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  1. Like
    platy reacted to leafwork in Leafwork Jewelry   
    Pride Collection items now available!
    More coming soon!



  2. Like
    platy reacted to echo in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    omg you have no idea how happy this makes me!! Here's the preview of their first album if you haven't heard it yet!!
    I really hope you like this band!!
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Mihenno in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    I always see this thread getting updated so I finally decided to check it out lol I'll listen to their stuff and see if I like it! I wanna get into them already just based on how well updated this thread is 
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from echo in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    I always see this thread getting updated so I finally decided to check it out lol I'll listen to their stuff and see if I like it! I wanna get into them already just based on how well updated this thread is 
  5. Like
    platy reacted to OrderMade in What are some good things going on in your life today!?   
    Discovering xaa-xaa~
  6. Like
    platy reacted to Kiryu999 in SuG live-limited single release   
    SuG will release their live-limited single "Darlin'" at their live "SuG's Day" on march 9th 

  7. Like
    platy reacted to Flame-X in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Started playing Megadimension Neptunia VII. It packs a lot of content but man its incredibly tedious dialogues makes me skip half the cut scenes (and in doing so, barely anything develops). So much moe moe & teehee talk. I guess this is what I get for buying it from the steam sale.  
  8. Like
    platy reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    My dog won't be able to walk outside without a muzzle anymore if this law is passed on 'aggressive dogs' in the Netherlands, simply because she is a Boxer and falls in the category of potentially aggressive. Supposedly this is to 'protect people'. She would end up with a muzzle because she was harmed by people and still doesn't trust them, especially men. We rescued her from France where she was left abandoned at a campsite, almost starving to death and protecting herself from the humans who had beaten and abused her to a point where she would even assist these criminals with break-ins and other crimes. My Father spent months rehabilitating her, we're about six years ahead in time now and she is still apprehensive toward strangers but very much a sweet and loving dog who wouldn't harm a fly if she had the chance. She is gentle with children (after getting to know them, before that she is simply withdrawn and suspicious), gentle and curious toward smaller animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs, and very accepting of touch and play. 

    This 'vicious' animal will be restrained against those who harmed her, so she can not harm them back and protect herself and the ones she wants to protect. Who should actually wear the muzzle here? I find it absolutely absurd that this law is even considered, especially when you consider that any breed can be brought up aggressive, Labradors, Chihuahuas, Jack Russells and every other breed equally so. Restrain the real perpetrators here, not the victims of vile human beings. The only solution to end aggression in dogs is to put an end to irresponsible breeders and owners.
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    I watched a documentary where a large group of 12 year old boys were left in alone in a house for a week so adults could see what happened via camera. Needles to say there was a lot of 'Gay'  being shouted at other boys when someone got annoyed. The documentary was from last year and I thought this trend was over in 2010.
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from Koike in random thoughts thread   
    Holy shit hevisaurus is the best visual kei band I discovered in 2017
  11. Like
    platy reacted to BrenGun in Anyone with disabilities?   
    People always joke about,
    However, I will struggle my whole life with the disability to never be able to learn a language perfect. 
    People would always keep on saying that my language skills sucks ass and that I'm just stupid.
    It's called DYSLEXIA. However I've no struggles with "real reading".   But my part is inside the "spelling and grammar" part.
    People also often say "well then you need to practice more".
    It's true from one side, but the dark part of it is, that if you stop the practice you will forget 50~99% of what you have learned.
    And how hard you try, there are things which you never ever will remember, which you always need to repeat endlessly.
    So I hope that people stop to tell anyone, LEARN ENGLISH, YOUR ENGLISH SUCKS.
    You never know what's really behind it.
  12. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    it is the god-given right of every good white boy to say this word very loudly at the entrance to an extremely large cave so that the echo may bounce off its walls forever..... just my onion
  13. Like
    platy reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    can't believe people still say "homos" in 2017
  14. Like
    platy reacted to itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    i'd like to introduce my new son
  15. Like
    platy reacted to chemicalpictures in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  16. Like
    platy reacted to SadMoomin in Show Yourself (again)   
    I tried to cosplay Wajow from THE GALLO yesterday, lol.

  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Fiz isso pra descansar a cabeca. Pros fas de gazette
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This is more in regards to the fandom >
    Fans that spam 'AAAHH' 'I'm having a fit, I'm dying' 'X is so cuteomfgxD' etc. when a new teaser for a band comes out drive me crazy, specially those that 'ship' band members.
    e.g people who ship DDRM's Takashi and Tomo, I know they cater to people who do that a LOT but I still think it's irritating/unnecessary. These people are the same ones who usually will just say they're in love with every release from a group, they can do no wrong and every song is 'the best fucking one'. 
    I know music isn't supposed to be criticised every time of the day, but I think it's good to be able to realise that artists will produce weak music and to be critical about it instead of just kissing their ass for everything they do. It just feels like I can't approach any fan of VK (outside of MH) with a negative comment about X band because all they can do is repeat the same mindless shit in Caps Lock, that or I get kicked out of groups.
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from Euronymous in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Fiz isso pra descansar a cabeca. Pros fas de gazette
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from Licio123 in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Fiz isso pra descansar a cabeca. Pros fas de gazette
  21. Like
    platy reacted to itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    i'm really hoping i'll stick with bass.
    with guitar, i found myself really not getting into it. and i don't think the reasoning behind that was because of my super-intense perfectionism (usually if i don't get something quickly, i give up, lol). i actually think it was because i honestly don't care for the sound of a guitar unless it's drop tuned and hebi hebi br00tal metal \m/, and since i only have a very shitty 6-string guitar with floppy spaghetti for strings (that is clearly built for old rock and nothing heavier), i wasn't happy with the sounds i was creating (i realize i'm not a good player, but seriously. how about you try dropping 10 gauge strings to drop A and see how good of a sound it makes)
    whereas, with bass, i love the sound, regardless of the tuning or genre it's being played in. i love how it can switch from smooth n groovy to your-ass-will-fall-out low n heavy real easily. i love the sort of freedom it gives, and how it always manages to sound good to my ears. guitar didn't have that 'click' with me.
    so, i think i'll stick with it! (i don't actually have a bass yet, but i've been watching tutorials on it all day and reading a ton and getting that education. i haven't lost interest once). i also plan on getting lessons which'll really help keep me motivated and not so lost all the time.
    oh yeah, i did actually go bass shopping the other day, and got to hold a bass. it felt so much nicer than my guitar (and it was a lot prettier...), so i'm really excited to get my own.
  22. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in the GazettE   
    Tru fans assemble
    Oni no men live from I don't know where. It says judgement day, but I'm fairly positive that it is not included on the DVD, at least the press I have. Plenty of other old gazette attractions on that channel as well, like an old bootleg recording of a show from 2003. God bless youtube.
  23. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in the GazettE   
    Listened to RAY on the way home from work last night
    My god, it perplexed me how one band could make a song so captivating. Ruki ever sounding like this again seems like a pipedream at this point.
    I'd be lost for words if I ever hear another track like this from them again.
  24. Like
    platy reacted to Saishu in the GazettE   
    I mean, in a lot of heavy western music, the bass mostly follows what the guitars are doing. But that's the complete opposite of what Japanese rock bands do, where you often get the bass laying down its own separate melodic foundation (Toshiya's performance in "Glass Skin" is a good example). So for Reita to suddenly just disappear is alarming. 
    Though, to be honest, I was never really fond of his bass playing to begin with. 
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This is more in regards to the fandom >
    Fans that spam 'AAAHH' 'I'm having a fit, I'm dying' 'X is so cuteomfgxD' etc. when a new teaser for a band comes out drive me crazy, specially those that 'ship' band members.
    e.g people who ship DDRM's Takashi and Tomo, I know they cater to people who do that a LOT but I still think it's irritating/unnecessary. These people are the same ones who usually will just say they're in love with every release from a group, they can do no wrong and every song is 'the best fucking one'. 
    I know music isn't supposed to be criticised every time of the day, but I think it's good to be able to realise that artists will produce weak music and to be critical about it instead of just kissing their ass for everything they do. It just feels like I can't approach any fan of VK (outside of MH) with a negative comment about X band because all they can do is repeat the same mindless shit in Caps Lock, that or I get kicked out of groups.
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