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    platy reacted to Jigsaw9 in Asanao (lynch.) Molests Dog in Twitter Video   
    To quote myself,
  2. Like
    platy reacted to colorful人生 in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Two at the moment, working on the third. I'm getting close to 150 GB of footage total. 
    Once I get the third link up, I'll start adding the individual links in the dropdown lists. 
    I've grabbed a few off these channels:
    Victor Entertainment: https://www.youtube.com/user/VictorMusicChannel
    Lantis: https://www.youtube.com/user/lantis
    Avex has uploaded a metric ton of lives that'll be available until the end of the month: https://www.youtube.com/user/avexnetwork/videos
    I'll be working on downloading those when I'm done w/ the other stuff.
    Also, putting search terms like "audience delivery", "no-audience delivery", "studio live", etc. (obv. in Japanese) will reveal a ton of livestream content on YouTube. I've had to pick & choose quite a bit, so I might miss on some people's favorites. If anyone has like a single video, feel free to shoot me a PM, but it would also be helpful if we could get a few more people to join in on the downloading. 
    For YouTube, I'm using youtube-dl (https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl). If anyone is uncomfortable with cli  for some reason, there is youtube-dlg (https://mrs0m30n3.github.io/youtube-dl-gui/) it's severely outdated, though. You could also use online downloaders, one of which is just prepending the url's "youtube.com" with "ss" to make "ssyoutube.com".
    Minyami for Nico Lives (https://github.com/Last-Order/Minyami). You need to install Git for Windows and Node.js (LTS is fine) before attempting the instructions.
    Certain Nico Lives that are under channel paywall, but not premium paywall usu. won't have added DRM/HLS encryption which segments the video. You can use something like HLS Downloader: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hls-downloader/apomkbibleomoihlhhdbeghnfioffbej?hl=en. Keep in mind you should set the video to the highest quality stream (usu 3MB) and then select the lowest (like scroll down to the bottom, lowest) option in the sniffer section.
    I use Line Live Downloader (https://github.com/zyzsdy/linelive-downloader/releases) which is ultra straightforward. Download the latest release and launch the program. It's pretty straightforward/easy. 
    VK downloading can be accomplished through https://addoncrop.com/vk-video-and-music-downloader/. You need a vk account, but it's pretty painless. I don't plan on using my acc. for anything.
    Finally, Twitcasting videos can be acquired via VLC using the "Network Stream" feature.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    Also, if anyone can keep track of bands streaming stuff on niconico, Twitcasting, Instagram, Facebook or whatever else and post those here it would be nice. I don't even use those websites for that so it's hard for me to keep track of what happens there.
    Btw, IDC about non-visual kei bands but I'm sure some of you do and I've noticed there are a lot streamings going on for those bands on channels I don't follow, so keep an eye on channels like these three:
    And share it here if you know of any others.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in Which visual kei trope would you ban?   
    PVs that feature white people awkwardly walking around with blank expressions on their face [bad stage direction? Like seriously, make a facial expression guys] while the band either acts edgy or goofy in the background [it's jarring in a funny way] Behaviour archetypes in general. Real sick of needing one cute member, a cool/edgy member, a normal member, a cloud coo-coo lander, etc. per band, we can have multiple per band or none and it'll still be cool Inside the part of song, the English is created for purpose of great surprise for the reason of the japanese being all too much used to the people it is Bäñð Ñāµ3§ þĥæť løôk lïkê 5hīß~日本語が必要はない~ Going full goober as soon as they go major Obligatory looks like "wedding outfits" Lyrical tropes like "瞳の中で”, ”目に映る”, ”新しい世界”, God I could go ON. They're like the VK version of "Tonight, tonight, I'm gonna love you baby"
  5. 悲しい
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    platy reacted to jon_jonz in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    the Raid. 4月8日ネットライブ (this is a special gig in which they focused on their heavier songs)
    RONOVELL's 2nd anniversary gig
    Yuko Suzuhana's (Wagakki Band) solo live stream from yesterday
    Ningen Isu's live stream from 03/28
    RENO (ex-ViViD) is live now
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in What video games are you currently playing?   
    im finna restart alundra (and hopefully finish it this time around too)
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in Sexuality matters within VK   
    I think the reason the musicians don't talk about it much is because they're not thinking about their sexuality. Their look is a costume, just like other performance arts have costumes. Through western perspective it's easy to analyse and put gender roles and other analytical concepts to it, but I don't think the majority of vk performers thinks about what wearing make up and feminine clothes means to them on a gender transgression level/ as an extension of their sexuality. It's simple as "as a chef I put on my white apron" "and as a member of kiryu I wear full make up and sometimes a skirt. " of course there are queer members out there who probably enjoy the freedom of visual expression in the scene but we don't know for a fact who and how many, after all, sexuality in Japan is a taboo subject that can only be broken for the sake of fanservice bucks, horny fujoshi and temporary high school exploration storylines (hello shoujo ai). 
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in 蘭図 (Rands) new single, "茹でた隠元豆のある柔らかい構造" (Yude ta Ingenmame Noa ru Yawarakai Kouzou) release   
    we're in the middle of a global pandemic and twitter ''activists'' still have the time to get mad over a fucking hat? amazing
  10. LOLOL
    platy reacted to visvasrit in 蘭図 (Rands) new single, "茹でた隠元豆のある柔らかい構造" (Yude ta Ingenmame Noa ru Yawarakai Kouzou) release   
    this is too funny to me... seems all the angry tweets did get to him, he’s censoring his hat now... lmaooo
  11. Like
    platy reacted to spockitty in Coronavirus (COVID-19) MEGATHREAD!   
    it seems like they're rolling out new rules every other day in Poland.
    personally, I've been on and off on home office for three weeks, and other than going to work, I've been outside all of three times probably, for grocery shopping. Warsaw is pretty deserted, it's kind of eerie~ 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to secret_no_03 in Coronavirus (COVID-19) MEGATHREAD!   
    Supposedly there's a conspiracy that 5G screws up your blood to oxygen ratio and partly the cause of coronavirus. Sounds crazy, but we really don't know how our bodies will react to 5G, but I doubt it is doing that. One thing we always worry about is that the stronger the G the higher risk of cancer. I don't know much about the science behind EHF, but supposedly there's no correlation between cancer and cellphone use.
  13. 悲しい
    platy reacted to riyusama in Coronavirus (COVID-19) MEGATHREAD!   
    Talking about the state of the virus in Japan, during lessons I would ask my Japanese students about their opinions of the virus. A good portion of them are saying like "meh, it's inevitable, still gotta go to work since it's not that serious." Legit have a student that has a high rank in his job but continues to go to to work like yooooo they don't take this that seriously lol
    But then again, those are just a majority of my students, there are some who are scared still. But tbh, mostly they just told me how much of an inconvenience the virus is for them.
    Idk if it's right to say this but tbh, I feel as tho in a way, even tho the Japanese government is so undecided when it comes to quarantine, the people there  are handling the hygiene thing pretty well. My opinion only guys lol that's just the impression I get from my students.
    On another news tho, here in my country because of the quarantine people are legit starving to death now. The other day people started to riot out in the streets because they no longer have the money to buy food. The next day our president said it's not his problem if those people starving can't find a way to feed themselves and he literally gave the OK to the police to shoot the hungry people who are rioting wtf senators also gave statements saying if you're hungry, don't become violent and find a peaceful solution like wtf
    My country's in a nutshell y'all, the government here is SHIT even worse quarantine got extended to April 30 ugh altho we all think it might get extended till July, hopefully it'll just end soon.
  14. 悲しい
    platy reacted to suji in Yui (GOEMON RECORDS president, ex-Cindykate) has been diagnosed with coronavirus   
    Yui (GOEMON RECORDS president, ex-Cindykate) has been diagnosed with coronavirus. He says the other affiliated bands (Arlequin, Mother) have not been infected and the office will now operate via phone. 
    My condolences go out to him. I hope he beats this thing.
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    platy reacted to SoulTheBaka in 2020 Japanese Music Ratings   
    I've been trying to make this list for 2 years, and I've never lasted more than 6 months! In order to solve this problem, I'm just going to make a list of albums I enjoyed in 2020 with comments on them.
    -update memo-:
    Review tricot and Shohei Takagi and make a little category about EP's
  16. Thanks
    platy reacted to mechayolo in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
    GRIMOIRE/REIGN/Kansen2 were live here
    platy reacted to Niez in Corona-related Livestreams / Concert Videos   
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from secret_no_03 in Coffee ☕ vs Tea 🍵   
    I can't have caffeine in any shape or form. Many years ago, I decided to have a latte despite knowing I'm not good with caffeine and it was the worst experience of my life. Anxiety, jitters, numbness, pins and needles, hallucination...yeah so I even avoid green tea and energy drinks are a no go. I only like herbal teas (chamomile, rose, lavender, nettle, hemp, coconut,etc.) and without sugar. Most of the time will opt for water or hot water with lemon and honey. 
  19. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in Coffee ☕ vs Tea 🍵   
    I can't have caffeine in any shape or form. Many years ago, I decided to have a latte despite knowing I'm not good with caffeine and it was the worst experience of my life. Anxiety, jitters, numbness, pins and needles, hallucination...yeah so I even avoid green tea and energy drinks are a no go. I only like herbal teas (chamomile, rose, lavender, nettle, hemp, coconut,etc.) and without sugar. Most of the time will opt for water or hot water with lemon and honey. 
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in DIMLIM oneman shows in Latin America and Russia   
    By the way I just had to check if I remembered right and looks like I was correct
    Retsu has an extremely thirsty fan from that bum town on his IG. DIMLIM is legit going to Siberia so Retsu can get laid.
  21. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Ro plz in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    This post aged terribly....
  22. Like
    platy reacted to CAT5 in TOKYO JIHEN returns   
  23. Daria
    platy reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in TOKYO JIHEN returns   
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    platy reacted to Yukami in マザー(MOTHER) new look + clip   
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    platy reacted to haizuru in Re-discovering Visual kei   
    I joined here after some time. I recently started to get back in to vk. Some artists I have found interesting so far is Misui, nurie, Xanvala, and a few others!
    I'm looking forward to making friends and getting to know other people who are still thriving in the vk scene. 
    Also please make recommendations, I'll be super happy to listen to them~
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