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  1. Like
    platy reacted to Ruha in Ruha's Fanart ~   
    Did this Kazuki one at the weekend.  

    And a better Zero picture here.

    I do have a page on facebook, if anyone's interested in it. I just need to update it again, I didn't do FIMO for a long time. Click
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from Chikage in New band "BABOO" has formed   
    they brought back the ptsd that i suffered whenever  wagamama paradeis showed up.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to WhirlingBlack in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    Unfortunately this will be never realized in such a big echo chamber like this one. Basically you have like each and every agitator practicing their foul deeds and when they get called out for their rude opinions or any bullshit, e.g.  faux-ubermensch entitlement in bigotry because of their self-proclaimed "not a str8 waipipo, fak off homofob" privilege (common issue among most trolls here, yet the staff does not even bat an eye), they escalate the situation and play the victim instead while there were no signs of "hate crime" or some sort in the first place.
    I shalt still refer to my status replies  because some trolls and otherwise easily offended ones still fail to realize this and prefer shooting the messengers as pastime.  Maybe someone should do something about identity talks as the basis of MH opinions nowadays. Yes, those talks have to be stopped, take it back to tumblr, livejournal, youtube, whatever pleases you. I just cannot fathom these days how someone's sex, orientation or ethnicity has to be involved when all we do mostly is drool over either Final fantasy cosplaying call boys' nasal anthems or chinese freak porn cartoons or anything that makes /jp/ blush - and WITHOUT problems! Aren't we basically all the same in the eyes of outsiders though?  Why would we segregate each other further?
    Forum's demise will be totes promised if the staff prefers to gloss over aforementioned, damaging aspects. Not a threat, just something that one of your red admins noted two years ago (still relevant).
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Ro plz in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    The previews makes this comes off as some half assed cash grab that wasn't needed. Granted that some of these songs sound fresher but i don't feel compelled to go out my way to grab this tbh. The only thing from Dir en grey's "rerecording phase" that they could've taken note from was using the same people who did post production work on their previous album and the string of works after.  Ted Jensen was that guy for the GazettE if im not mistaken.  The mixing is pretty bad....this can't be him.
    Still very against this hard on here that they should've followed Dir 's steps and "deconstructed" the songs.  Again, these songs were good as is. Niggas really wasted money in the studio for this lmao
    Count me out. 
  6. Like
    platy got a reaction from -jibakurei- in Roast the library of the person above you (LAST.FM USERS ONLY)   
    You've been spamming My Dragon all day, are you alright? Do you need to talk? You probably needed a rest from having the same edgy unkn0wn 4 bands on repeat for 12+ hours straight the day before.
    (the only thing I could pick on tbh. You listen to MSI, I automatically like you)
    (Yeah, I'm already aware that Black Eyed Peas' worst song is one of my most played ever)
  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    There is chain of pet stores in England that sells bunnies, geckos, hamsters ...I think they handle cats and dogs too sometimes, but I'm not sure. Either way, my friend who works there says the employees are trained to be able to tell if an owner is able to handle the pet or not, that goes for fish too. So they  can asses the person's knowledge, personality ,etc while and before the sale is complete and allow the pet to be sold or not. I think that should be standard practice everywhere tbh.
  8. Like
    platy reacted to The Bread Wolf in random thoughts thread   
    Unless the people getting hurt are just absolute pussies getting hurt only because they can. 
    More like, when someones opinion intentionally hurts other people its no longer an opinion only and you don't need to respect that.
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Probably also an unpopular opinion since fanfics etc are pretty normal in this fandom but I always found shipping real people weird and kinda gross. They're not fictional characters. But as long as people don't bother the actual bandmembers then I guess it's okay.
  10. Like
    platy reacted to Euronymous in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    well....as most of you may agree with me,SHIROKI YUUTSU,GUREN,PLEDGE,WITHOUT A TRACE and UNTITLED,didn't need to be re recorded
    so,i guess them tried to make it sound as refreshing and different as possible from the other records. (singing PLEDGE for exemple)
    i still think that them should have re recorded these old,sincere and simple ballads: juunanasai,shiawase na hibi,okuribi,hanakotoba and the epic chizuru,
    instead of those a mentioned above.would be the album of the year!!
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    *** less hate, more pope chickens
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from For my dears in Last movie you saw.   
    I tried to watch assassin's Creed. I kept falling asleep and also I was never interested in the games.  What I watched was mediocre and my friends who watched it entirely and have played the games said it was a 6/10 at most.  (and a criticism was that the apple was too small... Whatever that means ) 
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from itsukoii in random thoughts thread   
    *** less hate, more pope chickens
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    The fact that ppl try so hard to separate themselves on some sort of race/gender/sexual orientation-based grounds, sometimes to the extent that it pretty much becomes like their core defining feature, and then get mad when other ppl judge them based on this particular aspect of their personality is still a total ???????? to me, honestly. I mean, there's obviously nuances here between thinking like "Damn, having like 50 gender identities is weird, esp cuz half of them just seem to be the same thing w/ a different name slapped on" & literally shooting up a gay bar or something equal to that, but still
    identity politics was, to quote the epic anime man, a mistake
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    Now now, no one here is preaching bigotry so there's no reason for hostility.

    @sheepprincessgara, while I appreciate your...enthusiasm please realize that freedom is not absolute, especially not on this forum. This is the random thoughts thread but the rules still apply. I don't appreciate the use of those words. There is also no reason to personally attack @patientZERO for what he is saying, since he is not advocating bigotry. Please change your tone.
  16. Like
    platy reacted to patientZERO in random thoughts thread   
    Well, to speak truthfully, you do have to accept his opinion. You may not believe it (nor do I), but it is his opinion and we have to be okay with the fact that people will have differing viewpoints on things. When it becomes an issue is when it starts interfering with your everyday life. He's using YouTube as his platform to spread his hate, and honestly, YT is a cesspool of hate anyway. I'm glad you won't let it get to you, but wasting time watching, reading comments, and spending time thinking about it won't change his opinion or help better your life. It is sad that people can be this low-key, but right now, you're in a place (MH) that's accepting of you for who you are.
    Hate thrives on attention like fire thrives on oxygen. Fail to give it that and we can snuff out the flames.
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in New band キズ (Kizu)   
    "Before I start singing I want to know about the burden you carry on your backs.
    These days distance between fans and the bands are closer than ever,
    but for me who have never known something from the depths of the heart from fans
    Let me know "who" and "what" I am singing for
    I want to make some unique songs like that and for them to reach the bottom of your heart.
    I'm waiting for your phone call
    Vocalist of Kizu"
    something along those lines.
    tldr: bullshit.
    from 18.00 tomorrow (japan time) someone will answer on the phone number specificed on the flyer. they've been talking about it on tanuki as well so I'll probably report if someone says who it is/what they say
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in New band キズ (Kizu)   
    that message dead-ass sounds like LITERALLY just about every "new dark-ish vk band trying to describe their concept" post that has ever been made in the last decade or smth
  19. Like
    platy reacted to suji in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    just let out your bandmen sex fantasies thru fanfiction/fanart ♥♥♥
  20. Like
    platy reacted to emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    whats worse than the ddrm shippers are the people who ACTUALLY think tomo and takashi are together and try to offer EVIDENCE...bitch go back to your side of the internet and ship those doctor who characters
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This is more in regards to the fandom >
    Fans that spam 'AAAHH' 'I'm having a fit, I'm dying' 'X is so cuteomfgxD' etc. when a new teaser for a band comes out drive me crazy, specially those that 'ship' band members.
    e.g people who ship DDRM's Takashi and Tomo, I know they cater to people who do that a LOT but I still think it's irritating/unnecessary. These people are the same ones who usually will just say they're in love with every release from a group, they can do no wrong and every song is 'the best fucking one'. 
    I know music isn't supposed to be criticised every time of the day, but I think it's good to be able to realise that artists will produce weak music and to be critical about it instead of just kissing their ass for everything they do. It just feels like I can't approach any fan of VK (outside of MH) with a negative comment about X band because all they can do is repeat the same mindless shit in Caps Lock, that or I get kicked out of groups.
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This is more in regards to the fandom >
    Fans that spam 'AAAHH' 'I'm having a fit, I'm dying' 'X is so cuteomfgxD' etc. when a new teaser for a band comes out drive me crazy, specially those that 'ship' band members.
    e.g people who ship DDRM's Takashi and Tomo, I know they cater to people who do that a LOT but I still think it's irritating/unnecessary. These people are the same ones who usually will just say they're in love with every release from a group, they can do no wrong and every song is 'the best fucking one'. 
    I know music isn't supposed to be criticised every time of the day, but I think it's good to be able to realise that artists will produce weak music and to be critical about it instead of just kissing their ass for everything they do. It just feels like I can't approach any fan of VK (outside of MH) with a negative comment about X band because all they can do is repeat the same mindless shit in Caps Lock, that or I get kicked out of groups.
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Ele ficou velho, ue.
    Agora eles fazem parte do movimento papelao-kei.
    Eu falo mal mas eu voltei a gostar deles com tudo dps de assistir o live mais recente da banda
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Fiz isso pra descansar a cabeca. Pros fas de gazette
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in Platy's Stuff   
    One of my resolutions this year was to start posting my work online and I thought I'd start in MH since I feel more comfortable here, also I haven't drawn for fun in a long time so I hope that I will start drawing more if I force myself to post it somewhere...
    I'm almost done with my degree in 3D Games Art so I'll be posting some of my work for that here, since I don't have time to draw much else. It takes up most of my life so I can't wait to be done with it. 
    Disclaimers: I still suck at digital painting. I still suck at 3D modelling. But I'd love to get any kind of feedback on the stuff I post here!
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