ridiculous amount of complex guitar work already stored in his mind from his two main bands.
    edit: nvmnd, teru said on twitter hes not playing because hes touring with versailles in south america
    pls share ur aikaryu rips old fans that have been revived from their vk slumber because of this post
  21. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from suji in Aikaryu one day revival   
    wowowowowowowowoow. this is super fascinating, especially since i think a lot of the members have been quite inactive. i always wished kaworu joined a new band, but its been 10 years of inactivity.
    rip teru, tho he probably couldnt justify the stress of relearning a bunch of tunes on top of the ridiculous amount of complex guitar work already stored in his mind from his two main bands.
    edit: nvmnd, teru said on twitter hes not playing because hes touring with versailles in south america
    pls share ur aikaryu rips old fans that have been revived from their vk slumber because of this post
  22. Like
    reminiscing2004 got a reaction from JukaForever in Aikaryu one day revival   
    wowowowowowowowoow. this is super fascinating, especially since i think a lot of the members have been quite inactive. i always wished kaworu joined a new band, but its been 10 years of inactivity.
    rip teru, tho he probably couldnt justify the stress of relearning a bunch of tunes on top of the ridiculous amount of complex guitar work already stored in his mind from his two main bands.
    edit: nvmnd, teru said on twitter hes not playing because hes touring with versailles in south america
    pls share ur aikaryu rips old fans that have been revived from their vk slumber because of this post
  23. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Aikaryu one day revival   
    When Crack Brain revived, Hizaki skipped it too. Revivals are rarely all of the original members unless they're all retired salarymen 
  24. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to nekkichi in Aikaryu one day revival   
    obviously, fuck Teru butttttt

  25. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to zaa_zaa in Aikaryu one day revival   
    This video has been posted in another thread, but the news deserves its own topic.
    All of the original members except for Teru.
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