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itsukoii last won the day on October 16 2016

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About itsukoii

  • Rank
    certified dark age slut
  • Birthday 10/17/2001

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    WTF You worthless chicken shit of goddamn fucking shit. Your mother is a prostitute. you son of a nuts in the guts fuckfest.
  • Interests
    brootal + heavy = 👌

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  1. so what is the point(s) of men-only lives and women-only lives?

    are there different activities suited to the different genders or something???

    my friend and i were talking about it earlier and were trying to come up with reasons but we just have no idea.

    help please

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Komorebi


      To add to what has already been said, I've heard gyas are piranhas when it comes to buying tickets, especially because of the lottery system, they buy multiple tickets to try to get a smaller entry number. A male-only live gives the guys the chance to actually get a ticket lol

    3. nekkichi


      > gyas are piranhas 


      </thread> tbh

    4. cvltic


      i can only speak for one band but when lynch. does boys only they go balls fucking out judging by the videos, there are dudes riding on each other's shoulders, dudes ripping their shirts off, walls of death, it's pure insanity and mostly the hard songs. i also have a feeling if you are a bandman or normie who is freaked out by gya who wants to actually participate in a live then this is a great choice. then they just do a women's only show so the female fans don't bitch, it's just a regular show...

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