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  1. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from reminiscing2004 in random thoughts thread   
    nothing is better than when you link your bass teacher a kuroyuri to kage song you want to learn and he's like "oh i know that band"... lol this whole time i assumed he was a strictly western metalhead?? damn this is good
  2. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    plot twist: he probably has an account on here
  3. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    nothing is better than when you link your bass teacher a kuroyuri to kage song you want to learn and he's like "oh i know that band"... lol this whole time i assumed he was a strictly western metalhead?? damn this is good
  4. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Tokage in Fastest growing vk band of all time?   
    '''My dad totally works for Nintendo you guys, I swear!''
  5. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in lost.fm   
    god i wish i could've joined that site when it was in its prime, but i joined at the end of 2016 when everything had already gone to shit... but tbh, the only reason i got it in the first place was to keep track of my own personal listening statistics, and so far i haven't been disappointed with those features. but it's really interesting to see what could have been if i joined a few years ago ://
    also what @sheepprincessgarasaid... i actually manage to use it for that these days, too
  6. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Mamo in lost.fm   
    god i wish i could've joined that site when it was in its prime, but i joined at the end of 2016 when everything had already gone to shit... but tbh, the only reason i got it in the first place was to keep track of my own personal listening statistics, and so far i haven't been disappointed with those features. but it's really interesting to see what could have been if i joined a few years ago ://
    also what @sheepprincessgarasaid... i actually manage to use it for that these days, too
  7. Like
    itsukoii reacted to CAT5 in lost.fm   
    Bruh, me and @Chi were literally just talking about this. I randomly came across a screencap JUST LAST NIGHT of my old last.fm, and funnily enough, I believe that's one of your accounts under "friends listening now", heh. I miss that feature!

  8. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in lost.fm   
    i miss last.fm because i liked finding shitty underground bands on there, but other than that it was nothing special
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  10. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    I have heard a few estimates, but it is still a little way away. (Don't worry unless something big happens, it will drop in 2017)
    they are working extremely hard on this album and are putting in well over 100% of effort so I can assure you it will be worth the wait.
    and as for the new guitarist, in my opinion he is worth the wait too.
  11. Like
    itsukoii reacted to VkBrutaliaN in Deviloof   
    if i remember correctly *although i looked on the internet for proof but couldn't find it anymore >.>''* about 1-2 months ago i've seen a picture where they showed 2 lives to promote their full album...
    one should took place in the end of november (osaka) and one in early december (tokyo)... but again unfortunately i can't find the picture anymore....
    but because of that i guess we won't see the album before late november realistically...
  12. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Mamo in Deviloof   
    i really hope it's soon. plus i'm curious to see who their new guitarist is, and they won't reveal him until the album is out!
  13. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Manji 卍 in Deviloof   
    there's an account on twitter which translates their tweets..so,i think this is very helpful for us fans of this amazing and brutal band in the vk scene...i just noticed that their band logo is going to change and the album is in the middle of the production process...
  14. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from freesia in Deviloof   
    Baby Don't Cry is the only song released (as far as i'm aware. i couldn't find anything else online, no information, nothing) by All Must Die, the previous band of keisuke, daiki and hiroto. i love this song, i think it's cool they're bringing it back
    anyways, as always, i'm keeping my eyes peeled for info on the full album just like the rest of you. i get giddy just thinking about it ;o;
    i'm really hoping it'll include more unreleased or new stuff, though. i hope they don't put any songs off of Purge in there, that'd be... a waste ://
  15. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in 5 Visual Kei Bands To Watch: Summer 2017   
    DISCLAIMER: this may or may not have restored @Zeus' will to live/enjoy vk. this is indeed a DANGEROUS post.
    Have your favs disbanded and you're looking for some new bands to follow? emmny's got ya covered with some of the hottest up and coming bands in the indies circuit. This isn't just any old "stan my favs" list, but rather a list more in tune with what is/will possibly become popular in Tokyo, Osaka and surrounding areas for visual kei. This is seen with higher than average online engagement through views, comments and individual member followings + impressive label signings or big venue bookings. It looks to be like these guys are in the process of making it big, but only time can tell--we know shit changes pretty quickly and its quite silly to judge bands in their infancy, but hey its fun to play fortune teller.
    All the bands featured here are not more than a year or two old, so they're quite fresh off the press--even if individual members might not be. It's cool that most of these guys are on the same circuit more or less, playing a fair bit of events together. What's also interesting is how none of these bands appeal much to western audiences, the core sound is either some deviant of oshare which isn't trendy here at all or menhera (in the case of gosan...literally both) which is an untranslatable culture-specific thing. At this point, it's pretty much understood that menhera has a fair bit of dollar bills attached to it, especially considering R-Shitei's success from shock value and now The Raid's popularity in vk circles. This isn't an article discussing the meaning of menhera, just know that is quite trendy on online communities (it originated from 2ch), and considering vk's long time love story with sadness, sorrow, lalala, directly addressing manifestations of mental ilness aren't too far off from the genre's roots.
    Note that this is probably in conflict with what we might perceive as being popular or cool in Japan for whatever reason, and thats probably because there has always been a kind of disparity with the taste of Western audiences and whats actually "liked" within the scene. Just because a band has 100k views on 1 video and a few tumblr fan pages doesn't really mean much of anything *cough* VEXENT *cough*. Also note that I have no actual idea on what is "popular" in Japan--my ass is firmly planted in Canada, so take this as more of an educated guess and me playing gaijin bangya more than anything of actual fact.
    Now without further delay, let's get to this shit!

    - Their one song "Oshimai" has 100+k views between the MV and audio-only vid
    - They debuted at a massive taiban i don't think you need any receipts these guys have HUGE connections
    - First oneman at ikebukuro edge, pretty sure it'll sell out
    Claim to fame:
    - Okay they cheated, vocalist is ex-LEZARD and guitarist is ex-LOUD GRAPE
    Band Description:
    These once mysterious hunties started anonymous promotions in February with just a poster saying they'd debut at a Unite/Pentagon/D-out/Dog in PWO event and a telephone number to call in on, saying they'd listen to your sorrows, emo lalalalala. Of course, both the west and nihon started blowing up with "Zomg its KARMA LADIES!!!"...much to my discontent--how dare they slander my husband. Let the facts state that AvelCain were actually good and didn't need to stoop to cliches like this, but of course no fandom can recognize TRUE DEPRESSION ART.  Anyways, girls called and realized Karma wasn't stupid enough to further pander into the mentally unstable subgenre of bangya after doing it for like 4 years straight because it clearly didn't sound like him. The reveal comes a month after...it's mostly oshare guys trying their hand at...pandering to depressed chicks. Fast forward to May and we have their only recorded song to date, "Oshimai". They sound more or less like "Shinitai" era Xaa-xaa + Arlequin with a vocalist who resembles an oshare rooster or Aki from Laputa. I'm not crazy for the track, but these guys are offering something new musically over an incredibly tired concept. B-sides aren't up on Youtube anymore (go off Free Will lawyers), but my hunties enjoyed it and I'll update once I've listened.
    Recommended to:
    - Closeted oshare fans

    2.) 0.1gの誤算
    0.1g no gosan
    - Oneman tour with O-west tour final + single release coming up
    - More or less packed takadanobaba area for a oneman
    - Yandere boy has an abnormally high amount of engagement in comments; they get people talking
    - More or less co-headlining Xaa-xaa's 2 sponsored event lives
    - Featured on beauty;tricker, stylish wave, AINS event tours
    - Two-man live with Pentagon
    Claim to fame:
    - ADHD tunes
    - All the members are actually pretty handsome
    - Wild furitsuke, live atmosphere
    - Massive social media engagement, very tech savvy for a visual band
    Band Description:
    I found 0.1g no gosan on youtube after seeing this hideously cute and colourful band thumbnail and so I wanted to see what was going on. It was the opening of "Yuugai menhera doll", and anyone who's listened to this song knows how funny the song is. It starts with this hilariously campy opening typical of a children's show showing you just HOW cute and innocent they can get. Shit gets quite heavy after with scratchy, borderline chiptune synths and typical metal riffing, morphing between different instrumental sections each suited to their own choreography. The rest of Gosan's songs follow with this oshare/abare dichotomy, and they remind me alot of Aicle for 2017's menhera kids. Melodies are razor sharp, songs move a lot and have surprisingly busy instrumentals. Their songs are beyond addictive and will be embedded in your head for weeks after the first listen. The music is absolutely remarkable, but their marketing is equally brilliant. Take for example a special oneman where 1 yen would be taken off the typical ticket price of 3500yen for every retweet the band got on a designated post. Simultaneously spreading their posts while making live events more enticing for fans goes above the typical 'free oneman' promotion. The band's embarking on their first oneman tour ending at O-west and I'm sure big things are coming with the tour final, keep your eyes peeled because I don't doubt these guys will stir up a frenzy previously unseen among younger fans since Pentagon's debut.
    Recommended to:
    -Anyone who finds Pentagon too weak
    -Anyone who has taste

    3.) シェルミィ
    - YT comments flooded with "this sounds like rshitei/pentagon/plastic tree" etc
    - Newest MV spot on Danger Crue records of all places--whether this is just a distribution deal or a full on signing is unclear but this is a BIG fucking deal They got dropped ?!!??!
    - Slowly taking activities toward Tokyo, tour final in July
    - Album dropping soon
    Claim to fame:
    - Pushed menhera to new levels, more or less made it their entire concept
    - Vo. + composer Hyo is actually menhera, probably gets similar emo chicks for that reason
    - Songs that are more addictive than crack and actually incredibly well composed, far superior to R-Sh*tei
    Band Description:
    I was initially writing this when everything was lookin' good for our boys, not that things have gone to shit all of a sudden but it makes you just wonder sometimes what happens behind the scenes *sips tea*. So, Shellmy's MV spot for "Kanashii hi wa itsumo ame" was posted on Danger Crue's Youtube channel and promptly blew up, getting like 10K+ views within a few days. Around that time, the channel updated their intro video with Shellmy's clip spliced in with the rest of their permanent bands. All signs were pointing to a signing by Danger Crue, and even the jp netizens had their wigs snatched at this bangin' opportunity for these lil guys from Osaka. When the full MV dropped, it was on the band's official OHP instead of their rumoured label, and the shady queens from DC actually posted a new intro video with Shellmy promptly edited out. Hopefully the visual sleuths of the site can try to enlighten me as to what might of happened, but hey we might never know. Queens of depression are unphased, and are proceeding on full blast with their promotions for their upcoming album.  In case you didn't know, Shellmy aren't really that new of a band, having been around under a similar name since '10.  I'm counting them as a new band as Hyo started from scratch when the band reformed from a hiatus with 3 new members and stopped playing their old songs. They're a delightful nod to the simple rock of the early 2000's with a funky modern twist, and while the lyrical concepts can be suffocatingly dark, the band always trolls with upbeat and catchy instrumentals. They're different from Gosan as they're far less metal and more outwardly japonesque with the melodies and guitar leads as well as a more pronounced alternative rock influence, which got them the Pura comparisons on "Kanashii hi....". The band comes across as incredibly charismatic, even with a such a self-deprecating concept.  I can't speak too much on the R-S**** comparisons, but from what I've heard from them....no. Just no. Comparisons aside, enjoy your wwwwrrrristooocattooo with some lovely visual kei, let's hope there's still a niche for menhera in the mainstream because Shellmy got what it takes.
    Recommended to:
    - People with ears
    - Anyone whos Japanese understanding is limited enough to not actually know what the songs are about and assume they're some washed up rock band

    4.) ジャックケイパー
    Jack Caper
    - 3 man with REIGN and Smileberry
    - Smattering of events with likes of Sick2, Initial'L, Scapegoat
    - Signed onto Riostar == Free will ties
    - New single coming in July!
    Claim to fame:
    - CUTENESS!!!!!
    - One of the last pillars of oshare, and no, Sonic Death Monkey is no competition whatsoever
    Band Description:
    Okay, I can't speak too much to Jack caper as I more or less hate everything Resistar/Riostar related BUT I will say these guys are really cool. I'm not an oshare expert so I can't speak on their abilities as revivalists of the classic sound but I feel like this would be it.  They look permanently sugar high, are covered in all kinds of neon colours, have synths turned up to 1000, got an incredibly annoying vocalist and are actually fucking weird. Sound wise, they're the Codomo Dragon of Riostar, but with a lot of bizarre composition quirks thrown into the mix. Their songs are kind of formulaic, but fun in that each song has its own wacky appeal. "Dokudoku mushi" is a perfect example of this, as it has the typical pretty chorus, grinding guitars, some funky bass here and there and sharp synths. Where it becomes amazing is this persistent shout-along bridge that is turned into an interlude verse of its own before going into another round of the chorus...and that's where shit hits the fan. The song repeats that whole section again, chants and chorus but at double speed. It is absolutely wacky and something I have never heard before, and their ghost writers really deserve the acclaim that they're getting from me because they did THAT. Not that there's proof, but I refuse to believe a bunch of newcomers wrote a song this damn good without (more than) a lil' bit of assistance. I should stop writing this review because I'm turning into a fan as we speak and that would totally ruin my zetsubou image. I will leave you with this closing thought: if there's one band who is pushing Resistar's washed up shtick into the future, it's Jack caper. Once the old guys at the top retire or their fans realize they're chasing ojisans in kira kira makeup and decide to have children/get a life, it'll be Jack caper that will be Free Will's oshare queens (assuming the newly reformed LEZARD don't come for their wigs).
    Recommended to:
    - Anyone who has lost faith in oshare
    - People who like surprises!

    5.) -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ
    "True Heaven and Earth Beginnings Group" Zigzag
    -2 live distributed singles for next oneman at Osaka MUSE (!!)
    - Taiban with Unite (im not kidding)
    - Cult (literally) following in Osaka
    - Get a fair bit of twitter buzz for single previews
    Claim to fame:
    - Absolute mystery
    - Unique tanuki kei concept
    Band Description:
    The biggest trolls in visual kei this side of old Devil Kitty and their ridiculous concept make for the most iconic band to come out of the scene in the past ~3 years that western fans probably haven't heard of. It's not your fault, as Zigzag go out of their way to be mysterious, even for Japanese fans. There's no member twitters, interviews, live footage, blogs, MVs or...anything outside of an official band twitter, ohp, and cryptic snippets of song previews that often have nothing to do with the song itself but rather the concept being explored for that release. They turn vk's innards outward, talking about mitsu, tsunagari, kusomen and anything that lives in the shadows of the internet's tanuki threads. Don't think that these are anonymous pundits of the scene though, as the three members of Zigzag are all from the now deceased oshare bands Ray C and Otoiroha. So, now that we've laid down their history...how does any of this have anything to do with their current look and sound? Their metal sound has a definite Kiryu tinge. While the music is secondary to the concept, Zigzag are sharp writers and definitely have an intense sound which is unique among their contemporaries. It's a cocktail of modern metal vk tropes, but without being rendered stale or old. Their sound goes with their Buddhist image and themes, and don't seem that out of place when you put two and two together. In case you don't have hunties who've seen these guys live, the highlight of their show is a song in which the vocalist, Mikoto goes out into the audience, chooses a fan, restrains them and performs an "exorcism". He is cleansing the fan of their sins of being a visual fan, at least as I'd like to understand the symbolism in tandem with their overarching concept...which is fucking brilliant. Their meta humour is backed with a solid live following, as the band is known to sell out merch, live distributed releases and even smaller live houses in their native Osaka on a whim. Whether they'll sell out MUSE will be indicative of future success, as it is the biggest oneman they've played to date and they're pulling out all the stops: discounted tickets, live distributes, lalala. They've been very careful since starting activities, and I'm under the impression Zigzag see visual kei more so as a game of Monopoly rather than a part time job. There hasn't been hype for a ~mysterious~ band like this since the early days of Avelcain, and as one of the most unique bands around, it'll be interesting to see where they go from here.
    Recommended to:
    - anything
    What do you think of this list? Are you an actual bangya/bangyao and think this is hysterical bullshit? Do you believe that Jack caper is actually the messiah? Will Shellmy come back to snatch wigs? What bands are you excited for this summer? Sound off below, I'd love to know your thoughts on not just these bands but rather the topic of what is valid "hype" and what is just...hot air.
    PS: Banner(s) courtesy of @helcchi <3
  16. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Jiyo in JILUKA new mini album release   
  17. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Kiryu999 in DAMY New Mini Album, "感傷的公約数" (Kanshouteki Kouyakusuu)   
    Title of the mini-album is finalized as "感傷的公約数"
    2. 空白
    3. 世界は回る
    4. 虚言癖 
    5. 蕣
    6. 君に幸あれ
    虚言癖 MV + 2017年1月池袋EDGEワンマン「飴と無知」LIVEより2曲収録予定 (2 live songs)

  18. Like
    itsukoii reacted to togz in TEMPORARILY CLOSED   
  19. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Zeus in The Shift from Owning to Streaming Music: "Why Music Ownership Matters" article   
    If I don't have control over it, it's not mine. that's been the philosophy I've carried for the better part of ten years, and it's one that hasn't failed me yet. The only time it comes to bite me in the ass is when I don't heed it. I learned my painful, personal lesson not with the loss of my music library, but with the loss of my cyber locker. The death of MegaUpload meant that things I had backed up on that site are lost for good and I'm not getting them back. @fitear1590's example of the movie is another aspect to this conversation.

    Industry support of streaming standards stems from a place of profit; with any technological revolution there are bound to be inventions which do one simple thing that upsets the natural order of the ecosystem. One early example is how casettes could record the radio and the head of the MPAA (at that time) complained that the invention was going to kill the radio and introduce rampant piracy. There are plenty more, but the general point I want to get at is that these technologies allow the individual consumer to exert some level of control over our products that was thought infeasible at the time of its creation. This is the first result of a technological revolution where control shifts back to the company owners and away from individual consumers. Companies can determine when something is available, where it's available, and for how long it remains available. I can rip a CD as many times as I want as long as I own it and the tools to do so, but when Netflix or Spotify or some other company can just decide it's no longer profitable to market and remove my access to it, that's it. If I don't have control over it, it's not mine.
    There's also a compound effect here, one I've noticed outside of music circles. "The cloud" is nothing more than someone else's computer and hard drive. If it's stored elsewhere, I don't need to store it locally, right? So by now, I thought we would have terabyte iPod models to hold all the media we could desire, but we don't. Manufacturers everywhere have taken a slide back in the amount of space they are willing to ship with their products by pushing "streaming" and "cloud services" as an alternative.  If I wanted any half-decent media device with internal storage, I have to either buy something that supports SD cards or import the device from Japan and pay a heavy price tag. Shrinking local storage only incentivizes people to give in to streaming, which I think is a bad development even if it's not pointedly malicious. (Not to mention most of these companies introduce data caps to limit the amount of streaming you do, also shared with other forms of "data", effectively putting an upper cap on how much music you can listen to...as opposed to having the music on an MP3 player where you can listen to it until the hard drive dies. Even if the former limit is technically infeasible, it's still there...)
    Note the emphasis on "control". I don't have the obsessive need to own something as long as I can do with it what I want, when I want, where I want. Buying CD's versus buying digital copies is one and the same to me, especially when my entire collection lives and breathes digitally. I can control my digital collection and it's something I know all of us here have in common. If I pay for streaming, I'm not paying for a copy of the music. I'm paying for the right to stream the music at a predetermined bit rate for a set amount of time, in specialized locations.  I can't even stream and take the subway because the signal will cut out once I go underground!
    Perhaps I'm more sensitive to this because I've identified with a music scene that thrives and depends on ownership of physical media, but streaming is just not for me.
  20. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in ELYSION will disband   
    Their last oneman....
    *Just two more months left.
  21. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from aetarna in MEJIBRAY   
    also i need to note that this is the purest picture in existence:

    thank u koichi for killing me and giving me infinite life all in one go
  22. Like
    itsukoii reacted to ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    Found a Tenacious D CD while out with my mom today. I hope my dad doesn't have it already cause it's now his Father's Day present lol 
    I'm jealous really cause I like Tenacious D lol
  23. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Alkaloid in Initial'L new mini album "FIREFLY" release   
    Initial'L new mini album "FIREFLY" will be released at 2017/8/18 (8 tracks, 2000 yen), although further details have not yet been announced.

  24. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KAMIJO new single 「mademoiselle」out on 09/27   
    Here is some leaked source footage of his new music video
  25. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in Smileberry three members will depart   
    吉川 由奈 (Yoshikawa Yuna) (ex-Smileberry) will open his new dining bar, "PLUS", on July 7!
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