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itsukoii last won the day on October 16 2016

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About itsukoii

  • Rank
    certified dark age slut
  • Birthday 10/17/2001

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    WTF You worthless chicken shit of goddamn fucking shit. Your mother is a prostitute. you son of a nuts in the guts fuckfest.
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    brootal + heavy = 👌

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  1. does anyone take their music with them? via phone or mp3 player or w/e, my question is how. how do you have enough space. tell me your secrets

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. itsukoii


      eek i guess i'm out of luck,,, but thank you for the suggestion! hmm guess i'll just save up for either a new plan or new phone ;__;

      @seurongyeah that makes sense when you don't have much. i like to keep all of my stuff with me tho and have 9GB of music out of my 16GB (actually it's like 11 because apple is shit) iphone

    3. chemicalpictures


      I have a 32GB 3rd generation iPod Touch that is my baby. My rule for uploading music to it is: "would I skip this track if I'm listening to my collection on random?". I have it since 2010 and it's still kicking, so that's pretty worthy in my book! Would buy another one in a heartbeat!

    4. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Just put stuff on your phone that you know you'll listen to and occasionally do a sweep because eventually you'll forget about certain tracks after awhile. 

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