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itsukoii last won the day on October 16 2016

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About itsukoii

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    certified dark age slut
  • Birthday 10/17/2001

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    WTF You worthless chicken shit of goddamn fucking shit. Your mother is a prostitute. you son of a nuts in the guts fuckfest.
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    brootal + heavy = 👌

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  1. why does everyone hate jazz kei

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zeus


      @Carmelzors because that would require an actual understanding of jazz to be able to do well and i'm sure most visual kei band members are musically talented but not professionally trained
      . does that sound plausible?


    3. Zeus


      I started putting together a playlist of jazzy-kei not too long ago and either I subconsciously avoid the style or its just not as common as I thought since my playlist is only 20-30 songs and some artists have more than 1. Even when I compared notes with other ORZ members the list only got up to about 30 or 40.

      if you could put that list together it would be interesting to see the overlap between professionally trained vk musicians and attempts at jazz-kei

    4. chemicalpictures


      @Zeus I look forward to an ORZ post about that, seems interesting!


      People already spoken the truth here. Jazz songs in VK are usually a lazy attempt to mimic the style, instead of doing a proper jazz song. And most of them sucks, tbh. But I do have my fair share of half-assed jazz vk songs that I give a spin sometimes too...

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