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  1. I feel ya..
    Axius reacted to Bunny in 2 new bands join Double River Record   
    爛's voice is extremely powerful, just wondering what the hell is he doing now ?
  2. Thanks
    Axius reacted to lstknt3b in 2 new bands join Double River Record   
    I would be happy to see Lustknot members involved in this... I miss them so much ;;
  3. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Jupiter will resume activities & new Vo.KUZE (ex-Concerto Moon) has joined   
    Workin girls are at it again
    Edit: if the new vocalist is Riku or what's his face from mejibray I'm going to have a stroke
  4. I feel ya..
    Axius reacted to karai · ebi in マーブルヘッド(Marblehead) new single – FUCK OFF – release !   
    Loove that look a lot,  way better than the last one.
    I wasn't crazy about their last release, but I got some high hopes for bleach milk on the shortcake lol.
    btw did anyone ever find /buy/ get a download for 僕等の曲天烈大百科3?
    I couldn't find a copy to buy anywhere except one that sold on closetchild, and no downloads either.
  5. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to The Reverend in PV Review: Mondaiji's Love Very   
    VK newbies モンダイジ!! (Mondaiji!!) released a PV for their new song "ラヴベリ-Love very-" and because they decided to disable comments on the video, I had to take my comments here!
    'Hey guys! We're Mondaiji!!' I don't like that this caution tape is arranged in such a way that it isn't even pretending to keep anyone out of anything. It looks way more like they were learning about Maypole dances in class that day and had no streamers to make one.

    Oh no we're only 10 seconds into this video and they've already started adding unnecessary post-effects in editing. They did not have a lot of confidence in this video holding up on its own.

    See what a I mean? Though this was probably necessary considering the terrible lighting of this PV.

    'We don't have a drummer yet.'

    Did no one think that exposed fluorescent lights maybe wasn't the best they could do for lighting a music video featuring three men in tons of makeup? The lighting just screams 'this is a cheap PV we made on an iPhone!' and is the second worst thing about this video.

    The worst thing is how unwilling the whole band is to just 'go for it'. I remember Jimi from Chemical Pictures blogging once about how to look cool in a PV you have to be willing to look ridiculous in person because normal movements won't translate with any energy on film. The dancing and jumping and instrument-ing in this video are so half-assed it's like the band are embarrassed. 
    This is also my biggest complaint with their sound so far. I actually kind of like the summer-time fun vibes in the verses of this track, but no one in the band sounds like they really *mean it*.

    I have no idea what this song is about, so I'm not sure if the classroom relates. But now the vocalist is singing into a chalkboard eraser cause why not.
    (Though I do appreciate that they gave him a microphone in this PV, nothing makes singers look more awkward than when they have nothing to hold and don't know what to do with their hands.)

    I feel ya bro.

    'Quidditch after class??'

    I actually think dude on the right's vibrator-on-my-hip blowin-some-bubbles aesthetic is pretty on point.

    Again, dudes look like they got bored in the middle of shooting their own music video.

    There's rapping in this song. When will VK vocalists learn that really all you have to do to not sound like my mom or the Beastie Boys trying to rap is rhyme more than one syllable?
    Also there's no way that little cone would amplify someone's voice whatsoever.

    'Oh shit I forgot to hold either my mic or cone or eraser. I'll just mime it for this shot.'

    What's with the curtains in this classroom? I like to think they shot this video while school was in session somewhere and the school's principal needed all the middle school children to not see the VK horrors lurking in that classroom.
    (Hopefully it's something innocent like nap-time darkness. Going to school in America, we had drills where we had to hang things to black out the windows so hypothetical school shooters wouldn't be able to see into the classrooms 😢)

    Who ya got as the GOAT, MJ or LeBron?

    'What are you doing to the clock??'

    'Hehe, time to go! Saika you're such a trickster!'
    These guys have a one-man show coming up at Takadanobaba AREA this fall, whoa!
  6. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to karai · ebi in Dr.壱世 (Issei) (ex-DIMLIM) new band "NAZARE" has formed   
    Forget the hair, they didn't even iron the shelf folds out of the shirts they bought an hour before the photo.
  7. Like
    Axius got a reaction from yakihiko in RAZOR   
    Honestly one of the best bands in my book really shined and it shows the singers true colors although i always end up listening to born right after there songs because nothing can really emulate what born dished out
  8. Thanks
    Axius reacted to nekkichi in THE THIRTEEN 2 EPs release   
    technically everyone aside from those two are session members, they are a two-man band that relies on live support.
  9. Interesting
    Axius reacted to Tokage in Kisaki fails to release new Phantasmagoria Best-Of   
    my condolences to the 1 phantasmagoria stan who will still buy this
  10. I feel ya..
    Axius reacted to madygrain in Kisaki fails to release new Phantasmagoria Best-Of   
    why should we believe that they are going to sound better if this is just a blatant cashgrab tho
  11. Like
    Axius reacted to Karma’s Hat in Kisaki fails to release new Phantasmagoria Best-Of   
    This sounds like a bad april fools prank someone here would make
  12. LOLOL
  13. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to nekkichi in バルガリーヌレッド (vulgaruine red) new single & album release   
    that look + that sound is what happens when kaya is away for a dragcon cameo and the cleaning lady gets the house keys x
  14. Like
    Axius reacted to Jigsaw9 in バルガリーヌレッド (vulgaruine red) new single & album release   
    That was literally the worst 48 seconds of music I've heard all year. BRILLIANT. :'DDDDDDDD
  15. Thanks
    Axius reacted to Shaolan974 in THE THIRTEEN 2 EPs release   
    Still better than their frist album
  16. Like
    Axius reacted to AwesomeNyappy in -OZ-   
    I liked Versus very much. Would recommend  
  17. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to Yukami in "New" band 最後のXOXOを君と has formed   

  18. Thanks
    Axius reacted to violetchain in "New" band 最後のXOXOを君と has formed   
    Yikes those vocals are bad even by VK standards
  19. Like
    Axius got a reaction from Furik in the GazettE   
    2005 gazette vs 2012-2018 gazette is very different in my opinion 
    Even some singles starting from filth and beauty leading up to the Remember the Urge get heavy but it shows more so in 2012-2018
    (Excluding best albums and Toxic because that was just a weird album for me in my opinion and kinda in between idk)
  20. Like
    Axius reacted to Zeus in Vexent's drummer Levi hospitalized   
    Drink lots of water and stay cool man, you deserve it.
  21. Yikes
    Axius reacted to suji in Diaura new digital single 「アウェイクネスダイヴ」 release   
    Bruh you'd be bitching too if you couldn't download something to repost on your own Facebook page.
  22. Thanks
    Axius reacted to Mihenno in 甘い暴力(Amai bouryoku) new live limited album 「参戦用」 release   
    I hate live limited releases as well, but the CDs from this band do show up on auction and resale sites quite frequently. 
  23. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in 31-8520 has lost contact with Vo.ユキチ (Yukichi)   
    He didn't order a pizza in group chat, so this was an amateur-hour copout 
  24. Thanks
    Axius reacted to Masato in The Velvet "new" album re-release 「再上映禁止の水玉キネマ」   
    The sad thing is that they sound better than some other higher budget bands...
  25. LOLOL
    Axius reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in LebensEnde will disband   
    The end of lesbianism
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