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    platy reacted to suji in ex-Clearveil & ASS'n'ARRow members new band "ORCALADE" has formed + 1st mini-album "Espada"   
    new band "ORCALADE" has formed! They will hold their first live on January 15, 2017.
    They will also release their first mini-album, "Espada", on February 22; it will be sold in advance at their live on February 19.
    Gu.希 (Nozomi) (ex- クロルシアン (clorcian) → ClearVeil → カラット (carat) → ORCALADE)
    Gu.貴樹 (Takaki)  (ex-ASS'n'ARRow → DEATHGAZE (support) → DEATHGAZE → ORCALADE)
    Dr.ゆいぜ (Yuize) (ex- ASS'n'ARRow, ClearVeil (support) → ORCALADE)
    Support Ba.HISAYOSHI (ex-HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ → ClearVeil → ゴン☆素晴バンド → Fuel Pumps, ORCALADE (support))


  2. Like
    platy reacted to violetchain in I think I'm Getting sick of Visual Kei bands   
    Why should anyone need to feel bad about growing out of a music genre? That's like feeling bad about not watching Barney anymore. Different things are bound to appeal to you at different points in your life.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to No.47 in I think I'm Getting sick of Visual Kei bands   
    Don't know why but I'm just getting sick of all the make up, posing in the middle of a PV for fan girls, and all that junk
    For example. I used to love Gazette now I look at reita and think he just look damn right silly. 
    Should I feel bad about not giving a crap about VK anymore? 
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from Flame-X in Nintendo Switch   
    Now this is what the wii u should've been. THIS is what people have been asking for (well, I did at least) not some confused console-handheld that only works 20 cm from the main unit.
    I already own a bunch of nintendo consoles which annoys me because they released way too many nintendo DS rehashes with exclusives for each...but the thing is Nintendo is FANTASTIC for handheld casual games and I will for sure be purchasing this if it really turns out to be good as it looks.
    Atlus, RPG factory, Spike Chunsoft...This is sounding too good to be true, I can't wait to see what's coming.
  5. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in plastic_rainbow's scribbles and illustrations   
    I'm always updating here in big dumps, haha. So yeah, have some more draws~
    Old sketches from last month.



    And more inktober~
    Inktober Day 9: "Worn Legs"

    Inktober Day 10: "Fading Away"

    Inktober Day 11: "Forbidden Touch"

    Inktober Day 12: "Land of Misery"

    Inktober Day 13: "Shadows"

    Inktober Day 14: "Gantz: O"

    Inktober Day 15: "Wandering"

    Inktober Day 16: "Where Are You?"

    Inktober Day 17: "Deform"

    Inktober Day 18: "Bouquet"

    Inktober Day 19: "Tormented"

    Inktober Day 20: "Cruel Warmth"

    Inktober Day 21: "HARI" (not a fanart, just a random vk inspired dude)

    Inktober Day 22: "Corner"

    Art block is kicking in, but what matters more is that I don't miss a day~
    (i'm starting to miss doing digital works too....)
  6. Like
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    platy reacted to r... in ぞんび(zonbi) new maxi single "墓場 de ラヴソング(hakaba de love song)" release   
    I was really surprised about them. Saw two shows by them and I couldn't believe how cool they were. Musically, they aren't interesting, but both of their concerts were incredible. Killer drummer and tons of energy.
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from smilesxchibi in new band "XEPPET" has formed   
    Shirtless-white-background-kei. Nice.
    They look brand new, how long before they have 5 bands in their 'past band history'?
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from Elazmus in new band "XEPPET" has formed   
    Shirtless-white-background-kei. Nice.
    They look brand new, how long before they have 5 bands in their 'past band history'?
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in new band "XEPPET" has formed   
    Shirtless-white-background-kei. Nice.
    They look brand new, how long before they have 5 bands in their 'past band history'?
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in MH FEATURED POLL #51: What is your favourite Holiday?   
    Christmas is one of the few things in life I have inexplicable juvenile enthusiasm for. There's still plenty of young children at my parents house, so the festivities have remained largely unchanged ever since I was a child, and thus I still get to relive the genuine children's Christmas joy and decorations that nobody would ever bother putting up if there weren't kids around. Since the youngest is 7 years old I'd imagine that we only have about 4 or maybe even 5 proper Christmases left before everyone is too old to care about that junk. Christmas is the only remaining connection to my youth and better times. 
    Every other holiday I dislike to varying degrees. Worst is the American rubbish that's being imported here for the past decade by cynical marketing men like Halloween or Valentine's. It wasn't even that long when shops barely even put up decorations for those, but now especially Halloween is unfortunately prevalent during its mercifully brief season. Despite both of them lasting only a few days ( as opposed to the month and a half of Christmas junk, also undoubtedly the fault of the Americans ), they're inherently offensive to our true evropean character and should have been shot at the border with the businessmen trying to peddle them. 
    Midsummer's eve and easter aren't that bad, I don't mind their intentions. I would however prefer that we'd get rid of them because I don't like the shops being closed during easter and around midsummer's eve the city is dreadfully empty with everyone away at their moldy log cabins in the countryside. 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to peffy in MH FEATURED POLL #51: What is your favourite Holiday?   
    I like any holiday that
    1. gives me a day off from work
    2. does not require me to say holiday greetings
    3. does not require me to buy/receive gifts & cards
    4. does not require me to attend parties or gatherings
    So that's like.. Labour Day, Victoria Day, Civic Holiday, Family Day, Canada Day. Most of those are Canada-specific work holidays, but you get my point.
    The WORST holiday, by far, is Christmas. As someone who's worked in retail before, there are very few things I hate more than Christmas carols and having to say/hear "Merry Christmas" 500 times during every day of the "holiday season".
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
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    platy reacted to anakuro in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    tbh i liked the preview of the B-side more
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from anakuro in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in Your last music-related buy!   
    Wait did I say 2300 CDs? I meant 4900

    a ha ha silly me 💦💦💦😍😍😍👍👍👍
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Alkaloid in SuG 2nd major mini album「SHUDDUP」   
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Chi in SuG 2nd major mini album「SHUDDUP」   
    VersuS 2016 stops!

  19. Like
    platy reacted to Alkaloid in グリモア (GRIMOIRE) new single "マイムマイム (mime mime)" release   
    グリモア (GRIMOIRE) new single "マイムマイム (mime mime)" will be released at 2016/11/23. (2 tracks, 1200 yen)
    [track list]
    1.マイムマイム (mime mime)
    2.エデンのそこ (eden no soko)

  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from nullmoon in Long Distance Relationships   
    Me and bf have been together for 3 years. Two years we spent together, only living an hour away. But he spent last year studying abroad in another country.
    I wanted to break up so we could focus on our lives during his year abroad, but he thought it would be a waste to do that so we decided to stay together.
    I'm never doing long distance again. It's just awful, mentally exhausting and frustrating. We have always trusted each other and had very good communication, but either way, we both ended up very busy with our lives and the relationship was neglected. I didn't wanna ask for attention because he was working and studying and enjoying life in the country of his dreams. So I just endured it. While I did enjoy my time alone, with friends, focusing on myself the relationship felt like dead weight.
    Either way, he's back now and everything is back to normal but I already warned him I'm never going through it again 
  21. Like
    platy reacted to Scarlet Obsidian in Single People Thread   
    It's 6AM where I live and I still haven't slept and I need to rant about something LOL
    Wrote here about 2 years ago, but still the same...I'm still single! Over these past years I've become more secure of myself and started telling myself that if I like someone, I have to tell that someone immediately, without really thinking about the consequences. The problem is that I still can't get two words together when I have to do that. 
    I've had a few crushes both on male and female (yes, I'm bi and I'm a guy  ), but they all bit the dust. And, I have to say, pretty recently. 
    The first was with a girl who came to my university and had some classes together. The first time we met was at an exam. A few months later, when my mum was in the hospital for a nearly goddamn fucking fatal asthma attack, I discovered that her "roommate" was this girl's aunt, so we started talking and we bonded really quickly due to our passion for the English language and literature and our both writing songs. Suffice it to say that I was madly in love with her, but of course never had the guts to tell her. Anyway, some time later we kind of talked less often so my infatuation started fading out and I thought for good until the other day when she posted a photo on her FB page with her "English buddy"....as soon as I saw it, I kind of flipped out. How could it hurt that much if I had already "forgot" about her?
    My other crushes (all at university strangely enough) have been less complicated I should say, because one involved a person that I still talk to and is a good friend and I'm happy with it; the other one, instead, was/is for a professor at my university...but he is like 45-50. Married. With children. (And don't think he's gay or bi in any possible way) How could I have an approach with him?? And it would be a bit awkward to date someone that old xD
    So yeah, basically now I'm free from any love relationship/love at first sight/crush/etc...and I don't even want to be in a relationship either. I'm fine with the life I live right now. I'll just wait for it to arrive when I least expect it.
  22. Like
    platy reacted to ghost in Your last music-related buy!   
    A 2016 surprise! This album features a mix of old jpops/enka, dub/electronic, and reggae.  

    Kiki Hitomi - Karma no Kusari
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    platy got a reaction from leafwork in Last thing you sold   
    Some hentai doujinshi.
    I have a few more left if anyone is interested. Going for reaaally cheap
  25. Like
    platy reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
    Not really brushing my hair recently lol
    I've posted this picture on my facebook and my grandma commented smth like "WHY U LOOK SO SCARED DID U SEE A GHOST"
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