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  1. Like
    platy reacted to Ikna in Ikna's †Art Castle†   
    Nothing happens today at work atm, so time to shitpost some artz:

    Moar Madeth fanart, this time it's Izumi and Reika

    As you can see I really like purple...

    Random edgy VK dude inspired by good old D'espairsRay's looks

    Something older when I felt extra shite and in the mood of RIP

    Some sketch I like
  2. Like
    platy reacted to Yukami in ぞんび(zonbi) new live DVD release   
    ぞんび(zonbi) new live DVD "ぞんび ワンマンツアー2017~全国完全感染~「ぼくらはみんな死んでいる。」@TSUTAYA O-WEST 2017.3.24" will be released at 2017/07/19 (3,300 yens)
    1. SE (アンデッド・ヒーロー)
    3. 21世紀の精神異常者
    4. 腐り姫
    5. ハッピーハッピーグロテスク
    6. - MC -
    7. 夕闇行進曲
    8. 墓場 de ラヴソング
    9. -Bass&Drums Session-
    10. まっくら
    11. 餞の唄
    12. - MC -
    13. マダム・フローレンスの人体調理講座
    14. 交響曲第9番「真夜中の第二音楽室」
    15. 四丁目アパート殺害事件
    16. 細菌マン
    17. アブノーマル・セラピー
    18. リビングデッド・マーチ

    19. にわか雨
    20. - MC -
    21. 午前五時、絶望
    22. 死ねばいいのに。
  3. Like
    platy reacted to -NOVA- in グリモア(GRIMOIRE) new album "グリモワール(GRIMOIRE)" release   
    Track-list for both editions are the same except for track 6
    Talpa Ver
    1[    ]
    +【DVD】いらないもの MV
    Gensou Ver
    1[    ]
    +【DVD】ゆめのまほろば MV
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    platy reacted to emmny in ユメリープ(Yumeleep) new single "かげくいまくら" release   
    i realized WHY exactly i hate this shit so much...its cuz
    he sounds like hatsune miku's man cousin
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    platy reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    News from the last couple of days makes it seem as if some sort of serial kidnapper/killer may be active in the Netherlands or something. Two 14 year old girls disappear and turn up dead within a span of just a few days and in close proximity to one another & there's a bunch of reports of girls in a similar age range being harassed by someone in a car (though this last bit could of course very well simply be a product of mass hysteria and sensationalism).. There's  no 'concrete' links between the two cases yet, but the fact that these things happened in such close proximity to one another and in such a short time span feels pretty shady. Even in the wake of more serious, large scale terrorist attacks abroad it's still pretty creepy to think about the fact that this sort of thing is still possible as well. For some reason it feels weird how this particular type of crime can still happen in this day and age, serial killing in this day and age feels like something you only read about or see in crime or horror stories, though I guess people should never underestimate people in terms of being able to do messed up shit
    Turns out the 'dudes in a car harassing girls' part may have indeed just been  a product of mass hysteria, as a 14 year old boy was taken in as a suspect for 1 case, and a 16 year old for the other one. Still, lots of very weird coincidences all over. Bizarre story, no matter how it ends.
  14. Like
    platy reacted to suji in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    am i the only one who thought alexis' lipsync dance was like watching a soccer mom dance in the club???
  15. Like
    platy reacted to saishuu in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    Trinity is resuscitating VK in the west all by herself, her impact tho
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in ユメリープ(Yumeleep) new single "かげくいまくら" release   
    How do people unironically like this vocalist? The music itself and the look are fine, but the vocalist is seriously Pinokiwo or Elektel Shiki-tier
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy theeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee, long time no see, right? xD

  18. Like
    platy reacted to qotka in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    Trinity's final look this week is so vkei lol
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from qotka in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    The looks this episode were too much!! Beautiful stuff. 
    Alexis made me laugh a few times, again with ''shady bitches didn't tell me my outfit was not good'' then saying that she didn't see sasha, Trinity or shea as high fashion LOL Trinity served us sci-fi anime cop couture and killed it, Shea made Builder couture a thing for fuck's sake. 
    Then the cherry on top 'you guys see me as competition' and sasha hastily agreeing 'yeah... You're sickening I love you'. These bitches are too fake. 
    Anyway, I will stop writing long rants since that bitch is gone lol sorry everyone who has scrolled through my posts 
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    The looks this episode were too much!! Beautiful stuff. 
    Alexis made me laugh a few times, again with ''shady bitches didn't tell me my outfit was not good'' then saying that she didn't see sasha, Trinity or shea as high fashion LOL Trinity served us sci-fi anime cop couture and killed it, Shea made Builder couture a thing for fuck's sake. 
    Then the cherry on top 'you guys see me as competition' and sasha hastily agreeing 'yeah... You're sickening I love you'. These bitches are too fake. 
    Anyway, I will stop writing long rants since that bitch is gone lol sorry everyone who has scrolled through my posts 
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    The looks this episode were too much!! Beautiful stuff. 
    Alexis made me laugh a few times, again with ''shady bitches didn't tell me my outfit was not good'' then saying that she didn't see sasha, Trinity or shea as high fashion LOL Trinity served us sci-fi anime cop couture and killed it, Shea made Builder couture a thing for fuck's sake. 
    Then the cherry on top 'you guys see me as competition' and sasha hastily agreeing 'yeah... You're sickening I love you'. These bitches are too fake. 
    Anyway, I will stop writing long rants since that bitch is gone lol sorry everyone who has scrolled through my posts 
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from LIDL in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    The looks this episode were too much!! Beautiful stuff. 
    Alexis made me laugh a few times, again with ''shady bitches didn't tell me my outfit was not good'' then saying that she didn't see sasha, Trinity or shea as high fashion LOL Trinity served us sci-fi anime cop couture and killed it, Shea made Builder couture a thing for fuck's sake. 
    Then the cherry on top 'you guys see me as competition' and sasha hastily agreeing 'yeah... You're sickening I love you'. These bitches are too fake. 
    Anyway, I will stop writing long rants since that bitch is gone lol sorry everyone who has scrolled through my posts 
  23. Like
    platy reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    Definitely on point. I know being politically involved is important, but there's gotta be a limit. I don't wanna be constantly reminded of the shitty government on every site I go on, it gets annoying after a while.
    What I addressed however, is that even when I do talk about non-Japanese music, which I mostly grew up on, I always look like a fucking idiot just cuz I don't know as much about that like I do about Japanese music. I always have some certain fucking know-it-all try to "correct" me on what shit I'm supposed to like and my actual tastes just get shit on. What the fuck happened to discussing your faves? That kind of attitude from western music fans has always turned me off and that's why I really don't discuss music a lot anymore, and it's definitely why I've strayed away from western music.
  24. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    Honestly speaking this and perhaps a few things here and there outside of our weeb joys (western music, maybe - we do have a metal section with frequenting members eh) should be the only fields of social topics for MH social foraging. We've had too much of unreasonable shit, flak and bad blood left even to this day due to highly varying stances per each socio-political topic outside of Jayrawk talks.
    Maybe you guys should listen to certain critic figures, musicians - the hell, even comedians (since they are these so-called purveyors of widely accepted netizen ideas) akin to Kevin Hart who agree on such irrelevant topic intrusions just causing further alienation in our target audience - japanese music fans, that is.
    Think what you want to think, but mind subject relevancy if you want to have the same good ol' bunch of "really hot people" participating and keeping the forum alive.
  25. Like
    platy reacted to efuru in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   

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