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    ShTon reacted to saishuu in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
  2. LOLOL
    ShTon reacted to chocobuzz in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    He'll finally ditch music to become a minecraft youtuber and play with pewdiepie?
  3. LOLOL
    ShTon reacted to kuyashii in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    It's a pregnancy announcement.
  4. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from nullmoon in What did you dream about last night?   
    I dreamed that I lost my cat. I went to look for her and I found her. Wearing bride's outfit for cats for some reason.
  5. Yikes
    ShTon reacted to suji in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    I know of one who also claims to be Ruki's wife and tags him in every single Twitter post involving random baby pictures (oop), pictures of her shite drawings (which is just her writing her name x Ruki in crayola marker), and wanting to begin a new life together, etc. She also wants him to stop the bullies and somehow blames her internet provider as well (????), and blames a Twitter glitch if she somehow loses followers. She's a 30 something year old mentally ill woman with a coconut haircut, so I really feel bad for her.
  6. LOLOL
    ShTon got a reaction from ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    I dreamed that I lost my cat. I went to look for her and I found her. Wearing bride's outfit for cats for some reason.
  7. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from Gesu in What's one thing that happened to you only once?   
    I broke my arm once and so far didn't happen to me again. Hopefully it'll stay like this cause it hurt like hell.
  8. Like
    ShTon reacted to YuyoDrift in What's one thing that happened to you only once?   
    As the title suggests, what's one thing that happened to you that you've never had happen to you again?
    Would you like it to happen again, or are you hoping it never does? Hehe.
    Before you kill the thread by saying something like getting laid or being happy, try and give yourselves credit on the luck you've had and name the weirdest or funniest story you have. Inb4youstillpostthatshit.
    For me, one thing that I had happen only once in my life was getting 3 Pizzas delivered to my door, and I got them for free. No idea where the mistake was made, but I didn't order any and my brother took the pizza (he thought I ordered some) from the driver before I knew what happened. I felt bad for the driver, so I called the store to let them know he made a mistake. They were so pissed, they asked me if I took any bites of them yet 🤣. Pretty sure the delivery guy had just quit or something, and we were lucky enough to get 3 random pizzas. 
    Never got a call back from the store, so we ate that shit up, it was so good and free-tasting lol.
  9. Like
    ShTon reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    all k-dramas are basically the same overall idea/plot but with a different setting.  rich man/poor woman, maybe one of them has some kinda super power or ability.  if one of them is important like an idol or ceo then they must be a complete asshole until they learn to love from some woman who is poor, but optimistic.  someone ends up in the hospital after a fight at some point too, making whichever one said the mean things feel bad with some sad piano music playing while they sit alone or maybe in a coffee shop, idk.
  10. Thanks
    ShTon got a reaction from secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    ^ I cannot get into anything in Korean because the way it sounds doesn't appeal to me at all.
  11. Like
    ShTon reacted to secret_no_03 in Unpopular Opinion   
    ^ Korean is an ugly language and does not lend itself to entertainment (movies, music, etc) anywhere near as much ad Japanese does. Same goes with Chinese which sounds angry a lot.
  12. Like
    ShTon reacted to colorful人生 in Unpopular Opinion   
    All alcohol tastes like shit [2]
    Given the opportunity I do shots, but otherwise I avoid alcohol altogether. Sucks b/c whenever anyone wanted to hang out in college, they'd pull out shitty Burnett's & Pabst Blue Ribbon. It took me awhile to find friends who didn't drink all the time :/. 
  13. Like
    ShTon reacted to Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    aloe vera juice.
  14. Like
    ShTon reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    grapefruit juice is the most unholy beverage.  legit disgusting.
  15. I feel ya..
    ShTon got a reaction from suji in Close minded music fans   
    I find the "wrong generation" ones more annoying than the lazy ones. Mostly because any era, genre, country of origin and so on has it's own load of crappy music that doesn't reach most people or gets forgotten. There's no era that's truly the best.
  16. Like
    ShTon reacted to colorful人生 in Close minded music fans   
    Open-mindedness comes with exposure, and it's necessary to know what you're looking for, musically, to grow those sensibilities. Music is interpreted differently from person-to-person. Melody, texture, rhythm, lyricism, etc. or any combination of the musical elements contribute to one's enjoyment, and they all exist on a really wide spectrum. Upbringing and culture + How your enjoyment could stem from different memories, places, etc.  There are so many variables to consider, but those same qualities I've mentioned could be extrapolated to other aspects of life. "Music is not so different to life", as Herbie Hancock puts it. The same problem you have with people lacking open-mindedness is not asimilar to categorizing or compartmentalizing those who aren't open-minded. Binary thinking runs rampant on the internet and irl, but if you approach topics gingerly you'd be surprised how many people want to listen. Just don't try to push it with those unwilling. For us on a music forum, it might be hard for some to think this way, but music is just like every other artistic medium. My fine art "repertoire" is not very large as paintings don't really retain my interest atm. Someone's interest in music is the same. It could be in its infancy and might grow in the future, or they let it be because that's not what inspires/intrigues them. Many people have music "tunnel vision", and I've gone through it myself. I think the internet which plays the largest role in "The Shrinking World", has been pivotal in increasing open-mindedness regarding diff. cultures and by extension, music.
    So, I think it'll get better, but for now I just let people like whatever they want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Both parties should be respectful about it, obv. The internet will always have stuck up people b/c it reflects life (w/ some added anonymity.)
    ShTon got a reaction from suji in Where are they now? VK Edition   
    If I remember correctly WKWK went on hiatus because of Kouichi's personal reasons.
  18. Like
    ShTon reacted to Bear in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  19. Like
    ShTon reacted to Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    Completely unrelated to K-pop, but I don't give a shite about anything to do with the MCU except for Guardians Of The Galaxy (and even then, I only ever got around to seeing the first one). It's not that I have anything against it and I'm sure that if I saw more, I'd enjoy it; I just don't really care.
  20. Like
    ShTon reacted to Bear in Unpopular Opinion   
    The only problem with CGI is how directors and SFX artists use it. 
    Jurassic Park proved that CGI could look amazing already all the way back in 1993. The CGI of today is, obviously, way, way better then back then, but the brains that decide how to use CGI nowadays only have something like 1/10th of the IQ and understanding of how to get the best out of it. Sad but true.
    It's embarrassing to watch newer superhero movies where the fights areand all CGI, despite the fact that the physique's are stil so far off it looks like a third rate PS2 game no one likes because it felt like shit. And it gets even more emembarrassing when you realize how poorly choreographed the fights are and how easy it is to just use actors for the scenes. Awful stuff.
    CGI should only be used when it's too hard/impossible to use practical effects. Because CGI as a tool is just brilliant. It's just the brains behind the CGI that isn't.
  21. Like
    ShTon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Unpopular Opinion   
    Imma chime in with all this art shit.
    I disagree. While yes, there are shitty CG films (Cats and Sonic) and yes they look hideous. The problem here is that everyone nowadays just SEES bad CG without realizing that most VFX on screen are great as long as they’re done well. Superhero fights, explosions, crashes, a whole city,etc. It sucks that many talented VFX artists are just cast aside and the shitty ones are given more attention.
    I’m sort of in the middle. One one hand, I think many talented artists exist in today’s world. On the other hand, it’s kind of hard to call a bunch of abstract shapes art. Then again, I’m not a big art person so I often don’t pay attention to modern art. To say all modern art sucks is an understatement because all the more...unusual arts are just stereotyped for ALL modern art. Same thing when people say “all modern music sucks”, there IS good music, your just not looking for it.
    Again, I also disagree. IMO, I think that every form of art can have a good political message. I can’t name any paintings or art fitting those messages, but I’m okay with any form of art with a political message. I think everyone can share their political opinions in a respectful non pushy manner. Art is one of them. Sure you can disagree with it, but in my eyes, people who make political art should have a voice even if you disagree with it.
  22. LOLOL
    ShTon reacted to Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    Agreed. You just reminded me of a book I saw in my local bookstore called "Why Your Five-Year-Old Could Not Have Done That: Modern Art Explained". I didn't buy it, but I read some of it in the store and literally every example basically said "well, your five-year-old could have done that but they wouldn't have seen this deep, esoteric meaning behind it". I wish I was exaggerating. I think this picture puts it best.

    Also, here's the Goodreads page for the book in case you were interested: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15917028-why-your-five-year-old-could-not-have-done-that
    What a fucking joke.
  23. Like
    ShTon reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    bone in meat is all trash
  24. Like
    ShTon reacted to sleepy coffee in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    im assume hes not responsible for most if any compositions so im probably giving credit to the wrong person but my newest hot take is that Mao has had a more impressive and solid catalog/discography than Kyo 
  25. Interesting
    ShTon got a reaction from secret_no_03 in How do you prefer to consume music?   
    I mostly hoard mp3 files since most of the stuff I listen to is unavailable on streaming services. I use Spotify mostly when I don't know what to listen to so I let it surprise me with whatever it thinks fits with the music I already listened to there. I like having CDs in physical form though I get them only when I liked the release so much I need to own a physical copy of it.
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